Prelog! A New Era !Prelog

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△ Warning: Google Translate 💀💀💀 🔥🚨△
△ Warning: Swearing and Divorces△
△ Warning: Some countries from WWII exist △
△ Warning: Rushedstory . . . writersblock△

*Brittan POV, 07:28, September1 1939, Poland*

Over two radios:
"Are you there? Is everything alright here P*****?" 1

"Y- yup? I'm fiiine..." 2

"You sound more drunk then bombed. :/" 1

"Shall we figure out where is Po****, F*****?" 1

"I'll do that and you... uh... find out where's N***? >:O" 1

"Will do." I said as I leave her alone. I'm not sure why I was still wearing my casual attire. But my -poor, unfortunate- Lether shoes making a loud kind of kicking sound as I go further to the west side of Poland.

Poland uh, Poland, I remember Poland, we were almost like sister and brother. We both considered "Posh", we cared about another, our nature is sublime (although it could just be my personal bias and all) and we aren't heartless but our emotion doesn't get in our ways, I mean if Poland had the same amount of money as France back before Grandad became a lowlander Poland would own the world at this point. Oh its messed up just thinking about how anyone could do this at this time of peace! Wasn't the kid and the Germans had a non-aggression act as well?

I still can't believe after 20 years of The Great War, the Germans still decide to go to war, it's unbelievable, stupid, astonishing even! but atlas, Europe is never satisfied with peace, is it?

"Ah,- vaeet... Ggheat Breettan!? zat are you doeenk here??" I see, that must be Nazi. He looks not much alike to his father (maybe it's because his still 24 in humanum years).
*Ah,- wait... Great Brittan!? What are you doing here??

"I'll start with the questions Mr., I'll start with: Why did you invade Poland?" "To shov the vorlt that ee am the best! Not even you can stop me, not even se Alee-es." He says so confidently it's almost like I was looking at Thirteen when he was a kid...
*To Show the world that I am the best! Not even you can stop me, not even the Alies.

But then again, Thirteen got his independence and became a mighty country, or one of the world's strongest countries.

"Bloody hell- You will regret this mate..." I said that with a bit to much rage but all is fine. but I wish he does regret this

"How?" "Why OfCourse; War! I always believed Germans would one day overpower the Brittan's but, look at us now. I'm about to kill 2 Germans in a span of... 5 years!"

He just laughs as he says that I spoke rubbish and all that non-sense in his horrible accent, I don't mind. But this is now WWII. A new era ones more.

But everything must come to an end, and, after some Gibberish, non-needed arguments and his half-backed threats we part ways.

"Bonjour Uk! XD You found him?" it's France! What a "lovely" surprise now I just declared war on the Nazis-

"Negative, you?" I say with some sort of hope in my voice. "Non..." That was a letdown... "But you know Poland! That sneaky little rascal and get out jail cells alive, don't sweat it! >;D" France said, I think your overestimating her a bit... "Ah..." I say almost obvious that I didn't believe her.

"Hmm," She says to start our dead ended conversation "I know! We should Visit America! :D" She says without context (Wait- WHAT!?), like that was pulled out of thin air... "Wait, what do you mean? We haven't even got to that part of our topic yet France! But do tell; what exactly are you talking about?" 

She strips over her words, but she manages to get her point across as she hung her arm on my neck and shoulders. "We should do it like in the old times!" "Old times...?" I swear to Jesus and God themselves America is her child not mine... or she is more of the child in fact.

"Yea Like before we divorced and stuff, Canada and the Twins took a tool on it," "Haha! I'll say." She looks at me with sorrow in her eyes, I know she doesn't love me (romantically that is) but why is she so sad?

"You've been more... sad lately you might be old and stuff, but I think you need like social interactions without any anxiety triggers, the smallest things will have a single train of thoughts that will lead to one of your many traumatizing experiences as a child of the B.E." First time in a long time France spoke like this.

"I- I'm not sure about that France, No one I know is well... 'anxiety-reliving'.." Now thinking about it... who were the people who made my childhood better..?

No one in my childhood was very kind to me to say the very less...

but then why do I like it? there's no one I like from what I remember. Except that boy in the field.. he's a royalty, right? European Prince of a cold area. Gold eyes. wait what? Oh I know him! But I'm sure he's dead... I know he'd kill himself for the people he loves and he would kill himself if his dad died. (If you're wondering dear readers... he is!) Ah the sweet, sweet memories that aren't sad. 

"Hello UK? Are you there?? :}"

"Uh... What? Where you talking, oh how rude of me my apologies." I say I relisted I wasn't paying attention.

"It's fine (Somewhat) but were going to miss the train if you sit there like that >:/" She said folding her arms like an annoyed child.

"Ok ok, Baby France we'll be on our way, plus we can let Poland get more Blackmail on the Germans there." I say as I walk to the Train station in my Humanum form France fallowing not far behind OfCourse.

"Wait she does that!? :OO" She says in surprised as she jogs further so we can some what face each other although that's a stupid thing to do.

"Indeed she does." And like that we're to the Train station

[HEYYYY, Hi, Kamusta ka, Hola, Konichiwa, Ni How, WELLCOOM to (GAME THEREY) Alex's story of SovBrit, ofc, I'll just put the every chapter thingies here so you'll understand what everything means K?
 So in every chap' I'll add this thingy on the start (not the warnings, it's only for this chapter) with the persons POV, then the time(depending on who is it it's either military or the normal one), date, then where are they.
In the end of the chapter there this and it will be you authors note! No it not be this loong (thank goodness) but this is how it will most likely go like!
Me telling smth bout the chap', no. of words used, how close our mcs are, new characters and me not fallowing the normal stereotypical CH (sorry not sorry) and I'll say bye! This part is our "Me telling smth bout the chap'" so lets speed run ow-
Words: 1000 (-the authors note then thats 1207)
They haven't met yet
Poland, she's a girl and a cold one who is somewhat poor for someone like her, so she isn't the strongest she can get, no she isn't week or a baby she is overly defensive so she wasn't in her best state in WWII

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