Sammy had roses in his garden.
The Rainbow flows like a river from his garden.
He nurtured his lilies and his pansies well.
He watered his mango trees and swept withered flowers out the pots everyday.
He felt lively, lovely, and carefree, roaming around his serene garden.
But what fascinated Sammy most was his Basil, at the centre of his garden.
It smelled sweet, tasted sweeter and the greens of their leaves were monotonous cheerful.
The best part of this was that he could put the Basil leaves in his cup of chai, when himself or his friend, when the come over for a chit chat and happen to have cold.
What Does the Sky Say?
Poetry•anthology: (noun) a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing. •life •love •despair •happiness •wisdom •beautiful words •elegance •hope (mostly free verses)