2! Split This Mother-Fucker in Half! !2

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*Poland POV, 3:23PM, September17 1939, Germany/Nazi*

FUCK, I need to fight my fatigue and beat the shit out of that Nazi bitch! And soon... Wait, who's that? oh no...

"Hello, Польша, good to see you."

"You Basted, how are you working with him!? Sir UK will fight you you know??" I say, I don't recall him having history with the more-posh-country-then-me at all him kicking his ass! I thought what I said will keep him quiet but... "Well, we haven't allies yet so... who is that basted you speak of?"

Ahh I already hate his bad English!

"Well, this 'UK' you say will not be in our way. and if he plans on war, we'll have 3 more people with us, you can't outnumber us."

"He fought on multiple wars, and his dad was one of the biggest empires! We'll see!" I didn't thought that will make him shut up but it did!

"He has a sibling..? Why did I not meet them..." He mutters to himself, when did we say he had any? Gosh this guy is killing me... with stupidity.

The chains and oddly dark room filled with my blood start to become more normal has he starts to talk again and chill with me... he's honestly a cool guy but has an scary exterior and has a twisted childhood and broken memory (sounds like somebody I kNO-). Sure he beats me up but that's when that Nazi-Bitch is with us, if not then, he's super cool.

But atlas today I'm spared since the new WWII starts and Him and the Axis go to war with Sir UK and His fam. Although it feels like I need more information about this...

*Brittan POV, 15:26, September20 1939, France*

"Bloody America, he's taking forever!" I say to France in our humanum form waiting in the train station. There's just somethings that will never change will it?

"Don't sweat it, where going to be like 5 minutes early stIL- :D" "Where going to be late by an hour if we MISS THIS GODDAM TRAIN," I say in a mix of panic and anger that obviously scared France a bit.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I ju-" I was cut from France when I was trying to apologies with a sad "Don't worry, I get it." Like how I would say to my Father. oh I get it. It's like:

*####### POV, ??:??, ###?? ????, ?????*

"I hate my temper. I hate my face and appetence. I hate my hobbies and my interest. I hate my Father. I hate it when he hits me. I hate it when people say I'm like him. I hate #####'s family and her/him. I hate marriage. I hate everything my life has to offer. I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!"


"Don't sink like zat, I care bout u. I love your creativity. I love how you dress and how it усиления your косметические. I love your hobbies and interest in the небо. I care about you, and I would never hit you! Your nothing like him, and even if your подобные to him your still a person, not a killing робот. I've never meet ##### but I say you should stop hating him/her though, he/she did nothing but fallow his/her Father to. I would love to be in your wedding, and to meet the lucky woman/man who helped you in our growing years. I love everything about you. I'll love you and I would never hate you. I can't. and that's a обещаю, promise!" He says as the snow slowly devours us under the big inky sky, that night: the sky was more colorful than anything else from my memory! He dusted the snow of himself and his hat, gives me a warm hug and dust the snow of my hair, he extends his arm as he stands up: he gestures that I should take his hand, and so I did.

I fallow him to his place, a colorful castle, like haven. We find our parents and they separate us as we walk away: me going to the carriage and him going deeper to the castle. We wave to each other saying we'll see each other again next week.

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