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Monday morning in the 14th February 2022
It's Valentine's Day
Everyone around me hanging out with their lover, even my friends too
But I'm here, sitting in my room with my laptop watching Netflix

I don't have a lover
Bunch of boys asking me to go out for a date though
But I reject all of them
Wonder why?

For sure, I don't even know the reason myself
But all I know is
The reason why I reject them
Is because of you

Since that day
The day where I meet your eyes
The day I bumped into you under the beautiful night sky
I fell in love with you

I don't know the reason
I don't know why I can fall to you just by one sight of that gorgeous eyes
But don't blame me for that
I don't have any control for that
I can't control my own feeling to fall in love with who
I just fall
And it's to you

But I don't mind it
For some reason,
I'm glad I fall to you

I don't know this is a gift or a curse for me to meet you that day
Because meeting you, the gorgeous face I haven't ever saw before
Is truly a blessing
But I wanna curse myself
Because I fall to that damn handsome face of you

Everyday I lay on my bed and just being imagining how I can meet you again
How I can be next to you
How I can be close to you
How I can be your lover

Everyday I can't help to stop being delusional to having you for a longer time in my life
I just want to see you again
I just want you

But here I am
Sitting in my room, alone with my laptop
Everyone around me is falling in love, having a lover who can love them mostly
But I'm here, alone with my thoughts with you in it
My heart stuck with you



Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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