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I'm terribly sorry for how short this chapter is. The holidays have made it rough.


D and her squad arrived on Copper-9 like the rest. They crash landed and slaughtered drones on sight, drinking their oil to maintain a stable temperature. She had enjoyed the feeling of bisecting a Worker with a swipe of her claws and watching their oil spill out like a geyser from the stumps. However, after a decade of murder, she began to feel numb. It felt...stagnant, like it was more of a chore than a fun activity.

She would follow the same schedule too: Hunt Workers at night, rest during the day, leaving little time for herself to go out and enjoy whatever was left on this rock. It didn't help that the number of prey dwindled over the years, slowly consuming more of her time and mental focus after each day.

However, her squadmates didn't go through such an issue since they had each other to entertain and socialize, much to her annoyance. They dated not long after they arrived, and have been fooling around on honeymoons when sufficient oil was acquired.

D was a little jealous of their relationship. Not that she had feelings for them or anything, she just felt left out. It was inappropriate of her to intrude on their private moments, and it didn't help that she wasn't social to begin with. So, she resided to cramming whatever time she could manage right before the sun would come up so she could find a hobby to distract her.

One day, she discovers a colony of Workers in the mountains. They were locked inside a barrier that had little to no opening to slip through, not even their weaponry was enough to bypass. The walls, the vents, even the floor below was completely sealed off.

Days after failing to breach the bunker, D resigned from the task and went on her own to search for an alternative way to pass the time. Through her voyage, she came across a small military camp. She discovered that not only was it the testing grounds for dangerous technology, but it also housed the answer for the colony.

The metal the Worker's used was made with a special mineral mined on this planet, Kragmite. It is a very sturdy piece of rock that is almost on par with Graphene. It is because of this that it is very difficult to mine, even with the latest technology humanity has to offer.

However, what D found was a hyper-focused energy-emitter that condenses the blade at its tip to become like a scalpel. It was a prototype 'drill' that was designed to easily cut down Kragmite and exponentially increase its production.

The colony was baffled when their stronghold was cut down like butter, and they could do nothing as their stronghold quickly became their tomb. D was proud that day, not only for accomplishing what seemed to be impossible, but because her squad had received title of the top performing squad that quarter. Ever since then, D made it her hobby to acquire additional technology to be studied and aid in her efforts.

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