Nariyah Jones
Past-(7 years ago)

"Nariyah, Mariah come here" Janet yelled to her 11 year old daughters, Nariyah popped her eyes open and hurriedly ran downstairs to her mother.

Last time she fell asleep while her mother was calling her she got a bad spanking resulting in multiple bruises to form on her caramel skin.

Nariyah was the first to stand in front of her high tempered mother. Just when Janet was getting ready to yell again Mariah came running around the corner into the small run down kitchen.

Janet pulled out a pack a cigarettes and begin hitting it on the wooden table, she continued to stare at the little girls who timidly played with their fingers.

"Y'all daddy comin' ta' get y'all" she spoke bitterly, her southern accent seeping deep into her voice.

She grabbed a cigarette out the small container and put it to her lip, she lit the cigarette and puffed out the toxic smoke into the girls face.

Nariyah softly coughed and and cast her eyes downwards as her mothers gaze became increasingly more bitter.

"If y'all tell him about anything that goes on in this damn house, that's y'all ass" she spit out angrily, her yellow teeth on display.

"Nariyah, I know how much you like to run ya' mouth" Janet put the cigarette out and grabbed Nariyah's face harshly.

She whimpered as tears begin forming in her light green eyes, looking up at her mothers face she frowned and looked for any sympathy or remorse.

"If he know some, I know who ass I'm beatin" she whispered to Nariyah and snatched her hand off the little girls face.

Nariyah grabbed her aching jaw and stepped back to match her older twins posture.

"Behave, now go get y'all shit" Janet mugged shooing them off as she lit up another cigarette.

Nariyah let her tears fall freely as she slid down her now closed bedroom door, a soft knock sounded on the door.

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and stood up opening the creaking old door.

"Nariyah?" Her twin asked softly coming to hug her younger sister.

"It's okay mama, we gon' be out of here one day" Mariah promised closing her eyes, she and her twin sat there and cried their little eyes out.


"Janet" Marco nodded coldly to his baby momma, in all honesty he hated her. He wished he was never was a fuck boy when he was younger.

His old ways caused him to knock up a bitter teenager, he was just a teen his self.

As he stepped into the small living room he took in the room and mugged the air, it smelt bad.

Throwing a glance to the hole in the floor two feet away he stepped over it and walked-ran upstairs to where he knew his babies would be.

He had lived in this house before, but back then it looked better. It looked and smelled cleaner.

But that was before he had been locked up. He had gotten set up by Janet herself.

But luckily he had only gotten 6 years plus 1 year probation.

He had gotten out of jail 2 days ago and couldn't wait to see his beautiful babies.

He walked into Mariah room first and looked around at the mess on the floor, he shook his head and chuckled as he begin to get angrier.

Not seeing his oldest daughter he walked into Nariyah room.

As he stepped in he smiled big as both his little babies sat playing pattie cake quietly.

They both turned towards Marco and visibly got more excited. They both squealed loudly and jumped off the bed to excited to notice Janet in the hallway watching.

They ran into him as he picked them up and hugged them close.

"I missed y'all" Marco cooed to his daughters. They stayed quiet as they tried not to cry in their fathers arms.

Marco blinked his eyes hard as small tears threatened to fall from his green eyes.

Both of the girls had gotten all their looks from their father, it's just Nariyah had gotten his green eyes and Mariah got Janet's Hazel eyes.

Marco was a Latino baby, born and raised in Mexico until his Mama moved them to Dallas, Texas when he was just 13.

From then on he built up his own empire, becoming the most feared drug lord. He was 13 selling and killing. He had so many bodies that he couldn't count them anymore.

But as he held his only daughters he wished he could have had a better life in order to raise his babies right.

"Come on sweethearts" he mumbled putting them down, he ignored Janet who watched them with bitterness all over her face.

Janet was Jamaican, but she had grown up in America with her father.

But the her father died to she had moved in with her auntie and uncle when she was 12 years old.

When she met Marco she was just supposed to be a one night stand, but 2-3 weeks later she found out she was pregnant with his babies.

She didn't want the kids but Marco threatened to kill her if she killed them.

As Marco walked past Janet he bumped her shoulder and held onto both girls hands as they wheeled their suitcases down the wooden stairs.

"Have my kids back hea' by 10 Marco" Janet mugged his back then cast a menacing look to Nariyah. There was a hidden promise. If she was to say something then she would be the one getting in trouble.

This time Nariyah had hoped her twin would learn to keep her temper and mouth together.

But yet as Nariyah gazed at Mariah she just knew some shit was finna go down tonight.

She sighed and shook her head, her curly pigtails wiped around on her lower back as she was strapped into the car.

Janet glared at the black sleek truck and rolled her hazel eyes.

"Dumb ass kids" she mumbled slamming her door shut.


"Imma call y'all mama and tell her y'all gon' stay wimme' tonight" Marco smiled already clicking on Janet contact.

He dialed her number and she picked up on the second ring, as he heard her voice he mugged the air in disgust and begin telling her that his daughters would be spending the night at his house.

"I don't care Marco," Janet said tiredly and hung the phone up, clenching his fist he forced a smile on his face and turned to his daughter that were in the back dozing off.

He had took them to the skating rink then after that they had went out to eat at a fancy restaurant he owned.

After they ate he got them ice cream off the menu to tire them out.

He chuckled as he remembered the girls hyper-ness 30 minutes ago.

Driving off to his house he glanced between his daughters and the road, he feared that they might disappear if he didn't keep watching them.

Once he pulled up in front of his two story home he got out and grabbed Nariyah on his left arm and Mariah on his right carrying the two 11 year olds into the house.

He sat then gently on the couch, as he fixed them so they wouldn't wake up he caught a glance of Nariyahs left arm.

Red and blue bruises lined up and down her arm, his jaw begin ticking violently as he lifted up her long sleeve further.

For some reason he had knew exactly who did it.

He had knew exactly who would be getting killed tonight. Either from his hands or someone close that he knew.

But she was going to have to die.

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