~ Exchange ~ 8

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    "You are one scary person Sumari." I hear Shanks's voice dift into the room from behind me.
     "Don't even think about Shanks. She is on my crew!" Luffy shouted loudly coming up behind Shanks.
     "Captain." I tilt my head and stand up to walk out, pushing past Zoro.
      "No you don't, sit." Shanks orders reaching to block the doorway with his arm.
     "Yes I do. It is becoming increasingly loud in here." I grumble, reaching for his arm to shove it away.
      However Shanks held it in place firmly, his pressure trying hard to command me. I growl louder and cast him a warning look, there has never been a creature who could pressure me aside from the Emperor.
     With my current situation I can't risk an attack, I believe this may be the perfect time to practice some casting here.
     "Êțæò" I whisper the word for binding and watch as Shanks buckles and drops.
      I smile pleased with how successful the simplest of spells is, maybe I really do have all of my abilities here. I step over Shanks's frozen body, listening to the panicking voices behind me. Meek attempts are made in struggle, trying to help Shanks up to no avail.
     Feeling slightly guilty at using a underhanded tactic against a fellow blades master, I wave my finger releasing the spell. It was pretty sneaky way to approach a swordsman even though it was entertaining.
      I chuckle at their confusion echoing down the hall once more before stepping out into the night sky. I breathe in deeply then fly up to my regular sitting perch on the mast.
      "*Master, I want to fight that red haired man again. His blade would be divine to swallow.*" Fang speaks gleefully.
     "*I must agree with Fang on this. It would be worthy to add to our power.*" Rozen surprises me with that.
      "You are usually insanely picky but even I must admit I did enjoy that fight." I sigh internally, "Too bad it ended so abruptly."
      "It was fun indeed." Shanks's voice sends chills down my spine and I jump up warily.
      "How are you so quiet and quick!?" I step back, "I hear nothing from you either.." I poke his mind but even that is silent, not a single ripple of a thought. "What are you?" I take another step back, watching Shanks carefully.
      "I feel you knocking up in my head. So strange." Shanks takes a step towards me, his smile full of dangerous curiosity now.
      I can sense Luffy and Zoro staring up at us but they have no intention of stepping in. Shanks's gaze is fierce and sharp, sharper then the edge of Blue Fang.
     "What did you do to me back there?" He tilts his head downwards.
     "A binding spell. Seemed to be my best option in that moment." I shrug indifferently, not wanting to give away my unease.
      "Luffy says you traveled a very long ways but wouldn't explain why you cursed this world during our fight. Added to what you told Zoro...." He raises and eyebrow at me bringing his hand to his chin, "Where did you come from? The Straw Hats won't tell me anything." He chuckles lightly, but nothing in his laugh was good.
      I eye him warily, unsure of what to say nor how to get out of this line of questioning. I know why the Straw Hats won't tell him anything. They probably wish they didn't even know what they learned themselves. I grit my teeth with conflicting thoughts starting to swell. I have never had such difficulties before, even when dealing with my own wasn't this exhausting.
     "*Lady Sukoj-*"
      I growl outwardly, not wanting to hear Rozen's advice. I notice Shanks though take a step back at my warning. I roll my eyes thinking he probably thought I was warning him.
      "Is it something you wish not to discuss?" I can feel his curiosity burning despite his words.
      "Why do you want to know this knowledge?" I regain my composure, taking a breath.
      "I want to learn that magic frankly. I have my own skills but nothing like that." He rubs the back of his head, "I couldn't even effect you with my Haki."
     "Haki? What is that?" I take a step towards him slowly, I have questions for him as well.
      "Hmm the best way to explain is that Haki takes ones spiritual energy and converts it into power we can use in many ways." Shanks smiles at me.
     "Magic works similarly I suppose. I draw energy from environment and things around me." I look over to the endless water before closing my eyes, "Ýůêņæ." I flick my finger as I whispered my cast.
      Soon massive underwater currents rise up from the ocean, a thick swirl of water archs over both ships. I twirl my finger, imagining it spreading as a moving waterfall around us.
