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SORRY NOT SORRY HAHAHAHAHA  I guess english version is different 😂


*11 years earlier*

I have been living next door to the Shepherd house for 2 years and today is my 7th birthday, my friend Derek next door is 9, sometimes he is annoying, when he was 7 he was a sweetheart but now he just annoys me and pulls my hair, but I love him very much, you could say he is my best friend, but I feel like something is missing for us to be best friends, I wake up happy to find an empty house, I yell for my mommy and Richard but nobody answers, I get to the kitchen and see a note.

Hi Meredith

We got called to the hospital, we don't know when we will arrive, do your stuff and go to school.

Atte. Ellis

"It's Saturday mom come on, there's no school, it's my birthday, and Richard you promised me you would always be with me, where are you" I say in my head as I go up to my room.

Once in my room I change and go to the house next door, when I get there I ring the doorbell and I am greeted by Mrs. Shepherd.

C: Meredith honey what are you doing here

M: No one is in the house -I say as I lower my head-

C: Come here -she says as she lifts me up- Happy birthday sweetie -she says giving me a kiss.

M: Did you remember my birthday?

C: Of course, honey, but why do you ask that?

M: Because of this -I say as I take the note out of my pocket-


When Meredith arrived I was surprised today was her birthday, and neither Ellis nor Richard were supposed to work today, but when I saw her at my door with that little face the first thing I could do was pick her up and hug her, when I asked her why she was here she pulled out a letter, when I read it I couldn't believe it, what kind of person that calls herself a mother forgets her own daughter's birthday.

C: Come on sweetie, Derek almost got up.

M: Okay -she says as she hides her face in my neck, and I take her to Amelia's room-

When we get to Amelia's room I lay her on the bed and look for pajamas to put on her, when I put them on we leave the room and I take her to Derek's, as soon as I lay her on the bed she climbs towards Derek and clings to his arms, he involuntarily puts his arms around her and settles with her, as I leave I think about how they will end up together.

Mi: Honey

C: Yes?

Mi: Who was that?

C: Meredith, Ellis and Richard are at work they left her alone on her birthday, is everything ready?

Mi: Yeah everything's ready that lady is really something, she spends all day at the hospital it seems like that's her baby.

C: Yeah I know, the good thing is that she has us.

Mi: Yes the good thing, let's go to sleep honey it is still very early.

C: Hey

Mi: Yeah?

C: What do you think about Meredith and Derek, about their relationship?

Mi: Unconsciously they like each other, it's innocent now, but in a moment, they are going to be together I assure you, I dare to say they are going to create their own family.

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