Kill the impostors

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Global POV
As Najenda mentioned before Kumagawa and Leone's mission, Sheele was tasked with training with Akame in order to get used to fighting without Teigu again.

But the main objective of this training was above all to allow Sheele to regain her self-confidence.

Indeed, even more than her combat abilities, the loss of her Teigu had shaken the mind of the assassin who was afraid of becoming a burden for her friends.

Najenda's second goal was also to use this training to allow Kumagawa to gain experience.

Because after the few fights that the young man has led since his encounter with the Night Raid, it had become quite obvious that he didn't have a lot of experience, as evidenced by the ease with which his opponents manage to surprise him.

Furthermore, with the strange behavior of Mine and Sheele's opponent, it was clear to Najenda that one way or another the Empire had discovered the existence of Kumagawa...

Otherwise, why else would this famous Seryu have fought while avoiding killing her enemies at all costs...

For these reasons, the leader of the Night Raid asked Bullat to accompany Kumagawa to witness Sheele's training, so that he could give advice to the young man.

So on the hard, dusty ground of the training ground, Akame stood facing Sheele.

On the other side of the field, Sheele was trembling with anxiety, her eyes full of uncertainty and doubt.

She had lost confidence in herself, overwhelmed by the fear of becoming useless without her Teigu.



(in a friendly tone)

Are you ready Sheele?


(looking serious)

Akame...please, even if our weapons are made of wood, don't hold back!


(looking determined)

I understand…okay Sheele


Following Akame's words, the atmosphere became heavier, then in an almost heavy silence, she put herself on guard.

So the black-haired woman took a defensive posture, ready to retaliate.

Her piercing gaze was filled with determination, as she observed her opponent

Sheele, for her part, clenched her fists nervously.

Her posture was hunched and her shoulders seemed to carry the weight of the world.

As the seconds turned to minutes, the silence was broken by the unexpected sound of a shot cutting the air.

Akame launched a quick and precise attack.

Kumagawa X Akame Ga Kill (English)Where stories live. Discover now