The one survivor

69 5 16

Tw: Violence, blood, children.


"Amita, run!" Wrecker shouted as he dodged a one of the creatures.

"I can't just leave you here!" I exclaimed. "You're the only tolerable one!"

I shot one of the animals that had lunged at him, making a clear path for him. He sprinted towards me, and we made out getaway into the forest.

"Where'd the others go?" I asked, weaving between trees.

"I dunno!" Wrecker yelled back.

I saw another one of the fanged creatures dart towards Wrecker, so I shot it. "There's too many of them!"

We reached the end of the woods, a cliff in front of us. I peered down, spotting a river far below with trees surrounding it. 

"We can't jump," I shook my head. "There's no way we'd survive that."

Six of the beasts crawled out from the forest, blood dripping from their mouths.

"What did they kill?" Wrecker cried out.

"What do you wanna do, mess with the animals or jump?" I asked.

Wrecker cringed as he looked down. "I'm not goin' down there."

"What are you two doing?" Crosshair asked as he ran out of the woods before spotting the creatures. "What the kark are those?"

A good question, that I would've asked Tech, if he'd not told Lily where I was. I was currently mad at him.

They had fangs that dripped with blood and shining grey coats of fur. Their red eyes gleamed, and they had six legs.

"How'd it go at the village?" I nervously laughed.

"Focus, Amita!" Crosshair hissed, slowly backing away from the growling animals.

"I'm trying to distract myself, okay?" I snapped. "This is a nightmare!"

Wrecker gasped with excitement. "Can I blow them up?"

I considered it for a second before nodding. "Go ahead."

Wrecker cackled and pulled an explosive out from his pack. He tossed it at them, and while they were distracted by the sudden blinking device, we ran past them.

A sudden explosion of heat at my back made me run faster, catching up to Crosshair with his long legs.

"Woo!" Wrecker cheered.

"So... about the village," Crosshair awkwardly said. "Turns out the animals killed everyone there before we got there."

My heart sunk into my stomach. "No one survived?"

Well," Crosshair hesitated, "one person survived."

"Why do you say it like it's a bad thing?" I questioned.

We reached the village, the blood soaked planks creaking beneath our feet.

"Thank kriff you're back," Hunter sighed in relief. "Do you have any experience with children?"

"What?" I narrowed my eyes. "Please don't tell me there's a kid somewhere here."

Tech held up the little thing, its pudgy face screwed up as it cried.

"Maker!" I screamed, cowering behind Wrecker. "Get that thing out of here!" 

"Does this frighten you?" Tech asked in amusement, holding up the infant.

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