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The sounds of footsteps bounced off the walls of the frigid corridors as two drones cautiously made their way through the dark tunnels with a flashlight. One of them was a familiar face, Lizzy, who was practically dragging the other by his hand. The young drone had green optics and wore blue and white sneakers with yellow laces; he wears a maroon and yellow cap that matched his jacket, which was worn over a black tee with a digital zero on the front. Lizzy had woken him up from Rest Mode and told him they would be sneaking out to see the rumored human stalking the halls. He was into it at first, but his wires were starting to get the better of him.

"I don't think we should be doing this, Lizz'." Thad says as he tries to keep his cap on his dome, though the cap was practically embedded into it.

Lizzy rolls her eyes as they round a corner. "Oh don't be a baby, Thad. Humans aren't made of metal like us. If he were to try anything, we can make him regret it."

She had a point, though that didn't quiet his doubts.

They arrive at the storage room, a space lined with shelves that tower over them with various kinds junk and garbage that would be a rodent's paradise had they still been alive. The storage room was actually just a place the janitors would dump the colony's trash while they hid from the Murder Drones. However, even though they weren't in any real danger at the moment, nobody was willing to take the time to clean it out. Thad looked at one shelf in particular and could see a spare hand resting against a Jack-in-the-box. It was unnerving, but he kept his cool in front of Lizzy to keep up the appearance he worked hard to maintain.

"You think he walks around with a knife?" Lizzy asks while pointing the flashlight to her faceplate and making a spooky expression.

Thad laughs and dismisses the idea with a hand. "Nah, that's only in movies."

Their fun was robbed from them when a loud crash boomed off the walls of the room. Lizzy quickly hands over the flashlight to Thad and hides behind him like he was a shield.

"What was that...?" She asks in a terrified whisper.


Thad looks beyond the darkness before him and bites his lip uncertain. He quickly shakes his head and puffs out his chest with a determined look. "I'll go check it out."

Lizzy swooned at such a heroic statement. She could count on her man to protect her from danger, just like how he stood up for the colony during the Breach. He was so handsome, strong, and-

She stops mid-thought when she realizes she was alone. Without her flashlight and brave knight, she was left rather defenseless.

"W-wait for me...!"

She rushes in between the aisles searching for the flashlight Thad kept on his person. She quickly found him staring at a pile of junk.

Thad takes notice and gives her a confident smile. "Nothing to worry about babe, just some bad carpentry."

A sigh leaves her as she rejoins her boyfriend. "For a second I thought it was the human."

If the universe was a walking, talking entity, it would have taken offense to that statement and slapped her for saying something so stupid.

The pile suddenly began to shift. Parts began to fall and part for something rather big. The thing let's out a guttural groan and towers over them with a crowbar. Thad was terrified and shook in place as he stared at the abysmal face that stared back at him. Blank, dark, and hungry. Lizzy, rather dramatically, fainted at the sight. With an intense cry that rivals that of a viking, Thad charges at the beast with the flashlight held high and pounded the beast on its head. It cried out and fell to the ground with its head in its hands. Thad didnt let up and continued beating the dastardly creature back to whatever depths it came from.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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