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"Look who's finally joining us after asking for so long."Said Jin in a teasing tone and Jungkook smiled as he sat down beside him on the cafeteria table.

"I miss the time when you used to follow us in high school like a kid."

"Now, it's rather very difficult to even see you."

And the prince just rolled his eyes.

"Oh please"

"I walked here the moment Taehyung told me you want to have lunch together."

Yugyeom who was with him also sat down and nodded.


"Besides it has been long since we ate the lunch from business department."

" So,here we are."

Jin chuckled and nodded.


"But do join us sometimes without you know me calling you."

Jungkook smiled sheepishly.



"I have done the last part but I think we should revise it once just to be sure, yeah ?"Said Hoseok and Taehyung nodded.


"Send it to me and I'll take a look later."

The elder's eyes then fell on their table and he stopped with a gasp.

The younger turned to him confused.

"What happened ?"

"You didn't tell me Yugyeom was also joining us for lunch with Jungkook ?"

And the other looked bemused.

"I thought it was obvious."

"If hyung joins us for lunch his best friend will, too."

"Besides why does it matter ?"

But the elder looked almost panicked.


"How does my hair look ?"

He tried to fix his hairstyle.

And Taehyung giggled as he realised the situation here.

"Why ?"

"Do you want to impress him ?"

But before Hoseok could say anything someone called for the student president.

"Yeah ?"He said.

"I need you to check my assignment before I submit it to the professor."

"Can you take a look at it, please ?"

The younger nodded with a kind smile.


He turned to Hoseok and gestured him to join others.

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