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"𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄'𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃?" y/n inquired eagerly, seated at the round table with muichiro opposite of her. the boy deadpanned at her idiotic words, resisting the urge to head over and smack her on her head.

"no." he replied bluntly, before staring off into space again. y/n whined, holding her stomach. "i'm huunngry, thoughh..." she laid on the table, half-dead. "they say that you're never the same when you're hungry..." she trailed off, staring at her crow- whom was starting to look a lot like a nice, warm, cooked, crispy chicken.

"CAW! master l/n, please snap out of it!" her crow flapped its wings, half pissed and half concerned. muichiro's brow twitched in annoyance. he couldn't even daydream in peace, for gods sake! why on earth was he sent to get his hunter's liscence along with her?

"eat. before we reach." he tossed an onigiri towards the girl, it hitting her head with a smack. even though she was slightly annoyed at his action, she still thanked him and gobbled it up in an instant. y/n could probably compete with the world record holder for fastest consumption of onigiri, or something.

"thank you..." she sighed, now fuller than before. muichiro didn't reply, simply petting his own crow which was laying snugly on his lap. just then, the elevator's doors dinged, and opened. the two promptly headed ourside, crows perched on their shoulders respectively.

"hello!" a voice greeted them. "...huh?" y/n looked up and to her sides, only to see no one. muichiro hit her head downwards, causing her to finally notice the bean-like...thing talking to them.

"oh. hello." y/n gave it a once over, contemplating if it was a demon or not.

"hey. are you a demon?" muichiro outrightly asked, causing y/n's jaw to drop to the ground at his bluntness.

"ah, me, a demon? no, no! i'm beans. here, take your tags." beans handed out tags to the both of them- y/n's reading 311 , and muichiro's reading 312. "oookay. thanks, beans!" y/n, seeing it scurry away to greet the next group of people.

"muichiro, how about we- eh?" y/n turned around to find the boy, yet found that he had disappeared into thin air. frowning, she jumped, launching herself off the ground to be able to search for him without everyone blocking her view. and then she saw him, talking to someone with the tag number 16. he seemed to be offering the boy a drink.

y/n whistled, their interaction catching her eye. landing on the ground once more, she ignored curious eyes- heading over to muichiro and number 16.

"hi, mui!" y/n grinned, slinging an arm around the boy's shoulder. muichiro tsked, but made no attempt to swat her arm away. he was holding onto a can of drink. "and...hello, number 16. did you give my friend that canned drink? I'd like one too!" y/n offered him a smile. number 16 looked beyond delighted for some reason, hastily handing her a drink and introducing himself as 'tonpa'.

"ah...tonpa, hmm?" y/n opened the drink, bringing it up to her mouth. muichiro eyed her, wanting to see if she noticed as well. if she didn't..., well, then that's on her. y/n took a whiff, before smiling. "oh? tonpa, it seemed like the drink has gone bad. it smells like laxatives~" she teased, a sly smirk plastered on her face.

the girl had encountered it in shinobu's workspace once. she mistakened it for juice, chugging it down...and never left the toilet for days afterwards. since then, y/n became super hyper aware of laxatives.

"but of course, you couldn't have purposely added it inside and gave it to us, right?" y/n sent him a cold smile, pouring the drink onto the ground, before dropping the empty can. she had hit the nail on the head, and she knew she did.

muichiro did the same. "you clean up. make sure to recycle the cans." muichiro said while side-eyeing the man, before strutting off- y/n following closely behind .

tonpa was left with a mess which he definitely wasn't going to clean up, shame on him- and a very, very bewildered expression on his face.

"ah, muichiro, you can't just walk away like that without telling me!" y/n playfully reprimanded the boy, whom rolled his eyes in response. "i forgot." he blankly stated, y/n staring at him in slight disbelief.

"you forgot when i was right beside you?"

"yeah. i forgot."

"aren't i older than you? show some respect! and you can't keep using your condition as an excuse-"

"actually, i can. and you're too immature to be treated as a senior, anyway. plus, i already forgot that you were older than me."

y/n fought the urge to uppercut the boy.

(a/n: sry if mui is ooc 🥲 i don't really know how to write him, but I'll get there

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(a/n: sry if mui is ooc 🥲 i don't really know how to write him, but I'll get there...hopefully ☠️)

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