Prologue - Freak

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I am different.

Despite that, I've never really felt different, I had the other ninja to thank for that. There are things none of them know, things I'm not even sure I know. Still, no matter what, my friends treat me as though I am any other real person.

Though, a thought does taunt me a little, one that whispers 'what ifs' of all kinds. A common thread is "what if the ninja never became a team?" Would they have ever talked to me then? I find it unlikely. In reality, I only have one thing in common with the others, and that's our jobs.

I try not to dwell on that.

However, if I had to thank any of the ninja in particular, it would be Lloyd. Not for any direct reason, really. Instead, I'm thankful for the last name the boy was given. As cruel and selfish as it is, all the attention Lloyd had received due to being a Garmadon kept me safe. Lloyd Garmadon had been such a large stain, that no one noticed the spot right next to him.

That all changed after the Meowthra Attack.

When Lloyd took off that mask, revealed his identity, the world turned upside down. The stain was bleached, immaculate, as if he was never there. Now, Lloyd Garmadon was just another face in the crowd. In the freak sense, at least. Now, everyone who was once so belligerent, was absolutely benign. Even Chen begrudgingly joined the brigade of positivity.

Everyone greets Lloyd in the mornings now, don't bump their shoulders against him in the hallways, and they certainly don't stop him for any kind of scolding. If anything, they stop him just to compliment whatever they wanted. That could be his outfit, his face, or even his "fighting last week."

Whatever it may be, however people may act towards him, the Garmadon stain was gone. It really was too, Garmadon has stopped attacking the city, we aren't sure what we're fighting for now. No distractions for my peers, and no distractions for me. What was a boy to do? I'm right out in the open, the newest stain to try and hopelessly scrub away.

Worry keeps plaguing my mind, worry of what's to come. I can feel probability breathing down my neck, possibility creeping into my vision. I keep down, trying not to make my anxieties clear for the others to see. Sure, teenage angst was a big thing, but why would I want to plague the others with that worry?

I let out a sigh, reaching into my locker for my books, pushing my thoughts to the back of my head. As the locker door shuts, someone appears on the other side of it. "Hey, Zane, we have a meeting tonight. Wu said everyone needs to be there," his voice speaks smoothly.

"Thank you for the information, Cole. I have set a reminder for tonight." Cole chuckles at the way I speak, but not in a bad way, it felt good. He always makes me feel good, his laugh bringing a warm smile to my features. I guess I also have to thank Cole, too.

Cole and I were the first to join Wu's ninja team, Cole second to join after myself. Even though he never had to, he started hanging out with me at school too. Before that, no one ever talked to me, I was just someone in the background. I kind of always told myself it was because I was "new."

I really was new, in every way. I'm new again now, a new target for someone to spot. Maybe, but maybe not. I've really got to uninstall my social anxiety protocol, what good does it do? I know I wanted to feel more realistic, more human, but it's been such a bother.

Hopefully that's all it is, a bother.



Sorry for such a short beginning, hope you guys are excited for more! (I also hope you like the new cover!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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