~ Determination ~ 7

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      It doesn't take long for Luffy to join me once more. I feel his eyes on me but I don't care to move and acknowledge his presence. I truly have no idea what to expect from this human, he baffles me.
      "Here try this." Luffy tosses a small orange ball thing at me when I show no interest in him.
       I catch it and groan as I sit up to inspect this new object. "What is it Captain?" I ask giving up on trying to figure it out.
       "It is a type of fruit. The trees down on the deck grow them, they are from Nami's home town." Luffy smiles and begins to peel the outer shell off of his own before popping the whole thing in his mouth.
      I copy him and do the same. The taste is sweet and abundant. Exploding flavor in my mouth, I can't help the smile as I swallow this food.
        "That is unquie! I never had such thing before!" I turn to see him smiling at me like a fool.
       "You should really try Sanji's cooking. It is even better then that fruit and eating will be a good way to regain your strength." Luffy says encouragingly again.
      "Is that an order Captain?" I glance at him curiously, I was expecting him to ask about what happened.
       "If I order you to eat would you?" He raises an eyebrow at me.
      "I have never disobeyed an order." I say slightly more seriously then probably necessary.
      I take a step back as Luffy's expression suddenly changes, "You were ordered to not sleep and skip meals?"
       I take another step back as he steps closer to me. "Indeed....It is common practice though there was also very limited food. There were times where I ordered my subordinates to do the same Captain. There was danger and violence everywhere." I stand up straighter and flick my wings warningly, defensively.
       For the first time since I met this man, I have never seen him this angry before. I don't feel threatened by him but he definitely is directing it at something.
     "Captain?" Zoro appears by Luffy's side, setting a hand on his shoulder.
      "Zoro?" Luffy looks over at Zoro, his demeanor instantly changing. "What's up?"
      "Yo, Captain." Sanji joining us now too.
       Unsure of what is happening all of a sudden, I quickly take off. I let my wings catch the updraft, hovering just a few feet above the sails. I glance down and see the three men still standing on the beam below.
       I remain drifting like this for many hours, every now and again I sense eyes on me. As though they were checking to make sure I am still here. The moon is just barely mid sky when I catch sight of another ship about 100km north.
      I glance down unsure if I should alert them or just confront the potential problem myself.
      "*Master, let me get some exercise!*" Fang shouts loudly, "*I have never gone this long without a fight.*"
       "Fine." I smile excitedly and drop down lower to the Straw Hat's ship.
It doesn't take me long to spot Zoro sitting utop the Crow's Nest. Sighing I fly towards him, landing gently in front of him.
      "Are you done flying?" Zoro glances at me like he thinks I am tired.
      "Not at all. In fact I am gonna fly ahead of the ship and handle another vessel that is about 80km straight ahead now." I smile excitedly, "I will wait for my pick up." I turn and take off before he can say anything.
      It doesn't take me long at all to come up on the ship, but this one doesn't look like the ones Zoro thought of. I pull up a bit higher, taking a good survey of the vessel.
      "*That is another pirate ship Lady Sukojo.*" Rozen speaks hastily.
     "*Could still be enemies. Humans always fight.*" Fang urges, wanting me to find out.
     "I do need to drain someone of their knowledge so it couldn't hurt to check it out." I smile wickedly, I too want a fight. "It be nice to exercise at least."
      I slowly drift down, landing softly on the main sail's beam. I take this chance and slip a feather into the side of the pole. Then start to scan the area and notice something is immediately off. I jump up hastily as a small blade goes whizzing by. It lodges into the wooden beam where my foot just was.
     "That is a great response time." A deep tone rose up from the darkness below, "Not many can dodge that."
      "You dare attack a lady in the middle of the night?" I question back, startled by another human popping up I can't sense.
      "What kind of a lady are you to be creeping about in the night?" I can hear curiousity heavy on his words, almost like Luffy's.
     "What is with you pirates and questions?" I blurt out, without thinking.
      "Have you met many pirates?" Another honest question.
