~ Learning ~ 6

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     To my surprise I see the confused faces of Luffy's crew, as I materialize next to the Captain.
     "How did you do that?!" Luffy sounds amazed.
     I point to the feather in his hat. "I can open doorways to where I leave a feather." Anwering hastily, not wanting to explain everything that feather is actually capable of.
    "That is nifty!" Luffy proclaims loudly, "What else can it do? I knew it was special."
     "I would rather not say Captain... but it can be useful at times.." I shrug my shoulders and walk over to the trees on the lower deck.
    "You will have to tell me one day but I can wait for now. It just seems soo cool." Luffy smiles and waves to me.
      "What did you go do?" Zoro asks skeptically.
    "Oh I just flew around for a bit, scouting out the area and getting some exercise." I chuckle lightly then fly up to the beam holding up the largest sail.
      Up here is quiet, it's harder for me to pick up the noise of the humans that live on this ship. It is currently my favorite spot, I can hear their whispers below me however. They are so curious yet too nervous to appoarch.
     "*You could try to talk to them like you do with me My Lady.*"
      "Rozen..." I sigh deeply. "There really would be no point in getting to know any human honestly."
       "*You seem fond of that Zoro Boy, Master.*" Fang sneered with irritation.
     "It is not that I am /fond/ of Zoro, I'm merely curious about his abilities with blades, just as you." I roll my eyes with annoyance at having to defend myself against such allegations.
      "*Whatever you say.*" Fang settles down, fading from my thoughts.
      I watch the clouds move above, different shapes forming and reforming, something new each passing moment. It is truly a magical sight to behold. I close my eyes and focus on the feel of the breeze. The fresh salty scent it carries and the coolness it leaves on my skin.
      "Hey." Luffy jumps up, landing next to me, "You seem to favor this spot."
      "I like being in high places." I don't turn to face him as I speak.
     "It is quieter the higher one gets and I rather enjoy the sight." I motion with my hand to the skies above.
     "Is it loud down there?" Luffy points over at the main building.
    "Exceptionally loud... and bright." I flick my wings out, wanting to stretch them a bit.
    "Why are you answering my questions more promptly?" He says calmly as he looks over my wings.
     "I resigned to joining your crew for now. You are my Captain and thus hold a higher rank then myself. Though don't expect me to treat the others this way." I say openly, uncaring if it bothers him or not.
      "Do you have like super hearing?" He asks full of curiosity, changing the tone of our conversation.
      "Basically yeah but it's not just my hearing. All my senses are heighten compared to most."
     "Is that why you keep your distance?" Luffy asks, looking at me directly now.
      "Why must you insist on asking me such questions like these?" I raise an eyebrow casting a questioning look at my Captain.
       "Well how else am I supposed to be your friend? I don't only want to be your Captain." Luffy shrugs his shoulders, smiling widely.
       "You don't want a friend like me." I stand up hastily and drop down, my mood instantly darkening.
      Landling softly I walk over to the tip of the bow and sit. I hear Luffy land a few feet behind me but instead of coming to pester me more he walks over to where Zoro lays napping.
      "Food is ready! Come eat!!" Sanji yells loudly standing in front of a door behind Zoro.
      I watch as Zoro jumps up and races Luffy to get past Sanji. Both eager to eat his cooking, which does smell appealing I must admit.
     "Sumari come and eat too. You need to maintain that beautiful figure." Sanji calls out to me, waving for me to come over.
      "I am not hungry." I smile lightly, sensing his disappointment.
      I turn but can still feel his gaze digging into my back. I can hear Sanji's footsteps as he approaches me but I have no desire to eat and thus I ignore him. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I respond reflexively. A surge of engery rushes through my veins as I ready for a fight.
     Before I even realize what I had done, the blonde haired man is pinned beneath me and Fang is pressed against his neck. In shock I jump off of him, quickly backing away once I realize it is indeed Sanji who to touched me.
      "I'm.. I'm sorry.." I stumble the words unsure of what to do. "I.. I'm not... Just don't touch me.." I quickly fly back up to the beam, retreating from Sanji's surprised expression.
      I glance down and watch as he leaves the main deck, heading to join his friends. Focusing hard, I can hear them talking excitedly about their next destination. I stop listening in on them when I hear my name come up, not wanting an unneeded headache.
       A few hours pass before a familiar presence joins me once more. I sigh realizing this may be come my new normal routine. I glance over at Luffy when he doesn't break the silence like he usually does.
      I raise an eyebrow at him curiously, noticing he is deep in thought. When he still remains silent after a few more minutes pass by, I can't stop the words that flood from my mouth.
      "Sorry about what happened with your cook. I am not use to non aggression yet.." I say in a rush wanting to defend my actions.
