Chapter One

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The tension in the room was intoxicating. Anger and frustration coursed through Rachel and Kim, for different reasons. Kim believed Rachel's personal feelings toward Max were clouding her professional judgment. Rachel saw Kim as someone who had been around Max for too long; he had got into her head, poisoned her and manipulated her against everyone but him. She had been brainwashed by the love and affection he'd showed toward her, so much so that she couldn't see him in any other light.

"Look Rachel, however you feel about Max, we are in a relationship and it's serious, you can think what you like, but don't you dare question my ability to do my job just because I'm his ally!" Kim retorted

Rachel scoffed

"Kim, you've barely known him five minutes! He's got you wrapped around his little finger! He's a liar and a bully, Kim!"

"You're just jealous! Max is doing a better job at turning this place around; you're scared he'll push you out! Eddie was too in love with you to criticise you, and now he's gone and Max is changing things, and you don't like it!" Kim spat

"No, Kim. It has nothing to do with that! This is about,"

"Rachel, I love him! I'm happy, yeah? I'm so happy! Why can't you just be happy for me? I thought we were friends!" Kim snapped, interrupting her

Rachel flinched

"You are my friend Kim; I just... I don't want you to get hurt!" She sighed, her voice wobbling

Kim heard the emotion in Rachel's voice. She looked at her, noticing the anxious body language, the trembling lip. This was more than just jealousy.

"What do you mean?" Kim frowned, speaking more calmly

"It's nothing" Rachel mumbled

"No, no, it isn't. Rachel, tell me what you know!" Kim argued

"You need to ask Max" Rachel muttered

"I'm not asking Max; I'm asking you Rachel, tell me!" Kim insisted

Rachel sighed

"Max is married"

Kim stared at her in disbelief

"What? No, he isn't! He's divorced, he told me" Kim scoffed

"He lied to you Kim. He still lives with her, they're still married. I'm sorry"

"How... how do you know?" Kim stammered

"Chris told me. Max asked him to keep Jenny away from you on the open day, to stop you from finding out,"

"From finding out what exactly, Rachel?"

The two women turned to see Max in the doorway, scowling, his eyes filled with anger. Kim's eyes filled with tears as soon as she saw him. Neither Rachel or Kim were sure how much he'd heard, or how long he'd been standing there. Judging by the look on his face it had been long enough.

"That you're still married, Max" Rachel finished

"Is it true, Max?" Kim asked, staring at the man she had grown to love over the last few weeks, demanding an answer

"Kim," Max started

"IS IT TRUE?!" Kim yelled

Max looked at her, stunned, taken aback by her outburst.

"Look, I can explain" Max started

"Don't bother" Kim hissed, storming past him

"Kim, wait!" he called after her

"No, Max. You and I are done!" Kim snapped, storming out

Max sighed, his head snapping over to Rachel, his eyes still filled with rage.

"Happy now, are you?" Max growled

"She had a right to know Max, I'm sorry that you felt otherwise" she shrugged

He snapped, shoving her hard. Her back smacked into the wall with an immense force. She lost her balance, falling forwards, banging her head on her desk on the way down. The pain was instant and intense. She cried out.

"You just can't leave things alone can you? You always have to have the last word! Well not anymore, you're finished Rachel"

He stormed out of the office, leaving Rachel on the floor, holding her
stomach, whimpering in pain. Her head was spinning. The pain shot through her back and stomach, paralysing her. She cried out again, hoping someone would hear her. But no one came. She let out a strangled sob, rubbing her hand gently over her stomach where her little one was growing inside.

"Just hang in there darling, ok? I'll get us home and we'll go to the hospital. Please, I can't lose you" she pleaded with the little life growing inside of her

She stood up carefully, wincing in pain.

"Rachel, I'm sorry. I've been an idiot!" Kim sighed, walking back into the office

Rachel didn't answer, in too much pain to speak. She just wanted to leave.

"Rachel, are you ok?" Kim asked, studying Rachel's demeanour carefully

"I'm fine, Kim" Rachel replied through gritted teeth, grabbing her bag as the bell went off

"Where are you going?" Kim frowned

"Where does it look like? I'm going home, Kim!" Rachel snapped, desperately trying to quietly breathe through the pain shooting through her stomach

"Look, I know you're mad at me Rachel, and I'm sorry. But can we just talk about this? Please?" Kim pleaded

"Leave me alone, Kim, we'll talk about this tomorrow" Rachel sighed, finally turning to look at her

Kim saw the blood trickling down the right side of her forehead.

"Rachel, you're bleeding!" She exclaimed

Rachel rolled her eyes, holding the bottom of her stomach as another pain ripped through it.

"I'm fine, Kim. If you don't mind, I need to get home" she lied, moving to leave the office

Kim stood in front of her, blocking her path.

"Did Max do this? Did he assault you?" She questioned

Rachel shook her head

"Rachel, tell me the truth!" Kim demanded

"I said I'm fine, let me pass, please" Rachel pleaded

"No, Rachel, not until you tell me what happened! You're in pain and you're bleeding" Kim insisted, placing a hand on her arm

Rachel flinched, pulling away immediately

"Kim I won't ask again! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Rachel yelled

Taken aback by Rachel's outburst, Kim moved out of her path immediately. Rachel felt guilty for snapping at her, but she didn't want to talk. She just wanted to get home.

"Will you at least let me drive you?" Kim requested

"No, Kim, leave me alone" Rachel responded, fighting back tears as she headed out of the office and out of sight

She walked out of the school, climbing into her car and slamming the door shut behind her. The tears were streaming down her cheeks now, formed equally from anger and pain. She rubbed her stomach gently, feeling her little one kicking in response.

"Let's go home" she whispered

Suddenly, another pain ripped through her stomach. She gripped the steering wheel tightly, crying out in pain as she began to sob. She knew the baby was coming, and the thought of that scared her. She was only 36 weeks, it was too early.

In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to be at home with Eddie. She needed his support and words of encouragement. The only way to have that, was to get home and hope he'd already be there waiting. He was always home from work before her on Thursdays, without fail.

She started the car, driving out of the school gates, away from Max Tyler.

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