Chapter 1

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This fanfic starts somewhere between the 6th book and the 9th book, so if you haven't read up till the latest book, you may not understand some of the things included in this story. Also, there will be some things that I have added based on rumors going around, like Elwin being Sophie's biological father.

Sophie's POV
'Sophie, are you finished yet? Surely it doesn't take that long to try on a dress, right?' Biana asked through the thick curtain separating the dressing room Sophie was in and the seating room Biana was currently occupying.
' Yes, I'm almost done...'  Sophie replied. ' Wait, I have to wear heels? Seriously Biana, you know better than anyone that heels do not work with me.' She groaned but put them on anyway. Finally, she stepped out from behind the spacious changing room and into Biana's line of sight.
'Oh my gosh, you look amazing!' Biana squealed as she clapped her hands in delight. 'We'll take it.' The girl said to the assistant standing nearby. The women nodded and walked off to find a bag whilst Sophie took a look at herself in the mirror. She had to admit, the dress suited her well. It was a deep crimson red, with gold lace hemming the bottom and sleeves. They reached halfway down her shoulders, showing some skin, while the dress stopped just above her knees. 'I knew red was your colour!' Biana exclaimed. 'Now, go get changed so we can buy the dress.' Sophie gladly obeyed, as the heels she had squeezed her feet into were rubbing her feet.

The reason the two girls were dress shopping was for the party in a week's time. It was supposed to be the 23rd anniversary of the day Foxfire opened, and it was a tradition for all the students, both former and present day, to attend. That meant the Vackers, Dizznees, Ruewens, even the Songs would be there. Tam and Linh weren't too happy about that, but since they were officially students, they were required to attend. The councilors would also be present, as all of them were once students at the school.
There would also be a giant auroflare, lit by Magnate Leto, and music playing all through the night. It was supposed to be the biggest event for decades, as it only happened once every two hundred years.

Biana, Linh, Marella and Maruca had already gone dress shopping, and the dresses they had picked out were all spectacular. Linh had a long, pale blue dress that matched the colour of her eyes, Marella had a pale orange mid- length frock with embroidered flames running from the bottom up to the waistline, and Maruca had a deep purple gown with silver pearls decorating the neckline and waist. Biana, being the fashionista of the friend group, also had a baby pink gown, but hers was much more fancy than the others, being covered with embroidered flowers and including a petticoat and lots of layers, along with an underskirt and corset. To top it all of, she had a pair of matching pink gloves. The boys were keeping their clothes a secret from the girls, so none of them knew what they were going to wear to the party.

When Biana had paid for the dress, they moved to accessories. Necklaces, bracelets, even tiaras were all tried on Sophie. They were all dismissed, however, because Biana couldn't find anything that gave her friend the perfect finishing touch. She sighed in defeat. ' I guess you'll have to go without anything. I don't think we have anything at Everglen that would work with your dress, either. It's such a shame, you need something else to go with your outfit or it will be too plain.' Sophie tried, and failed, to hide her look of glee at the thought of not wearing any jewelry or fancy items. It soon faded when Biana spotted a ruby red necklace, inlaid with dozens of tiny glittering rubies. 'It's perfect! It will go wonderfully with your dress, right Sophie?' Sophie expected herself to groan at the thought of wearing it, but instead she found herself nodding. ' I suppose if it's small, then I don't mind wearing it.' She agreed, and quickly bought the necklace.

Once back at Havenfield, Sophie hung up her new possessions in her large wardrobe and went into the kitchen to find her parents and tell them about the dress. To her surprise, she found them outside underneath Calla's tree, talking with a familiar- looking man. Sophie's mind was buzzing with questions as she wondered why Mr Forkle was at Havenfeild, but they all came to a shuddering halt when Mr Forkle turned around and spotted Sophie approaching. He hurriedly said a few words to Edaline and Grady, then pulled out his leaping crystal and stepped into the light. Sophie frowned with confusion. It was unlike him to rush off without saying anything to her.Why was he talking to Edaline and Grady, and why didn't he want her to know about it?
Sophie's adoptive parents turned toward the girl, big smiles plastered on their faces. However, Grady also had traces of a grimace on his face, so the smile ended up looking plain creepy. 'Why was Mr Forkle-' Before Sophie could finish her question, Edaline interrupted by asking 'Hey Sophie, didn't you go to Atlantis to find a dress for the party today? Can I see it?' Sophie's forehead creased in confusion at the two's secrecy, but nodded nonetheless. She would pretend not to be interested in whatever they had been talking about, and when they thought they were safe, she would jump in and find out the big secret.

'That is a beautiful dress, Sophie. Biana has a wonderful sense of style.' Edaline smiled as she asked Sophie to twirl.
' Have you and Grady found clothes to wear yet?' Sophie replied back. Edaline said nothing but smiled mysteriously. Great, so much secrecy. 'Hey kiddo, did Edaline not tell you? There's a letter for you on the table. Don't know what it's about, though. It was addressed only to you.' Grady peaked his head inside Sophie's room and did a double take when he saw the dress. 'Huh. You look nice. Is it for the party? Wait, you're not trying to impress That Boy, are you?'
Grady had gotten over the fact that Sophie and Keefe shared similar feelings for each other, but he didn't want his daughter to go out of her way to attract a boy's attention. Keefe shouldn't care whether Sophie was in a sparkly dress, or simply a tunic and leggings. She deserved to be loved in whatever clothes she wanted.
'No, but seeing as it will be the first Foxfire- themed festival I've been to, I thought I should make it a memorable one.' Sophie disappeared inside her bathroom to get changed into her more comfortable clothes. Once she was finished, she went downstairs with Sandor trailing behind to see what the letter was about. Grady still managed to ruffle Sophie's hair on her way out, despite her best efforts to duck underneath his arm.
Sophie picked up the envelope and opened it swiftly. She unfolded the letter inside and began to scan the paper, her eyes picking up information and storing it away in her brain before she could actually comprehend what the letter said. The realization hit her like a physical blow to the stomach, and she had to sit down before she collapsed. As promised in the text, inside the envelope was still one last piece of parchment. However, there was only one thing printed on it. A selection of pictures of Sophie at Havenfield, Foxfire, even some from the shop in Atlantis she and Biana visited for the dress. This was serious...
Sophie pulled out her imparter and hailed Biana, saying that she needed to speak with Alden immediately. Then she informed her parents (who had followed Sophie downstairs) of her whereabouts and raced to the floor where the Leapmaster was located, yelling 'Everglen' before Sandor could ask what was happening. He still found time to grab the letters from the table before he was pulled into the light from the crystal, though. After all, it was his duty to protect Sophie , and that meant knowing what she knew, no secrets.

Thanks for reading my fanfic! This is my first time writing a story where people can actually read it, so I'd appreciate any feedback and comments you have. Also, I'm not one of those people who put 'no hate' or things like that. I believe I work better if people point out the faults of my work, so while I am grateful for praise, I also accept hate.
Thanks ;))

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