Chapter three

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Chapter three-

Kate is handing me the coffee. “Non-fat. Whole milk. Caramel latte for milady.”

“Thanks Katie. Hi, Suzie. Ray is just coming..stayed here last night.” I say.

“Sure, anything new?” Suzie asks.

“Yeah. Syd is going out with Ryan Bellicoff.”

“The one in your Justin’s group?” Kati looks shocked.

“The very same.” I state.

“Finally.” Ray yealls from across the road. She comes rushing in her Gues by Marciano aviators.

“Come, sit. We are already are late, Ray.” Kate shouts back.

She starts the car as soon as Ray settles down. “Anything new from your side?” I ask them.

“Yes. I just need an A+ for my Data.” Suzie says cheerfully.

“You mean, another A+?” Ray teases her.


There is one whole month left we graduate and Suzie is already sending her bio-datas across the world. She sure is aiming high.

“You will get that too. Don’t worry.” I acknowledge.

Talking spends all the time and we reach the NYU.

Me and Kate are in the same batches so we buh-byed Ray and Suzie and make our way to the Psychology class. The corridor is all in hustle-bustle and on my way, I see Justin standing with Ben, Jake, Ry, Zack, Kev and Jason. As my eyes met Justin’s, he winked at me. Then I turned to his right side to see Ben smiling at me so I smiled back.

“Still not over, Lexy?” Kate commented as she saw our eye-contact.

“Yeah. Hey, Kev is coming.” I say as I see Kevin coming in our direction.

When Kev comes, he says hello to me and kisses Kate passionately. “Morning, babe. See ya in English class. Bye.” And he vanishes quickly.

“I live Kev.” I say.

“You say that everyday.” Katie smiles at me when we enter the class.

“Can you help me get over Justin?” I ask her.

“You say THAT everyday, too. For the past two years..”

“Yeah, I know. I cant help it.”

We take our seats as we see Mrs. Smith coming in.

“Good morning, everyone. Submit the essays, please.” She says and starts dictating Shakespeare’s point-of-view as soon we submitted it and noted it down.

“So. What’s the key line in this paragraph?” Mrs. Smith asks us. 

Several hands rose. “Yes, Miss Berg?” She asks Katie.

“I think that leaving Antony alive was Brutus’s biggest mistake here.” Katie answers.

“Good. Anything you want to add, Ms. Bass?” she asks me.

“Uhm..yeah. I think allowing Antony to  make a speech was a problem too.” I say to her.

“Good. According to who, Ms. Doughlas?” She continues questioning.

Naomi answers, “According to Plutarch, Brutus’s character is full of flaws.”

“And why  does Plutarch feel that way, Mr. Liam?”

“Because he made a mistake even after he was warned several times which is just stupidity.” Liam says.

“Well, you wont write the ‘stupidity’ part, Liam, if you want good grades.” Said Mrs.Smith and the whole class burst into a peel of laughter.

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