      "Just one crew." I glance down watching as a single arm man steps into view, I flap my wings and hover alittle higher.
     "And what crew be that little miss?" He asks daringly, his red hair just coming below his ears.
     "A crew of misfits mostly." I shrug my shoulders and drop alittle lower, "I have a question for you now. Friend or foe?" I feel the edges of my lips curl upward, excitement growing.
      "I suppose that depends on the crew you're with." He shrugs his shoulders and places his palm on the handle of his sword.
      "Is that how it works?" I ask, honestly wanting to know.
      "You're a pirate but don't even know about crews do you?"
     "Do not mock me human." I growl annoyed at his statement.
      I block his sudden attack easily, "Mere child's play." I scoff holding my blue blade.
      Fang shudders with joy from the soild contact with another blade. Me and this man lock eyes breifly, neither one of us backing off. We jump back simultaneously. Both of us landing on the deck of his ship facing one another.
      "That is a very interesting blade little miss." The red haired man steps forward, eyeing Fang then his own sword.
      "*Master becareful. This human is very far from being a human.*" Fang sounds nervous and that startles me deeply.
     I step back from this man, realizing I may have messed up. As if sensing my second thoughts, he lunges forward once more. This time Rozen steps in, his blue flames twisting up wrapping around the opposing sword.
      The man jerks back rapidly, yanking his blade away. He lands a few feet away and glances at the lingering flames on his blade. I pull Rozen from my hilt and face this man with the brothers.
      This human is extremely powerful, easily a war general level. I can't let my guard down, ontop of it his crew is starting to stir below deck.
      "I may have gotten alittle carried away there miss. I do apologize." He bows slightly, sheathing his sword. "I am Captain Shanks of the Red Hair Pirates."
      I stand there a bit confused by his immediate change of attitude. As well as thrown off by his crews name, I don't lower my guard but play into him.
      "Seriously are all pirates like this?" I throw my hands in the air after putting my blades back on my hip. "Pointless questions, redundant naming and ridiculous behaviors!"
       "You must be the Raven Samurai. I heard of your little stunt a bit ago." Shanks states as a matter of fact.
      "Oh? Does that mean the... marines, put a bounty out? Do you have that paper? Captain says it has to be on a paper." I say hastily, completely distracted momentarily.
      "So you do have a Captain then? There could only be one crew of misfits in this area at the moment." Shanks smiles as though he has figured it out.
      I quickly snap back into reality, this man may still be an enemy of my new Captain. I ready myself for a real fight instantly, eyeing him warningly. They should only be about another 50km from here.
     "If you mean harm to that lot, I will fight to kill you right now." I grip Rozen and Fang once more, this time ready for a real clash.
      I take my stance and steady my wings. Fang is getting overly excited and his energy starts dancing wildly. His craving for blood can definitely be felt by the man in front of me. A shudder ripples over Shanks and then he shifts every so slightly as a response.
      "And what if I do mean them ha-"
      I don't give him time to finish, I sprint forward and begin my assault. Shanks blocks my attacks effortlessly but hasn't been able to go on the offensive. I can feel the power he wields as a swordsman and it is impressive to say the least.
     Soon I forget why we were clashing, all I think about it's how exciting this feeling is. We as keep crossing blades I notice he is keeping pace with the brothers evenly. Blow for blow, neither of us gaining the upper hand.
       The clash of power when our blades meet send shock waves blowing out. I can't stop my laughter as we go harder and faster. It even feels like my blades are smiling with me, when was the last time we were so well matched.
      Even this man's sword is impressive, so incredibly strong to still be intact after taking so many direct attacks.
        "Is this what fun feels like?" I ask Shanks, smiling as our blades clash once.
       "Have you not had fun before?" Shanks asks putting his weight against me.
       "I have fought for years on end, never did it make me feel like this." I smile excitedly, wanting more of this exhilarating feeling.
       I pull back and ready for another assault when I felt sudden pain erupt in my chest. I drop to my knees instantly, gasping for air. I slump backwards, willing myself to get distance.
