1! Old Time Sakes !1

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*3rd Person POV, 15:34, Septeber1 1939, ???*


"Are you positive he won't freak out? You've seen the lifeless looks he has now! I don't think he'd like it if where getting along again-"

"What?? What makes you say that?"

"Last time I saw him he was just always talking about the times before he try to get his independents and how we were a happy little family! If he thinks Were could go back together -where, I can't see us doing so- it all be nothing! And He'll get even sadder!"

"Your England talk is dropping by the way ;D"


~Back to now~

*####### POV, 15:57, Septeber2 1939, America*

"*******!! The door, you should answer it." My favorite colony (*****) says across the bedroom of there's. I reply with: "K, well I'll see you in a sec', you better think of it ones I get my ass here K?"

"Okay!" They say, as soon as I get out of there room **** jumps scare me, "WHATTHEPHFPHFFF-"

"HA! you should see your face!" C*** says...

"I'm going to the door, so for now you keep P**** at company K?" "Fine, old man" Cu**, Your getting on my nerves...

"Where the same age!" I say.

"Independents? I'm pretty much a baby and you're a old ass man!"

"Shut the fuck up Cu**!"

I happen to reach the door before I plan to beat up him again. and as I open the door I, see...

"DAD!? WHAT THE FUCK are you doing here!?" I say.

"Well, hello old champ' I wanted to talk to you," "Bonjour! :D" ",and it was France idea for me to, talk to you about something very important so, would you like to talk about it over some tea?"

~~~ [Bonuse] "Ph***! Can you get me some tea and biscuits please? We've got guest!"

*Las Philippinas/ Ma-yi POV, 17:23, Setember2 1939, America*

"So Lemme get this straight [Homo], you declare war on the Nazis because they invaded a blood thirsty emo country?" "When you put it like that, yes still." America... and one of my past Colonizers are related, the dad brought his ex who at this point isn't related to both of them. And where both like in the side-lines... Galing tayo.

"I think you still don't get the full picture, let me explain in more detail-" "Um, I feel out of place I'm going to bed-" "Ok, night mahal." Joe says, we have many nicknames like mahal is Expensive ingles. Or Joe; I thought he was a "Joe" in his Humanum form.

Either way I made it up to the bed and rest, before we got guest; Me and Joe where actually taking a quiz since I needed a freshener for the confusing world of being a country and him being a union... I should quiz myself till I can't even think straight! Okay, notes:

Being a human is hard.

Being a country is even harder.

Being a union is the worst for everyone.

and yet they find love so easily, just not thinking right to see it.

Ok let's quiz!


There are only 2/two forms: Humanum and Patrium. They are Latin for "Human" and "Country", I think it's easy to identify what's what, so I won't explain that part but there's a difference between the two (obviously), so Human is how the majority of your population is. So, for Joe it's a: White skinned blonde guy with blue eye, ocean eyes to be exact. Also your height and wight to! Like me: I'm sadly 5'1", Sir United kingdom and France thought I was a kid but I'm actually 20! In Patrium/Country It's pretty much your face is your flag and your hair is like the same..? and Your height and stuff is depending on your land size and your land location: Example me again (Hi!), Normally in Humanum I'm a skinny 5'1" but in Patrium I'm STILL 5'1" but it's normal for a country that short *(>O<)* and I'm still skinny, just more of a "fancy fem body" then a "Help I'm starving" kind (No, I'm not starving). And Your eye color will show your family history or something like that, example: Sir United Kingdoms! His are purple like his father, they mean: Luxury and Wealth. But they also mean: Sorrow and Suffering... 

His family was known to be the "golden example of royalties." I've shouldn't know that sooner. His Family was always trying to be the exact opponent of Francess Family. There gender, where they focused on, even on how the world see them as! Francess family was seen as Rebellious and Focused on how their empire looked like: as for Sir UK, they were known for being persist on everything. And as history knows: They focused on how big there land was.


Unions MUST have physical States /kingdoms /countries under them, they stay in another universe called: "Civitas" (I hate there all Latin, I know how to speak it fluently!) and only Unions stay there, only for a while. As for the States /kingdoms /countries can stay in our universe whenever they like. The Personalities of every State /kingdom /country will be a voice in every Unions head, although the smaller ones (Could be either by quantity or size, or by pure luck) get none or simpler ones, bigger ones are just filed with unneeded thoughts, unless there drunk or sleepy. Imagen Working at 4am and some random Mexican goes in your head and says "Hola Bitchess!" (T^T)!

Gender: we are all stuck in Humanum form till were ten/10. And the best thing for us we can choose our gender! We either can be: Female, Male or intersex! So I used to be a girl when I was a kid but when I became a preteen I became an Intersex person! If I member America used to be a girl and his old name was like a number or something like that...

I think it's aLL- 彼はあなたを決して愛していませんでした。 הוא מעולם לא אהב אותך. 他从来不爱过你。 Él nunca te amó. Viņš nekad tevi nav mīlējis. Ποτέ δεν σε αγάπησε. Il ne t'a jamais aimé. لم يحبك أبدا.
 Er hat es nie getan...! Dia tidak pernah melakukannya ...!  Dat heeft hij nooit gedaan...! Hindi niya kailanman ginawa...! No ho va fer mai...! Ele nunca fez...! Non l'ha mai fatto...! Он никогда этого не делал...! Det gjorde han aldrig...!

Will he?

Fuck it... I think "it's" killing me mentally (>_<) I'll just actually sleep...

"Phill!" Puerto Rico says almost teleporting to my bed. GAh- God you scared me,"



"No, you're just having those Anxiety attacks again :/" "Ha ha ha, yea."

"Oh yea, how's P.I.'s?"

"she's fine. Just timid."

"Well, good night I guess..?"

"I'll rest good! Night Puto!"

And of to sleep I go :DD

[I think Philippines is a weird (I based them of how I think so I guess so) with that part with multi languages... it's fine :DD Oh yea, RUSHED :((
No of words: 1299
They STILL HAVE NOT MET YET (This should be another Prelog part DX)
PHIL OR FRANCE??? I'LL DO BOTH- Phil is not a girl or a boy, there an intersex dude who use they/them pronounce. France is a slay queen! Phil is the most blocked out of society person not out of free will, due to China (like in precolonial era) thinking there a threat and only a few countries met them, Spain making them live in a fucking cell (and the most hated Coloney of the S.E.) Americas Obsession of there stuff (will be seen more after the whole "Axis" thing starts)! France is one of only female country alive, also a big boss who only talks when nothings important, because of PTSD- Thats all :/
BYE BYE 💛💛💛]

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