     "Oh? Sanji? Yeah he gets himself in trouble alot with the ladies." Luffy laughs finally coming from his thoughts.
      "I assume you are here again to ask more nonsensical questions then?" I state to him openly.
      "How old are you?"
       "I stopped counting after 300 years. For me years feel like mere days to you." I shrug my shoulders.
      "How many of those years did you spend fighting?"
      "That is an odd question." I look at him confused by this line of questioning.
      "I am curious." Luffy smiles innocently yet I think he is trying to gage my strength.
       "Then the correct question would be when wasn't I fighting and that answer is never." I feel a quiver rise through my body, images of countless battles rush foward.
      "Have you ever met human and not fought them?" His gaze is powerful this time, he is definitely trying to use the power of his aura now.
      "Not till I met your brother, Sabo." I answer willingly, impressed by him in a strange way.
      "Did you kill your family?" Luffy has a conflicting expression right now.
      "Family?" I ask confused.
      "The people who raised you or siblings perhaps." Luffy ushers.
      "I don't understand." I am so lost with what information he could be after. His questions don't mix at all.
       "You know, when you were a child." He states directly.
       "I never met my sires face to face." I shrug indifferently, "It is normal for my kind to be alone from birth, we aren't born helpless Captain."
       "Then how were you trained?" He rubs his chin, unsure of what I am saying.
        "I was born with the pervious knowledge and skills of my lineage. All I needed was a sword and an order to be honest." I shrug indifferently once more, not sure why he wants such useless information.
       For me this is so natural I really can't understand why he seems so bothered by it right now. Seeing the confusion still heavy on Luffy's expression I continued to try and explain.
       "The skills and knowledge I have will be passed down to my own offspring and thus from birth they will be independent."
        "That is wild!" Luffy proclaims loudly, finally understanding.
       "It is a vital survival trait." I stare at him confused this time, "Captain... Answer me this, what kind of world is this?"
       "It's fun! Full of adventures and challenges. There are struggles but there is also alot of laughter. Friends to celebrate with and friends to fight with." Luffy smiles widely.
      "Where I am from Captain, there is no fun. No laughter. No adventures. No freinds." I turn my back to him, feeling somewhat envious of the inhabitants of this place.
       "Sumari!" I look down and see Zoro waving to me.
      "Captain, I will answer more of your questions another time." I step off the pole and float down to Zoro hastily.
      Tucking my wings away as I walk over to the green haired swordsman. He shoves a bowl and a beer towards me slightly annoyed.
       "You have only eaten two loafs of bread all week. Come eat now." Zoro orders me firmly.
      "I do not need to eat everyday Zoro." I raise an eyebrow up at him, sniffing the bowl of hot liquid.
      "What do you mean? Everyone has to eat to survive and replenish strength." Zoro chuckles and goes to sit under the trees.
      "Is that how it is here? Food does seem to be plentiful." Now that I think about it, Sanji does alot of cooking and the crew all do seem well fed.
        "Was food not readily available for you?" Zoro looks at me sideways for a minute.
      "Not... like this...no." I laugh meekly before taking a bite of fish from the bowl.
      "Here this is sake, a type of booze. One of my favorites." Zoro set it down near me as he continues, "Tell me alittle bit about where you are from." Zoro leans backwards now, getting ready to take a nap I presume.
       "I promise you do not wish to know." Unable to bring myself to eat anymore at his statement, I set the bowl down and walk away taking the sake with me.
       I head to sit on the bow, and chug down the soothing liquid. At least good booze exists here as well, it was the one luxury all soldiers were allowed freely.
It doesn't take long for my thoughts dirft back to that world I left behind. Zoro's question opening a door that should've stayed shut.
       It was plagued with endless wars and death. The skies always grey and the night always dark. The only creatures left alive were humans, demons and some lesser races.      
       Eventually even the gods abandoned the world, forsaking it as a lost cause. The gods left the humans to their ruin, even the other races were left to fall as well. The humans they created, destoryed the planet and brought about the end of days. The race reproduced and grew like rabbits, no other creature could keep up.
      By that point no trees grew, no birds sang. The rivers all ran black and the oceans filled with death. The skies were always hazey, stars never shown. The last non human empire wanted to bring the human race to an end entirely. To regrow the world a new from their ashes, humans had to be annihilated.
      I can see it so clearly still, the death and destruction laid out below me as I flew across burnt cities. The land stained red due to endless bloodshed from the thousand year war. The pungent scent of decay still burns my nostrils at the memory.
      I sit lost in thought as more memories of different battles flicker in rapid succession. Humans dead at my feet, corpses from both sides for as far as I could see. Yet the screams of their victims over shadow their deaths.
        The feel of relief as my blades sliced their flesh, always satisfied my sense of duty. The comfort of knowing the souls of their victims can rest in peace brings a weak smile to my lips.
