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CHAMPIONS LEAGUE NIGHTS at the Bernabéu was always fascinating for Emilia no matter how many times she's gone. Each chant, cheer, and goal always was so special to her.

When at the 90+4th minute of the game, she sees Jude suddenly kick the ball to the back of the net, she couldn't hold back her scream. The crowd around her roared, the sound seemingly louder due to the closed stadium.

The team clad in white jumped on top of Jude, shouting from joy that he secured their win. Emilia chanted with the crowd his name as the team finally take a step back.

He was left alone at the corner of the field when he raises his arms up to do his iconic celebration. Her heart filled with pride and joy as she sees everyone in the crowd copying his celebration. He knew where she was in the crowd and holds his hands up in a heart shape before running back to his spot on the field.

Her heart skipped a beat as she copies his action of the hand heart. It was unbelievable how much she loved him already. The month they have been together so far, was everything she could've wished for.

Every text, every kiss, every hug, and every moment together she cherished.

Jude cherished the moments just as much as she did. He hated to admit that he was actually starting to fall for her soon after officially dating. He fell for her so much so that he forgot that he had a bet with Gio.

When she had mentioned it was going to be a month of them dating, he realized that meant he was close to winning the bet. The bet was to date the same girl for more than a month, and it was going to be almost a month.

The guilt was eating him alive. It affected how he played in the first half which thankfully in the second half, he was distracted with the need to win. Even if everyone was congratulating him on his winning goal, the back of his mind was filled with remorse.

He was so lost in his thoughts by the end of the night that he didn't realize he was the last one left in the locker room. He hears a gentle knock on the door and he knew who it was.

"Come in!"

Seconds later, Emilia carefully opens the door. Her eyebrows furrowed up as she sees Jude sitting in front of his name, zipping his bag up.

"Your dad was wondering were you were. He's a nice guy. You remind me of him." She says with a smile, watching him stand up.

"My dad?"

There it was. The guilt coming back to him. He didn't want her to meet his parents yet since he knew that at some point, he would have to end things with her or she would if she ever found out.

Emilia nods in response, hooking her arm with his. "Yeah! We were watching the game together in the box seats." She smiles as the two make their way to the door.

"That's nice."

"You were amazing today." She stops in front of the door to turn and look at him. "My starboy." She whispers, standing on the tips of her toes to leave a soft kiss on his lips.

Jude couldn't help but smile widely at the nickname. Everyone called him that, reporters, fans, his teammates, but hearing her call him that made it seem different.

"You were just my lucky charm." He says, kissing her forehead before they both made their way out of the locker room.

"Oh, shut it. You're just amazing."

"Will never shut up. I was amazing because I knew you were there."

Emilia lightly shoves him as he bursted into laughter from her making her flustered. He wraps his arm around her shoulder. "You're annoying." She jokes, resting her head against his side.

"And you love it."



EMILIA'S EYEBROWS FURROWED UP as she hears numerous notifications from Jude's phone. A random show played in the background on the television in his room. He had stepped out to grab something to eat since the game earlier left him out of energy and hungry.

She sat up on the bed, fumbling with the ends of the sleeves of his grey sweatshirt that she was wearing. She didn't want to be the type of girlfriend that was paranoid of her boyfriend and wanted to constantly check her phone.

But she was curious. She's always been curious hence why her father calls her kätzchen [kitty]. She glances around the empty room before pouncing onto the phone and quickly grabbing it.

Fortunately for her, Jude was a simple man so his password was his birthday. She noticed that Gio was sending him the messages. He's heard of the American before and he seemed to be a funny guy.

So Emilia expected Gio to send Jude a funny message or a joke but what he actually sent shocked her.

it's been almost a month since
you've started dating emilia
i'm actually shocked u lasted
that long  😭😭
safe to say u won the bet already lmfao
just be careful when you tell her, she
seems to really like you 🫤🫤

Emilia furrowed up her eyebrows as she scans over the texts multiple times. She grabs her phone and quickly takes a picture of the messages. She turns off his phone and slowly sets it back down on the bed.

She was in shock. She couldn't believe that Jude was dating her because he wanted to win a bet. She scoffs in disbelief, not noticing his footsteps heading towards the bedroom.

She gets up from the bed the moment Jude opens the door. "Why're you getting up?" He asks with a smile on his face.

Emilia ignored him as she grabs her bag and starts collecting her stuff. He stood by the door confused. "Emilia?" He calls out again but she continued to ignore him as she slipped on her shoes and took off his grey sweatshirt, leaving her in a white tank top.

When she finally turned around, he noticed the tears in her eyes. "Hey, doll, what's wrong?

"Don't call me that." She mumbles, making her way towards the bedroom door but he stepped in front of her. She takes a deep breath and glances up at him. "Move, Jude, or do I need to place a bet in order for you to do that?"

His eyes widened the moment he heard that 3 letter word. "Wait, Emilia, I can explain-"

"I've heard enough."

Emilia pushes him to the side so she could leave his room. He chased after her as she quickly made her way to the front door. "Please, hear me out." He begged, grabbing onto her arm.

He didn't have a tight grip on her so she easily pulled her arm back. "No. You won your bet or whatever. I'm done, Jude." Although her voice was soft, he could hear the harshness and sadness in her voice.

Without another glance, Emilia opens the front door and leaves a shocked Jude behind.The moment the door shut, she finally broke down. She felt humiliated that she let herself fall for someone who only wanted her to win a bet.

bi speaks ! ☆彡
watching the derby rn and i
want to kms wtf is this game

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