[COMMAND: /thaw]

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Harsh winds howled and bellowed against the snowbank that blanketed the now desolate city. High and low this once lustrous city laid skinned of its glory. No more were the constant flow of tourists and richmen spending their paper on attire and foodstuffs. Instead, their flesh was ripped from their bones and were left cowering in the same position they had died. Their bodies were buried under several feet of snow at the moment, making it difficult to traverse the terrain without tripping or stepping on discarded corpses. This was made even more difficult with the snow piling up with every passing moment.

Uzi Doorman, a young adult dressed in hot-topic with purple hair matching her digital orbs, zipped open her jacket and peeked inside to gaze at the damp map that she had to shield so the wind wouldn't tear it from her hands. She was close to her destination, but her obsured vision made this more of a chore than an adventure. Her balance shifted suddenly and she fought to keep upright. Annoyed, she looked down and put on a scolding voice. "N! Watch where you're going!"

A second robot bounced out of the snow and shook his head of snow, revealing that he was carrying Uzi on his shoulders. "Sorry Uzi, it's a little hard to see what with all this snow. Also, I don't think this is a body..."

Interest now piqued, Uzi jumped off of N's shoulders and started digging. She found what appeared to be a flat metal surface. Uzi took another look at her map and nodded. "This is it."

"I'll start digging." N's hands were replaced by miniature shovels and proceeded to toss snow to the side.

Uzi stayed behind and pulled out a letter that was crumbled in her pocket. It was aged, damp, and the letters were faded, but it was still comprehensible. Uzi had discovered it earlier tonight when she and N were looking for scraps and potential clues of her mother. It was an anonymous letter that offered a position at a highly secret and illegal laboratory to whoever it was sent to and came with a map. Uzi had wasted no time in bringing the two of them here while she could. She was restless after her confrontation with Doll and with nothing else to do, she left the colony. Uzi looked to the night sky and noted the position of the moon. There was still time to find answers.

"All done!"

Uzi looked up and saw that the bunker was entirely exposed along with most of the snow in the area. She can sometimes forget just how efficient N can be. She gave him a fist-bump and proceeded to turn the wheel. When it could no longer turn, she hefted the door open, and let it slam the rest of the way. She reached into her bat-bag and clicked on a flashlight. The pair took tentative steps down the staircase so as not to slip on the frozen surface and slowly made their way to a set of doors that appeared to be locked. N stepped forward and knocked the doors off their hinges with a kick.


Before them was a hall interconnected with others. Each hall had a pair of labs on opposite sides that were filthy with dust and cracked instruments. The floor was littered with human corpses that were partially submerged in water, one of which was destroyed by the door that lay in the middle. N shuddered while Uzi was unfazed. She gestured for N to follow her lead and made her way down one of the halls. She pointed her light through each window and took a moment to scan the rooms. A few seemed to have conducted experiments for humans as one of the skeletons laid on a dissection table with a gown. Others had animals that were unfortunately stuck in their cages when Wintergeddon happened. N was distraught by this and Uzi looked at him with pity, putting a comforting hand on his back.

They took a left and found an elevator. Uzi looked to the side and discovered a screen with a sketched handprint. She quickly turned and shoved the bag into N's hands. She pulled out a small toolbox and grabbed a nearby wheelchair to set it on to avoid drenching it in water while the flashlight was propped to aim at the screen.

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