xii. HEY, JUDE !

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"EMILIA! MILA!" Vinicius loudly exclaims as he opens the door to his home. The two girls let out a cheer when they see the Brazilian and wrap their arms around him.

"Vinicius, it's been a while!" Mila says with a teasing smile, lightly patting his shoulder.

Emilia sighs and playfully rolls her eyes. "Don't mind her. She thinks everyone is attractive and will flirt with them." She mumbles as the Blonde laughs. She huffs and pushes her inside.

Vinicius lets out his signature laugh as he leads the two to the living room where everyone is. Emilia felt a bit nervous since it'd be the first time she'd see Jude since she found out a few days prior.

Although she spent 2 days crying, she really didn't want to cry again. On the outside, she seemed like she was fine but deep down, she was upset and angry.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she hears Mila's loud voice greeting everyone. Emilia glances up and sees the blonde lingering close to Aurelien. The brunette sighs as she shakes her head with a smile.

"Mila!" She scolds.

"What? I'm just a girl." Mila replies defensively. She immediately skips over Jude to greet Arda who she is just now meeting. The English midfielder had a guilty look on his face as he looks at Emilia. He knew that she told her best friend. It was obvious when Jamal wasn't answering to his messages.

Emilia ignored his eyes as she takes a seat on the couch next to Rodrygo. She rests her head on his shoulder and immediately engages into whatever conversation the group was having.

"I am a good dancer!" Rodrygo exclaims, trying to defend himself from teases.

"Not better than Vinicius." Emilia responds, lifting her head up as she receives a drink from Eduardo.

"Not better than Emilia!" Mila adds for her. "Have you seen her dance salsa? She's like Shakira, her hips don't lie!"

Jude glances up at his now ex girlfriend. One of their first moments together was her teaching him salsa, something he'd never forget.

"Oh, yeah!" Eduardo exclaims, his eyes lighting up in excitement. "Emilia's amazing. She's a good teacher too."

"I bet you she can teach it to anyone, even those who can't dance." Mila says with a smile. She takes a sip of her drink as she makes eye contact with Jude.

"Did you teach Jude how to dance once?" Rodrygo asks Emilia. His question led to the others to immediately burst into teases. Eduardo playfully shoves Jude who lets out a nervous laugh.

She raises her eyebrow at the English player. "I bet he doesn't remember." His smile immediately fell as he looks at her. "Isn't that right, Jude?"

"Awh, they're fighting." Rodrygo teases.

Vinicius took a closer look at Emilia and noticed how puffy her eyes looked. He also noticed the upset look in her eyes as she looks at Jude. "Hey, leave the lovebirds alone! How about we talk about Aurelien and his new girlfriend? Who is way older than him might I add."

"She's not my girlfriend!"

The topic of the conversation was quickly moved away from Emilia and Jude. She looks at Vinicius and gives him a thankful smile. He gives her a look to which she understood it as 'you need to tell me everything'


"HEY, JUDE." Mila says in the tune of the song as she sits down next to Jude. Everyone else was distracted with games and drinks which gave her the perfect moment to confront him.

"Mila, hey-"

"Don't 'Mila, Hey' me. You know exactly why I'm here."

He lets out a long sigh, setting down his drink on the coffee table. "Mila, I can explain."

"Explain what?" The blonde scoffs, crossing her legs as she leans in close. "Explain that you caused Emilia to call me at 1 in the morning while sobbing?"

Jude swore he felt his heart stop for a split second. He takes a deep breath, trying to process what he was told. "Mila, I didn't mean to I swear."

"Yeah and I'm a natural blonde." She says, squinting her eyes at him. She leans over and pats his shoulder, giving him a condescending smile "I was rooting for you, Jude. I really was. But I guess now you just have to hope Toni truly likes you because that man doesn't play around with his little girl."

Jude couldn't believe that Mila was actually scaring him. He visibly gulped at the thought of his teammate, someone he looked up to, potentially hating him. He turns to look over at the blonde and notices that she was gone to talk to Eduardo. As if it was on queue, Vinicius lets out a shout.


Emilia's eyes widened and she quickly covers his mouth with her hand. "Dios mío, Vinicius!" She whispers shouts. She was grateful that the others paid no attention to the two since they knew how loud and dramatic they could be together.

She had just explained to the Brazilian everything, meaning she told him about the bet. "I haven't talked to him about it yet and I really don't want to now." She says, moving her hand from his mouth.

"How do you feel though? Your eyes are a bit-"

"Puffy? Yeah, I know." She mumbles in response, lightly slapping his arm. "I'm okay, I guess. Like yeah, it was humiliating finding out he only liked me to win a bet. I also can't stop crying at night but who cares! My papa has been extra nice to me lately, even said yes when I asked for a handbag."

"The one in your hand?"

Emilia holds up the blue Dior tote bag with a smile. "Papa Kroos had sympathy." She chuckles as the Brazilian looks at the bag in awe.

"It suits you."

"Thank you! As Mila told me, I can be sad and alone in my room or I can be sad with a Dior bag. It's a win to me."

"Wait," Vinicius trails off. He suddenly realized that Toni buying her a bag because she was upset meant that he knew. "Does Toni know?"

Emilia lets out a sigh and slowly nods. "I had to tell him. He's my father and he was concerned! I told him to not confront Jude but knowing my father, he might not listen."

Before he could say anything, she lifts her finger and pressed her nail against his chest. "But I swear, Vinicius, if you bring it up to him or anyone else I will find you. I know how close he is with the others and he doesn't need me getting in the way. So, not a single word from you."

Vinicius holds his hands up in defense and slowly nods. "I won't say anything!" He says as she puts her hand down. "But Toni was so right for calling you kätzchen, you look like an angry kitten."

"Yeah, he also said I should get almond nails because they sort of look like claws- Stop distracting me!"

"It's so easy though!"

"You're right..."

bi speaks ! ☆彡
girona game today,
i have 0 faith pero
hala madrid 🫤😔

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