      I open my eyes to watch as it spreads out, a moving force field of water surrounding us now. As though we were mere trinkets in a bubble, fish of all sorts rushing down the flowing water.
       "Everything has a source of energy, learn how to master it and even this becomes effortless." I snap my fingers and watch the water bubble pop, laughing in the sudden rain that pours down.
      "Had you just used magic to fight..." I watch as his mind instantly wonders.
       "I don't normally fight with magic Shanks, I not actually all that gifted with such skills. It is my maternal side that were proficient with magic. I take after the paternal side more, they were the blade masters. Thus for my main strength is in the way of blades." I slap a hand to my mouth, unsure what prompted me to be so open.
      "Can you teach me at least the basics?" Shanks ask raising an eye brow, clearly
    "I will give you the basic understanding but you will have to figure the rest out on your own. In return I want something too." I look at him daringly.
      "What is it that you want from me?" He takes another step towards me.
       "*Take his knowledge on this world's blades!*" Fang calls out suddenly.
       "*No don't take it, but copy it. We shouldn't rob ourselves of a good opponent!*" Rozen counters hastily.
       I look down to Zoro and Luffy, "Let us go to soild ground first."
       We both drop and land lightly next to the men. "Sup guys?" Luffy ask openly.
     "Sumari have you taken a liking to Shanks?" Zoro asks curiously.
      "His skills with a blade are note worthy and that alone shows he deserves such respect. I have met only about four enemies with skills to match his." I smile with honesty, "To me, his ability is a rare delicacy I most certainly would love to devour." I cast him a sideways smirk, knowing none of them will get the joke.
      "Shanks I will share knowledge of magic if you present me the knowledge of the blades here." I raise an eye brow waiting to hear his response.
      "How would you want that information? There is alot I do know but even more that I have yet to learn." He sounds alittle unsure now, I suppose that is alot of information.
      "She is gonna pull it from your head!" Luffy jumps up and down excitedly, drawing everyone's attention.
     "Excuse me?" Shanks looks around confused.
       "I can interact with thoughts and memories from all creatures." I shrug crossing my arms, growing impatient.
      "How?" He raises an eyebrow, not letting this go.
       "All thoughts and memories are just another form of energy. Haki is not all that different from how you described it." I shrug my shoulders and stick my hand out, "Magic is all energy and not just limited to one source."
      "I am even more interested now. I'll share my knowledge on swords with you." Shanks takes my hand firmly.
      I focus and start throwing basic energy detection, manipulation and understanding his way. Moments where I practiced as a young one. I even flick through a few books I memorized and send him perfect recollections. After a few seconds Shanks steps back gasping hard.
      "That is wild! It feels like I read those books, like I was the one practicing as a child! I could hear and feel it all.." Shanks looks up at me with sudden worry before glancing at Luffy.
       Luffy turns his head sharply, pain flickers across his eyes before he ushers it away. I know he understands what Shanks is saying, the Straw Hats have trauma that isn't even their's.
      "Now my turn," I smile reaching my hand out. "This time let the thoughts and memories drift freely. Focus on things related to blades and such. I'll basically be copying it, I won't take them from you." I smile warmly.
      Shanks takes my hand and instantly a flood crashes into me. Many rapid thoughts and memories fly by. Sad moments. Happy moments. Angry moments. Proud moments.
       Times with Luffy. Times with his crew. Intense battles and extreme suffering. Times of joy. His life flashing like lightning, spiraling out of control in my head. I open my eyes and fall backwards, breaking my connection with Shanks. I rush over to the side of the ship and puke. I feel someone come up behind me but this time no one touches me.
       "Sorry. Did that prove too much?" I hear Shanks laugh.
      "It was too sudden but I will be fine." I chuckle dryly, half annoyed he assaulted me in such a way.
       I groan as I try to regain myself from the flood that is Shanks. I feel a bit shakey and step back from the edge, trying to stabilize myself.
       "Well now, since I seemed to have shared more knowledge then needed, perhaps I can make another request of you?"
       There is sudden tension in the air, I glance and see Luffy and Zoro struggling to stay quiet. I bring my gaze back to Shanks and he stares me down suddenly serious. No longer feeling wary after that interaction, I step up to Shanks evenly. Matching his demeanor.
