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Audrey sighed as she finished packing up her suitcase taking one last look around her room for any thing she might have missed whilst packing. With a satisfied nod she pulled her suitcase and bags down the stairs with a struggle blowing her hair out of her face as she reached the bottom step. She had nothing to do now but wait for the Conklins to arrive. Her aunt was at work and she had apologised profusely that she wouldn't be able to see the girl off but she played it off that it was fine. It was only a mere 15 minutes later that she heard a car horn outside and she rushed to the front door seeing her best friend stood with arms open wide. "Audrey! Are your ready? Are you excited? Come on let's get your stuffing in the car I wanted to be in Cousins like 2 hours ago!" Audrey let out a chuckle at Belly's antics and hauled her suitcase over to Steven who was stood at the boot. "Are you ready to be reunited with your one true love?" Steven wriggled his eyebrows suggestively at Audrey who only slapped his arm in reply. "You better not be an ass this entire time Steven otherwise we're ditching you and I'm driving." The boy rolled his eyes and got into the drivers seat. Audrey had a small smile on her face as they pulled out of the driveway. They were going to cousins, where reality stopped and summer was the only thing on everyone's mind. The beach house was were magic happened and it was like nothing else mattered when you were there, like a false reality. At least that's what Audrey believed.

The drive wasn't too long but long enough for Audrey to get some decent sleep, she only awoke when the car came to a halt as they parked up at a gas station. Belly got out the car and signalled for Audrey to do the same so the girl obeyed and followed the brunette into the shop. They picked up a few snacks and walked over to pay. The guy at the till looked them both up and down with a slight smirk on his lips. Audrey rolled her eyes at his boyish actions. "So uh, you guys new to cousins?" Audrey raised an eyebrow at his choice of conversation. Belly let out an awkward chuckle. "Us? No." The guy took his time scanning their items through the till and Audrey tapped her foot impatiently as he attempted to flirt with them both. "Huh. Thought I new all the pretty girls in cousins." Belly brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and looked at her feet. "As much as I am loving this whole situation we have somewhere to be so could you scan a little faster please? Thanks." Audrey gave the guy a sickly sweet smile as he glared her down. He scanned their items and belly paid. "You comin to the bonfire tonight? First of the season." Belly looked at Audrey for some help but the blonde simply shrugged her shoulders. "Uh-maybe." Audrey sighed at the conversation wanting nothing but to hurry up and get to the beach house. "Come. I'll introduce you to some of my friends." Belly nodded and made her way out the gas station Audrey following behind. "Finally, you guys were taking forever." Audrey rolled her eyes. "Shut it Steven." He stuck his tongue out in a childish manner at the blonde who done the same back as she slid into the car.

Audrey couldn't contain her excitement as they pulled up to the beach house already seeing Susannah's car in the driveway. Before they'd even gotten out of the car the Fishers were running towards them. Audrey squealed as Jeremiah picked her up and twirled her around. "Okay! Okay! Put me down." He put the girl on the ground, grinning as he pulled her into a hug. "I've missed you, and I know that someone else has too." He wiggled his eyebrows at her a growing smirk on his face. She slapped his arm and rolled her eyes as he let out a laugh and slowly made her way over to Susannah who was already looking at her with a wide smile. "Oh my golden girl look at you! You get more beautiful every time I see you." The older woman cupped the young girls cheeks kissing her on the forehead and pulling her into an embrace. Audrey smiled, she felt so content in Susannah's arms, she was home away from home. Susannah eventually let go guiding the girl gently towards Conrad who was already looking right at them with a hint of a smile on his lips. "Isn't she just beautiful Connie?" Susannah grinned holding the girls arms. Conrad nodded. "Yeah, she is. She always is." Audrey tried to advert her eyes anywhere but him as he complimented her, her cheeks reddening. "What you not gonna give your best friend a hug?" The girl giggled and threw herself into his arms holding on tightly to his waist as his hands made their way to her back engulfing her small frame in his arms. "I've missed you Dee, I've really missed you." His whisper was so quite that if he hadn't done it in her ear she wouldn't of heard it at all. "I missed you too, Con."

This summer felt like it was going to be a bit different.

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