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𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐔𝐎 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 huddled at one corner, talking to each other. "he looks like a demon." muichiro commented for the nth time that day, y/n sweating nervously. "I'm pretty sure he's not, mui!" she replied, eyeing contestant 301. just then, the said man made a weird ass sound, and turned- snapped his neck to look at her.

y/n shivered, quickly looking away and choosing to hide behind muichiro, even though he had a smaller frame. muichiro glared at 301, and proceeded with a staring contest. after a very long 30 minutes, muichiro blinked, losing the contest. he frowned, hand on the sheath of his blade.

"mui! you can't just..." y/n placed a hand on his, stopping his action. "you can't just lop his head off  because you lost a staring contest!" she whisper-shouted, muichiro rolling his eyes in response. y/n eyed the man again, seeing him tilt his head awkwardly to the side. she nervously sweated again, before bowing as an apology, and quickly pushing muichiro to another corner.

"...ughh, he gives me the creeps." y/n shivered, rubbing her arms for comfort.

"well, then he's definitely a demon. I'll go and-"

suddenly, a loud alarm like sound rang throughout the area. everybody turned to look at the source, which was some weird looking dude holding a..keychain looking thing? everyone here was weird.

"as of now...registration is closed." the man spoke, but everyone couldn't see a mouth on his face - unless it was covered by his mustache. muichiro frowned, tucking his katana's handle away from sight again, hidden behind his back. he was wearing a haori y/n gifted him for his fourteenth birthday. the two's objective was to try to not attract as much attention as possible, so keeping their blades hidden was a must.

as if their attire wasn't unique enough already for people to stare.

"the hunter's exam will now begin. everyone ready? good." he spoke again, jumping off the pipe he was standing on, and gesturing to the tunnel. "this way, please."

y/n turned to look at muichiro, confusion swirled in her eyes. was the first stage just to follow him? surely not, right? there must be a trap? muichiro looked back at her, shrugging before following the man. y/n sighed, shoulders slumping downwards, trailing after the boy.

"just so there's no mistake..." the tap-tap-tap sound emitting from the soles of his shoes reverberated throughout the tunnel. "the hunter's exam is very rigorous. if you lack the necessary ability- too bad. if you're unlucky- again, too bad." he continued.

muichiro seemed utterly bored with his speech, asking y/n what they were doing here again- in which the girl replied with a deadpan and a smack to the back of his head. muichiro glared harshly at her, huffing and purposely increasing his walking speed pettily. as if she couldn't keep up.

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