4! To Make A love Story Short !4

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*Brittan POV, 09:34, June20 1941, Brittan*

It's been 2 years since the war has started, people are being killed for humanity. Countries falling and rising just for the sake of our fight. And there's me: me waiting to talk to one of the enemies like nothings happening. 

Honestly: I love Soviets and our little weekly talks; they started last year since we couldn't wait for the war to end. If I recall, we pretty found ourselves in a cafe in England and we had this awkward silents. He broke it and we somehow found ourselves in this unspoken routine that every Friday we go to this coffee shop and talk about anything.

Out of all the countries fighting: Brittan is the calmest, America left and apparently: "doesn't give a shit", France is helping Belgum, Luxemburg and Netherlands from Nazi, Japan is always with Italy and he's just fallowing Nazi.

And you already know how Soviet and me are doing. Speak of the devil: he's here!

"Πρͷʙet, Бретань. Was war in Europe good for you?" "I lost, ofc not. But, then again, where in a bloody coffee shop in the middle of war like nothing is sacrificing their health for us."

He laugh about death, he might not be so deadly as society claims but still, who laughs on someone's grave? I sigh after taking a sip of my Americano, "Why are you still with him, he's going to betray you, why can't you see that..."

"He might be 24 in Humanum years be we all know he is actually around 18, he cant do much."

"Good luck with that alright then, remember you are nursing him. And he's an adopted child so who knows who's his descendants!" I say almost being terrified, war is VERY vivid in my memories, I mean: I was born for the battlefield, France and I were.

Why are good memory's so hard to relive as the bad ones repeat after let's say 20 years...?

"Бретань? You spaced out." He said holding what smells like tea.

"I'm fine, just. thinking. war. life. You know, casual Union thoughts."

Casual hu? (W)

I've provoke the devil!

Oy, Mate, you did this yourself. (S)

Well, who's this? Ever since TGW(The Great War) we- I mean: you haven't been so stress! (E)

Your thoughts are even more messy! What happen?? more war!? (M)

Yes, there's another war-


The Great War... 2? (NI)

No ya big bampot! Its the World War 2! (S)

Brilliant! How are you only stress now? it's been 2 years! (E)

SHUT UP! Brittan? as you where saying?? (W)

Ah- yes, uhmm... And I'm hanging out with one of the enemies with Coffee.

??? (All -S)

Ya big simp (S)


"Бретань... did you even sleep tonight?"

"AH- I," Soviet startled me out of nowhere, Clean your clothing, your slacking to much(E) , okay... I clean the non-existent dust of my chest as I fix my posture and exiled the adrenaline building up from all 6 of them.

", I didn't finished much the day before yesterday... so I did it all last night. Worth every minute though." Sure it did Brit', suuure(W) Thank you for reminding me that I lied to him...

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