ix. STINK ?

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"HEY! STOP!" Jude exclaims with a smile as Eduardo, Aurelien, and a few other teammates at training teased him about his relationship with Toni's daughter, Emilia.

"Oh!" Eduardo says, dragging the 'o', "You're in love!"

"Whatever, man!" The Englishman responds, trying to dismiss the teasing before the German midfielder could notice.

"Does Toni know?" Aurélien asks him, glancing back at the German before focusing back on the others.

Jude shakes his head in reply. "Not officially. I'm sure he has his suspicions. Emi said he wouldn't pry and ask until she confirmed it to him, so I guess that's a bit of relief." He responds, passing the ball to Rodrygo.

"At least Toni is chill. Him and Emilia are like best friends." The Brazilian says with a chuckle, passing the ball back to him.

The English midfielder chuckles with him hoping to hide his nerves. Everyday, he sees how close Emilia and Toni were making the guilt grow. Before he could respond he suddenly hears a familiar voice.

"Hey, boys!"

The group turns around and sees Emilia standing on the other side of the field next to Toni. She says something to her father who pats her back and takes the car keys from her hand.

She makes her way to the group standing in the middle of the field. Eduardo was the first to run to her and greet her with the hug. She gently pats his head as they both walked closer to the group.

"How was training?" She asks them.

"Rough, but it was good." Jude replies to her with a smile. He leans over to press a kiss on her cheek which made the group erupt with more teases.

"Ew! Get a room!" Vinicius loudly exclaims, tossing the orange vest they wore during training at Jude. 

Emilia playfully rolls her eyes as she sticks up her middle finger at the Brazilian winger who laughs loudly in reply. "Go shower, you stink." She scrunches up her nose and tosses the vest back.

"Says the one who is next to her stinkier boyfriend." Aurélien says with a smile, patting her shoulder before walking off.

The rest burst into laughter before quickly saying goodbye to Emilia to wind down after a tough training day. Soon, it was just her and Jude left in the middle of the field.

"Whatcha' doing here anyways?" Jude says, wrapping his arm around her.

"Something wrong with Papa's car again. Plus I wanted an excuse to see my pretty boy." She says with a wink causing him to shake his head while chuckling.

"Still want me to come over tonight?" He asks with a hopeful smile, the two walking slowly off the field with their arms wrapped around each other.

"Yes but only if you let me borrow that grey sweatshirt you always wear."




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liked by judebellingham, milayoon, and 996,038 others!emikroos: weekend dump w my baby 🐈‍⬛🩶🤍

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liked by judebellingham, milayoon, and 996,038 others!
emikroos: weekend dump w my baby 🐈‍⬛🩶🤍

judebellingham: berlioz is evil
emikroos: he IS A BABY😾
milayoon: oooo u a berlioz hater?? couldn't be me, we're like this 🤞
judebellingham: liar.

camavinga: jude rn; 🤨🤨🤬🤬🤔
emikroos: 'naw c'mon mate like naw'
judebellingham: what is this????
milayoon: wot is this

username: that literally looks like jude

username: no way that's not jude

username: so pretty😍

username: AWH her cat is named after the grey cat from aristocats🥹🥹

jamalmusiala10: berlioz is king we love berlioz
emikroos: real!!!💓💓
milayoon: see judebellingham 😠
judebellingham: yeah totally ignoring the scratches on my arms 🫤
emikroos: leave my baby alone u stink
judebellingham: stink?? he's the stink

username: the kittyyyyy

username: jude and emilia wanna be soo secretive but it's failing

username: gorgeous!


"HE'S MEAN." Jude pouts as he watches Emilia sit on the carpeted floor of her bedroom with the grey cat in her lap. The cat seemed to understand him and glares at him as she scratched his chin.

"He is a baby." She replies in a soft tone as she picks up her cat and gives him a gentle squeeze.

"He is an evil baby."

"You're a drama queen." Emilia says with a smile. She glances up and sees Jude laying on her bed with a pout on his face. "A jealous drama queen."

Jude quickly sits up with an offended look on his face. "I am not jealous." He responds, rubbing over the cat scratches on the back of his hand.

"Sure." Emilia says in a condescending tone. She laughs quietly as she gently sets Berlioz on his bed before sitting next to Jude on her own bed.

"I'm not jealous!"

She rests her on his shoulder. "Whatever you say." She quietly chuckles as he wraps his arm around her waist.

Seconds later, Berlioz jumped onto the bed and gave the English player a glare. Jude glares back at the grey cat and sticks his tongue out at him. The cat got into the position he always went into before attacking anyone and anything.

Jude recognized it and quickly removes his arm from Emilia. She looks at him confused as he holds his hands up in defense. "I just don't want another cat scratch."

"Berlioz is just a baby!"

"A mean one!

bi speaks ! ☆彡
jude scoring last minute goals,
it's literally the madridismo in his
veins 😫😫🤍

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