       I can feel the pain of previous wounds that once covered my body. I may never have lost a battle but that doesn't mean I was never injured. The worst injury I think I ever received was from a Hero Mage.
     I rub my chest instinctively, I took a bolt of lightning head on trying to protect a young child of the elf clan. Only to have them die in my arms while the human laughed hauntingly. I remember ripping their heart out with my bare hands in the end, the satisfaction still makes me laugh.
      I shudder at the next wave memories, the time I spent in Carianna making its' way to the forefront of my mind. I was only about 100 years old, still fresh in war. Weeks bled into months then years.
       The constant scenes of destruction pushed me into a dark place for awhile. I choke up at that particular feeling.. Too many children mercilessly slaughtered causing pure hatred to guide my blades.
        There was a hollow period of my life after that. I was nothing but reflex and orders. I shake my head, clenching my fist, trying to pull myself back from my endless thoughts. Not wanting to chance drowning in them again.
        "*LADY SUKOJO!!!*" Rozen screams into my mind.
        I whip my head up suddenly, just to see a worried set of strained faces behind me. Zoro is hiding his feelings well but the rest of them, their expressions are rapidly changing.
      Some even holding back what could only be tears. I gaze around realizing I was casting outwards this whole time. They seen and felt everything I was just reliving.
       "*Stupid Master, that is what you get for slacking.*" Fang laughs darkly, hoping these humans start a fight.
I growl warningly unable to find my words. I flick my wings out and take flight, just wanting to avoid this situation for now.
      I feel something wrap around me suddenly and yank me back to the deck. I look to see Luffy's arm stretching around me tightly. He is even holding my wings closed against my back.
        "What sort of magic is this!?" I fight hard, trying to break from this rubber man's grip.
        "Listen....just settle...for a min...ute." Luffy says with a struggled tone.
       "I will not!"
      I put more strength into my wings, desperately wanting to escape these creatures. I can feel his hot skin against my feathers, it really does feel like I am stuck in a spider's web.
     *Are they going to try and kill me now?*
      I can feel my hearts drumming faster and my chest tightening, of all the ways I could have died this can't be one.
      "Will you just calm down for a second!" I hear Zoro shouting but I can't stop, I will not die by human hands.
        "Let me go!" I demand loudly, forcing my aura to erupt, flicking my mana out with my wings.
       It explodes violently around me, freeing me from Luffy's hold at last. I stagger backwards immediately putting distance between me and them. I try to regain myself but it is all too loud right now.
        I fall to my knees as so many thoughts and sounds rush my exposed senses. My breathing is wild and the tightness in my chest growing. Their thoughts and emotions running rampant, colliding with my own.
      I close my eyes and lay against the cold wood of the deck. Trying to drown out everything for a moment, to stop the growing pain.
       "*Snap out of it! The straw hat guy is coming closer!*" Fang pushes in to the front of my mind.
       I jump back from Luffy's hand drawing Fang, but don't make it far before I drop to my knees again. My chest feels like it is about to explode. Suddenly I vomit up blood, clenching my stomach.
      "You need to calm down woman!" I hear Zoro shouting once more.
      "What are.. you gonna... now?" I cough shakily, still trying to move away.
        I feel my back hit the railing, I prop myself up and stare down this crew of humans. I grip Rozen tightly now too, ready to defend myself with the brothers.
       Luffy looks at me with a pained expression before glancing at his crew. I grit my teeth ready to see these humans for who they truly were.
      "Guys leave this to me and Zoro." Luffy looks at his crew with a smile, "You all can go back to doing what it is you were." He waves them off without any worry.
       I watch in disbelief as his crew members nod and leave without a word of complaint or concern. Soon it is just me, him and Zoro left above deck. A strange silence falling upon us before Luffy breaks it.
      "I can understand why you are the way that you are." Luffy states calmly, kneeling down a few feet in front of me.
     "What was that?" Zoro asks with slight hesitation.
       I slouch downwards, trying to catch my breath. They seem to just have more questions for me. After all, all these creatures do is ask me questions. I roll my eyes as I start coughing heavily, the tightness growing in my chest even more.
      "Just take it slow Sumari, no one here will hurt you." Luffy says confidently, trying to reassure me.
     I still can't bring myself to respond to him. All I do is just stare at these two men, trying to figure out what I should do next.
       "Were those your memories? It felt
like they were mine somehow.." Zoro speaks up, alittle softer this time.
      "You have incredible strength Sumari." Luffy adds in.
      "Strength?" I sit up straighter, the pain in my chest slowly winding down at last.
      "We have endured many fights and battles over the years. I can't imagine living such a life as yours..... Especially alone." Luffy says openly with a shutter as he glances at Zoro and then over his shoulder.
