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They pulled up to the beach and Audrey instantly hopped out and went to get a drink. If she was gonna be here she was going to be wasted. One drink turned into many and soon Audrey could barely stand on her own two feet. She'd seen Jeremiah and Steven around both with a girl on their side. She was glad they were having fun. "Steven!" Audrey turned her head at the all too familiar voice and she just knew that shit was gonna break lose now that she was here. Steven stormed up to belly with a less than happy look on his face. Audrey walked over catching the end of their conversation. "Belly come on." The younger girl looked at Audrey for help but she was too focused on Conrad sucking face with another girl. "Will you let go of me please?" Audrey rolled her eyes and grabbed belly's arm. "Come on Steven let her live a little what's the worst that can happen?" Steven grabbed belly's arm back. "Stay out of this Audrey okay? Your drunk as hell you don't know what you're doing." Audrey huffed and downed the drink that was in her hand. From the corner of her eye she saw Conrad slowly making his way over with his eyes set on her. "Hey what's going on?" Audrey let out a low chuckle. "Too busy sucking face to realise that belly was here?" If she wasn't drunk she would've swore she saw hurt flash through his eyes. "Audrey how much have you had to drink?" Their conversation was interrupted as Belly fell on the sand, heat rising on her cheeks from embarrassment. Audrey seemed to sober up a little at all the commotion and gave the girl a helping hand. "Belly are you okay?" Conrad asked taking a step towards the girl. "I thought you hated the Red Sox." Conrad sighed looking at the girl he'd been making out with who was now stood behind him. Audrey stayed silent. "Who are you?" The girl seemed nice enough but it didn't take a genius to figure out why belly was acting the way she was. "Who are you?" Audrey's and Conrad's eyes met for a second before she looked away again. "Nicole. Conrad and I went to the deb ball together last summer." Audrey's features flashed with hurt before she quickly recomposed herself hoping that no one saw. "I thought that you said deb balls are bullshit, and that all debs are sheep." Audrey was feeling anxious about the crowd that had gathered around the small group so she took off before she could hear the rest of their argument. Conrad watched as she walked away, not even paying attention to Belly who was screaming at him and calling him an asshole. Audrey spent the rest of the party sat on a small mount of sand away from the loud noise and partying. She didn't feel like drinking or partying anymore she just wanted to go home. She spotted someone out the corner of her eye and had to do a double take. Ryan. His eyes caught hers and a smirk made it's way onto his lips. She quickly got up from her spot trying to find someone she knew. Unfortunately for her Conrad was the only person that she could find. She hesitated wondering if she should just leave it and let Ryan talk to her but she quickly made her decision as Ryan was practically behind her and her heart hammered in her chest. "Conrad don't freak out okay?" The boy looked at her with a toothy grin and swung his arm over the girls shoulder pulling her into his side. He was wasted. Audrey sighed and decided not to explain any further and hoped Ryan would back off if she was with Conrad. She couldn't of been more wrong. He made his way over, his gaze roaming Audrey's body. She felt disgusting as he looked her up and down she wanted nothing but to hide from his eyes. "Audrey. Long time no see." The girl let out a deep breath. "Leave me alone ryan, I don't wanna talk to you okay?" Conrad seemed to have noticed Ryan's presence and he froze. He watched as Ryan's eyes raked Audrey's body, not even listening to her pleas to leave her alone. "Man get out of here alright? She doesn't wanna see you so leave." Ryan laughed downing whatever was in his cup. "Oh I see what's happening here. You fucking her now? Nice." Before Audrey could even think Conrad's fist had collided with Ryan's cheek and he didn't stop. "Conrad stop! Conrad get off!" The girl stared at the fight feeling helpless. She was sure Conrad was gonna kill him if she didn't stop it soon, Ryan was on the sand, blood pouring out of his nose and mouth and Conrad had taken a blow to the head. Audrey grabbed Conrad's arm stopping him from taking another swing. He looked her in the eyes and Audrey nearly didn't recognise the eyes staring back at her. They were dark and emotionless. "Conrad he's finished. Leave him alone. Let's go home okay?" Jeremiah, Belly and Steven has only just come over to watch the commotion and all panicked when they saw Conrad. "I don't wanna see your dead beat ass anywhere near here again, you understand?" Ryan murmured out a yes and Conrad seemed satisfied with the answer. He tumbled down the beach, the alcohol seeming to hit him more now mixed with the adrenaline from the fight.

The 5 teens heard sirens in the background and made a run for it, belly dragging the cute guy Audrey was yet to be introduced to with her and Audrey dragging Conrad along with her although he was a lot heavier than she originally thought. "Conrad come on we need to get to the car." The boy obeyed and stumbled with Audrey back to the car where Jeremiah was already sat. "Ok, one leg, two legs there we go." With the help of Jeremiah, Audrey had managed to get Conrad in the back of the Jeep. She sat next to him, his head was tilted back and she would've said he looked ethereal in the moonlight if she wasn't angry with him. "Belly lets go. Get in." The brunette was stood with the cute guy she was with earlier and Audrey smiled through the car window. She was happy belly had put herself out there. She had always been the shyer girl of the group and Taylor was always pushing her to get out more and jump at opportunities. "Cam can give me a ride home. Right cam?" Audrey tuned out the rest of the conversation. She was tired and overwhelmed and wanted nothing more than to sleep. "Dee..." Audrey turned her head to look at Conrad. His eyes were bloodshot and he had dry blood on his cheek. He looked so vulnerable right in front of her and it reminded her of a younger version of him. "I'm sorry, Audrey. I keep fucking up everything." The girls expression dropped and she grabbed his hand. "Don't say that. You're just going through a rough patch okay? It'll get better Con." The pair hadn't even noticed that belly was finally in the car. "Shit, Steven. Watch Conrad I'll be back."

There was an awkward silence in the car. Audrey couldn't pin point why. "You're hairs like a little kids, the way it's always so messy. Audrey shuddered as she felt Conrad play with the ends of her hair, his fingers brushing against her bare arm. She didn't miss the way belly's smile faltered and the glare she sent to Audrey.

She understood now, Belly was in love with Conrad. Audrey told herself that it was okay, but if it was okay then why did she have this unbearable ache in her chest?

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