        I can't catch my breath and soon I vomit up blood. I hear Shanks rushing forward towards me but I jump back dodging his hand.
      "Can't.. you... see.. I'm a bit.. busy." I huff out, trying to get to my feet. "Damn. this.. fucking.. world.." I collapse once more, landing on shakey knees.
       "I think you have had a bit too much fun it would seem." Shanks says with a slight smirk.
     "Shut...up.. blood.. stain.." I growl pitifully.
      "So tell me why were you here anyway?" Shanks questions innocently.
        "To fight.. potential... enemies.." I cough a bit more as my breathing still labors.
       "Hey you, ready for that pick up now?" Zoro's voice hits my ears as he lands in front of me somewhat defensively.
      "Yeah... I found.. more..bloodly.. pirates.. though." I roll my eyes, as pain rockets through my chest.
      Zoro glances at me and then at Shanks. "I didn't do that." The red hair man raises his hand up laughing.
      "Hi Shanks!!" I hear Luffy's voice calling out, "I see you met Sumari!"
      "Sumari huh?" Shanks smiles at me. "You got yourself one hell of a swordswoman Luffy. Had she been at full strength I may have had a harder time." Shanks laughs and walks over to Luffy as he lands on the ship.
       I push myself up off the railing and make my way back to the Thousand Sunny. Zoro tries to help me but I push him off. Only to have a hand placed on my shoulder, and as expected my body went into reflex mode.
       I reach up instantly, digging my nails in and yanking whoever it was clean over my shoulder. They land sprawled out infront of me, with my blade already pointing at their throat. The motion hurts but no matter what I will fight till my last breath.
        "God damn it you creatures! Stop fucking grabbing me suddenly!" As soon as I'm done shouting, I start coughing again. My chest wrenches once more and I drop to my knees again.
       "Still impressive reflexes even in this state." Shanks notes jumping up before stretching his hand out, "We definitely should play again when you are well little miss."
      "Zoro take Sumari to the medical room. Chopper needs to take a look at her." Luffy looks at me then to Zoro, his  eyes tell us both this is an order.
      I nod as Zoro comes to pick me up, his touch is becoming slightly to common for my taste.
       "Oh yeah. Little miss," Shanks walks over with a rolled piece of paper.
      I take it quickly, "Thanks for the exercise. Be sure to treasure that sword of yours." I smile lightly, acknowledging his skill.
       I feel Zoro's grip tightening before he jumps up to the Thousand Sunny. He rushes inwards heading straight for the medical bay. Laying me on the bed as Chopper instantly starts checking over my body.
       My arms, my chest, my neck, my stomach. I close my eyes and remain still, I do not like this creature touching me either. As he begins to trail his hand down my wings I finally snap.
       "Enough!" I shout flicking him off me and standing up to leave.
Zoro catches Chopper and gives me an annoyed look. "Sit down and be still woman!"
       "He is lucky I haven't already killed him. How many times have I said not to touch me!" I growl angerly.
       "I touch you." Zoro states bluntly.
       "That is complicated enough for my tolerance!" I throw my hands up angerly.
       "Well I am just gonna give you an everything pill. I am not entirely sure how it will effect your body without a proper examination." Chopper walks towards me holding a bottle.
        "I have self healing that handles all injuries and ailments." I roll my eyes standing up, "I am not sick doctor. It is just this entire environment is different. My body will take awhile to adjust to the atmosphere compositions."
      "Our air is poisoning you?" Zoro asks curiously.
      "I guess basically, yeah. And it seems to be worse when my adrenaline gets going." I shrug my shoulders, "I can still fight in any state. Plus after a year or less I should have no more issues. I can build up a tolerance to any type of poison with prolonged exposure. Hence," I wave my hand towards the two, "all this concern is wasted on me. I am an immortal being and it would take alot for death to try and claim me."
      I growl frustrated and exhausted, I have had enough of interactions for the time being. I stand as steady as I can mange and push toward the door eager to leave. I just want to rest alone, recover without some many lurking.

Lost Wings: A Pirate AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now