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6: Speaking With Riwoo

Sang Hyeon (better known as Riwoo) was Hyerin' last client of the day. At this point, she was more than a little exhausted. So she wasted no time as soon as he entered her office. 

"I hope you trust that I am here to help you, Sang Hyeon ya. This is a safe place..." She said this wanting to already establish that Riwoo held all the power in this conversation. He came here for help, & Hyerin wanted to help him. He rolled his eyes as he seemed to be a bit upset his family made him attend this appointment, "당신이 돕고 싶어하는 거 알아요. 전 단지 제게 큰 문제가 있다고 생각하지 않아요." (I know you want to help. I just don't think there is anything really wrong with me.) 

Wrong. He was so wrong. His family was worried about his temper & worried he'd keep isolating himself. "Does the name Won Ha-Young mean anything to you ?" Dr. Shin was pushing, but she wanted a definitive answer. Sang Hyeon can't go on like this... Acting like there was absolutely wrong...

"If it does ? What does it matter ? Not like I have a real choice in the matter anyway," He answered as Hyerin posed another question. Something to get a reaction. "화 안 나요? 배신감? 원하영 씨가 고민의 근원이니까 상현야 씨에게 맞서지 그래요?" (Aren't you angry ? Feel betrayed ? Won Ha-Young is the root of your problem. So why won't you make the effort to confront her, Sang Hyeon ya ?)

"No offense, but I'd rather just get over it. Confronting her will change nothing at all." Hyerin sighed as she pushed one last time. "It will change you though. Getting that closure will potentially set your life on a completely new path."

Riwoo thought it over for a few moments. Would confronting Ha-Young really benefit him in some way ? Would he really gain closure ? "Would do you have in mind then, Dr. Shin ? I am willing to try..."

Hyerin was relieved to hear that Sang Hyeon was willing to try to confront his issues with Ha-Young. He left the session a bit more understanding of his feelings & worried what Dr. Shin' ultimate choice would be on his journey.

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