      "Spit it out." I cross my arms and wait silently.
     "Show me what they saw," he points at Luffy. A grim expression on his face, "That boy can barely smile saying your name and I wanna know why."
      I stare in disbelief that this human.. no not so much human but creature, is so angry yet carries nothing but concern for the rubber boy.
     "No." I state firmly regardless, I didn't even wanna share with them in the first place.
      "I won't leave till you do." His tone stern and full of authority.
       I look over to Luffy with a questioning look. "Captain?"
     "Sumari just do it." Luffy states blankly not even looking at me.
        I groan loudly, "By your order then Captain."
        I stare at Shanks with utter venom, if it wasn't for the fact he sees Luffy as a son I don't think I would've followed this order period. I close my eyes and and stick my hand out. Rozen quickly opting to share information from his own experiences. I sigh deeply with relief, I don't willingly share my own life experiences. It matters not how good of a swordsman Shanks is period.
       In moments I act as a bridge and Rozen starts hurling past battles at Shanks with rapid fire. Conveying the world as seen by the life of a blade. After a few moments I break the links and step back.
      Shanks doesn't say a word to me but glances down to my hip, eyeing the dual blades hitched there. Mix of admiration and disbelief, maybe even fear, fill his eyes.
       Shanks looks to me moments after and smiles lightly, "That was certainly educational."
       He tilts his head perfectly calm, as though unphased by the death he bared witness too and just lived out.
       "Luffy, you got your work cut out for you with this one." Shanks places a hand on Luffy's shoulder as he walks pass. "We will meet again soon."
      "Sumari?" Zoro looks at me, his voice filled with worry.
      "*Master you are gonna collapse. As much as I hate it too, you must sleep.*" Fang grumbles annoyed.
       "I will be taking my leave." I turn and fly up to the crows nest swiftly.
      Opening the hatch and climbing into the gaint circular room. It's open space makes it a welcoming nest indeed. I move to the center and sprawl out on my back. Rozen lays to my left and Fang to my right, near my hands incase of a threat.
       I close my eyes, and breathe in deeply then exhale slowly. Repeating this breathing style till I finally descend into a sleep. No dreams, no thoughts. Just endless darkness hugging me.
       I'm not sure how much time has passed yet I have sensed someone lurking close by me. I don't feel threatened so I let myself drift back off into the darkness.
       I can soon feel my strength starting to restore itself, lulling me from sleep. The toll on my body is immense, I take a deep breathe and focus on rebuilding more energy. Simultaneously I send my aura out, wanting it to fill every pore of this ship.
       More time ticks by and goes unnoticed by me. Eventually though I finally feel restored enough to handle most threats solo. I open my eyes to see the sun peeking through the windows around the room.
       I look over to my side and see Zoro laying there. His swords on his chest, I catch myself smiling before shaking my head.
      "How long have I been resting?" I ask, knowing he isn't asleep.
      "About a week." Zoro responds not moving, "We are currently docked at a village we found on a random island."
      "I see." I remain laying down too, not really caring to see a human village.
      "Do you feel better?"
        "Actually yes." I laugh lightly, "I didn't realize resting could have such benefits."
       "And look at that, nothing happened." Zoro chuckles, "Let's go eat. Sanji is in the kitchen cooking already. The others are in town so it is relatively quiet."
       "Alright then I will try his food."
       After the flood of memories and thoughts from Shanks, I have some new curiousity of my own. I know a little bit about everything now. His perspective of this world is completely different then a perspective I have ever seen. Shanks is beyond human level of intelligence, it will be awhile before I can process everything I gained from him.
       There was alot of darkness but even more color glazing over it all. So much brightness it feels blinding just like Luffy. I grip Rozen's handle tightly, struggling for a moment as he reels Shanks persona back in.
    "Are you gonna be alright?" Zoro asks worriedly.
      "Yes. Just sorting my thoughts." I laugh warily as Rozen absorbs the last of Shanks remnants. "I am not sure what to try, so fix me a plate and I'll taste what is on it."
      "Just come on." Zoro chuckles leading the rest of the way in silence.

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