      "No wonder you didn't want to open up about where you came from. It is hard to imagine such a place existing." Zoro takes a step closer towards me.
      I dont have the strength to retreat further. This world is having such a strange effect on me and it is truly hindering.
      "*It is because you aren't supposed to be here Young Master. Even this atmosphere is different.*"
      I sigh internally at Fang's words, understanding what he is getting at.
      "What did Fang say?" Zoro looks at me questioningly.
      "How do you know he spoke?" I look at him confused.
      "The aura shift." Zoro points down to the fading black hue.
       "He said my body hasn't adjusted to this world's environment." I roll my eyes annoyed by this sudden realization.
      "Is that why you have been struggling?" Luffy asks filled with concern.
      "Fret not, I am still more then capable." I sigh deeply, feeling more stable as my nerves calm down.
       "Why did you try to run away?" Luffy says nervously.
       "Would you not have?" I look at him questioningly, "I'm in a new world, surrounded by even stranger humans. Who now officially know that I have killed hundreds of thousands of their kind without a trace of mercy?" I roll my eyes with exhaustion, "I did not want to fight, so I opted to try and flee before a killing occurred."
       "I suppose when you phrase it like that, I get why you were scared." Zoro chuckles seeing my logic.
       "I wasn't-"
        "You most certainly were terrified Sumari. There is no mistaking that expression you had." Luffy looks at me with slight sympathy. "Also, sorry for grabbing you like that. I wasn't sure how else to stop you." Luffy rubs the back of his head, looking at me.
      "That was a surprise. I have never seen such a thing." I chuckle looking at him, "You look like a regular human on the outside."
      "So do you." Luffy laughs even harder. "Tell me what other powers do you have? That mind thing is pretty wicked."
     "First, Captain how about we eat and drink?" Zoro reaches his hand out towards me as though he has done this a hundred times.
      I take his hand willingly just this once, needing the help to stand. "I could use something stronger then sake." I smile lightly.
      "Why don't you eat some real food Sumari?" Sanji comes up behind Luffy, "You gave us all quite the scare beautiful." Sanji gives me a dashing smile as if nothing happened.
      "I suppose I owe you that much." I scoot closer to Luffy, "Sorry... I leaked out."
      "Try to give a warning next time. The Captain is just as bad sometimes with his gum gum business." Sanji laughs full heartedly.
       "I will be sure to drop a warning next time." I laugh seeing a flicker of panic in Sanji's eyes, "Worry not, I usually have better control. I am still not myself yet."
      "Well my lady, having little self control could be alot of fun in the-"
Nami's fist connects to the side of Sanji's face before he could finish his pick up line.
      "Stop being such a pervert all the time!" Nami shouts with laughter before looking at me, "I feel like I really know you now Sumari but I have to agree with Sanji. A warning next time be great." She smiles warmly at me before walking into the kitchen.
       I follow in behind the three men as Chopper comes up to me, "Sumari make sure to stop by my office for a quick check up. You threw up blood, so it be good to get a quick check."
       "Ah sure.. ok." I stumble, not sure how to handle all this sudden interaction now.
    I feel a hand on my shoulder, freezing me in my tracks. I twist swiftly and throw a punch without thinking. My fist is caught by Zoro, his laugh hits my ears. I feel a blush creep over my cheeks for the first time in forever. I pull my hand away as Sanji bursts out laughing.
        "At least she didn't flip me on my ass curlybrow." Zoro glares at Sanji with irritation.
       "Let's eat!" Luffy shouts excitedly, rushing over to the spread of food.
      I watch from the door way as everyone begins to eat. Their smiles and laughs fill the room to the brim with brightness. A new feeling started bubbling up in my chest and I slowly back out of here. I can't handle such an atmosphere right now, it is suffocating.
        I walk back out on to the deck and fly up to my perch. The sun is setting and I watch as the twinkle of stars begin to light up the dark sky.
     "*Even the darkest of places have a little light Lady Sukojo.*" Rozen whispers lightly.
      I smile at his words, knowing he is trying to ease my worries. After some time passes, I over hear a conversation coming from the door that leads to the deck. I focus more intently to pick up on what they are saying.
       "Luffy are you really gonna let her carry on like this? She may not be human but she still needs to eat and sleep. Ontop of it her health is starting to suffer due to this."
       "There isn't much that be can done right now Chopper. She just needs time and space. None of us come from perfect back grounds either, we all have our story."
      "If you say so, but I worry she may get worse before she gets better. Can't you have Zoro try to convince her?"
      "Don't worry Chopper, it is all gonna be ok."
       I roll my eyes at the doctor's needless concern. Letting the rest of their conversation go unheard. I shift myself to lay on the beam to gaze up at the stars.

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