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7: Support Group Meeting

Dr. Shin had been talking the families of her six adolescents clients extensively. Heartbreak was not meant to be conquered in a day, but they shouldn't bury themselves into such a pitiful state.

Hyerin greeted each of the boys as they met her at a simple empty room for the most part of her office. "여러분들이 오늘 출연을 결정해주셔서 정말 기쁩니다. 제가 왜 여기에 여러분들을 불렀는지 알아맞히셨나요?" (I am so glad you've all decided to show up today. Have you guessed why I have called all of you here ?)

Woonhak spoke first seeing as the other boys were a bit more resistant. "You want to help us. But why are we all here, Dr. Shin ?" Hyerin smiled as she gestured each of the six boys to sit as she basically introduced them one by one. 

This was the very first step. Making acquaintances, & potentially friends. "You all have one thing in common. Well, several things but we'll start with one today. You all are heartbroken & in a slump." This began to set the six boys up to bond. Hyerin let them mingle as she approached them one by one. 

Her first stop was Dong Hyun. "How are you feeling, Dong Hyun ya ? Still a bit nervous ?" Leehan gave an awkward smile as he watched the others mingling. "깜짝 놀랐네요. 정말 왜 이렇게 부르셨는지 궁금하네요." (I would have to say I am a bit surprised. I wonder why you've really called us all here.) Dr. Shin gave a mysterious smile before moving onto Taesan.

"You seem deep in thought. What are you thinking, Dong Min ya ?", she asked seeing he seem a tad more reserved than the others still mingling & getting to know each other. "I wonder what you're hiding, Dr. Shin. You seem to be keeping something hidden as to why we're here..." He wasn't wrong but got no answers as Hyerin moved onto Woonhak.

"Having fun, Woonhak ya ?" Hyerin noticed a hint of a smile on his face through his still visible sadness. "호기심이 생기네요. 조금 슬프긴 하지만 아직도 공통점이 있는 것 같아요." (I am intrigued. Still a bit sad, but I am interested on what we all still have in common.) Dr. Shin was pleased to hear this as she began to make her way over Sungho.

Sungho sat alone for a bit as Jaehyun let Dr. Shin speak with him in peace. "You seem a bit reluctant to fully enjoy yourself, Sungho ya. Are you okay ?" Hyerin was a bit worried this was pushing some of the boys too much. "I am just curious above all else, Dr. Shin. You seem to want us to get along for some reason I can't figure out..."

Hyerin patted Sungho' shoulder as to give him a bit of reassurance as she moved on to Riwoo. He looked to be the most enthusiastic of the six boys, "노력해보겠다고 말씀 드렸지만, 그렇게 나쁘지는 않았어요. 그 밖에 말씀 안 해주신 것들을 알게 되어 가장 즐겁습니다." (I did say I would try. This hasn't been that bad at all. I am most amused to learn what else you haven't told us.) Dr. Shin smiled as she glanced around the room. The boys seemed to be getting along well, which was what she intended anyway. "You'll certainly be surprised..." Hyerin said as she stopped over by Jaehyun. Her last stop before she'd reveal why they ultimately were here.

Jaehyun seemed to look a bit annoyed, but that was probably because most misunderstood his personality with an aggressive type. He most likely was overwhelmed. "I'm sorry, Dr. Shin. I guess I am just a bit on edge. I really wonder why you brought us all here." Hyerin stopped him with a warm smile as she tried to calm his nerves, "재현야, 사과할 거 없어요. 불안하게 하는 건 아니었어요. 새로운 사람들을 중심으로 조금 걱정하거나 호기심을 느끼는 것은 잘못된 게 없어요..." (You have nothing to apologize for, Jaehyun ya. This was not meant to make you anxious. There is nothing wrong with being a bit worried or intrigued around new people...)

It wasn't long before Hyerin called all the boys together as she revealed what else they all had in common. A person collectively at the center of their heartbreak. She began the revelation with the upmost sincerity in acknowledging the boy' feelings. 

"Won Ha-Young, the common denominator. The villain you all feel has put you in these heartbroken states. The person that you collectively seem to have a problem with..." Upon hearing the familiar name the boys looked over each other. They were jealous of each other when really they should've directed their true feelings on the situation at Ha-Young. 

Yikes ! What will happen next ?

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