~ Flavor ~ 9

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No sooner then Zoro opening the door does the marvelous scents really catch my full attention. I lick my lips excitedly and yet blown away by how much food the chef actually made.
"Welcome my lady, I have prepared all of my best dishes for you to try." Sanji smiles excitedly, rushing an array plates over to the table.
Soon there about 12 in total, all filled with different colored food and styles. I don't even know what any of this is called, there was no such food like this in any of my memories. I recognize some of the meats and a few of the side dishes thanks to Shanks at least. The sheer variety however is nearly unwelcoming.
I look up to Sanji and Zoro with heavy uncertainty, "I am not sure where to begin.."
Having them both stare at me is even more unsettling, they look confused by my confusion. I do not know what they were expecting putting me in this situation. I glance back to the table and pull the closest plate to me. I shovel a few bites in hastily, hoping it shoos their stares away. I have little experience with human food outside of this ship and they seem to be oblivious to this fact.
"That is scrambled egg and rice with an assortment of veggies beautiful angel." Sanji states as I push the empty plate aside and reach for bowl of soup I think.
"That there is noodles with different array of fish. Note the different textures and how well they pair with one another even while being so different. Is it to your liking?" Sanji speaks with pride, speedily and excited.
"Just shut up and let her eat in peace will you curly brows!" Zoro shouts angrily at Sanji, neither one of them paying anymore attention to me.
"Oh yeah Moss Head! You wanna have a go?" Sanji leans into Zoro's face, clearly annoyed.
I hold in a chuckle and go for another plate, this time it had yellow fluffy clouds and crinkled strips of meat. So far this has been the best combo, I clear this serving of food excitedly.
The boys rambling and bickering eventually leads them to wrestle out the door, finally leaving me alone in peace. Most likely duking it out cause of their disagreements on how I should be treated while eating.
I sigh relieved none the less, smiling, I hastily began to eat all of the food before me. Enjoying and memorizing the taste and texture of each ingredient. I will never forget my first real meal I am enjoying today.
After finally finishing all 12 plates, I make my way back out to the deck wanting a nap. Feeling incredibly full and satisfied. To my surprise Sanji and Zoro are still deep in argument. Even attacking each other, they act like Fang and Rozen.
I watch as they exchange blows and react reflexively as they charge one another once more. I appear suddenly between them, catching both of their fist I fling them backwards. Sanji crashes into the deck where the wheel sits and Zoro slams into the door that leads to the lower deck.
"Enough you two. But if you wish to continue exercising I will be more then happy to indulge as a substitute." I draw Rozen ready for their response, "I have quite the meal to work off now anyway." I grin, hoping one of the boys will step forward.
When neither of the men do, I sigh heavily feeling disappointed. Tucking Rozen away once more and rolling my eyes. The boys look away sheepishly, both of them grumbling under their muted breathes. Forget it I guess, stretching out my wings flying up to the crows nest. The urge to just laze after eating so much is powerful indeed. I lay on top of the wooden roof comfortably, my wings sprawled out as well.
"Why did you interrupt us?" Zoro climbs up asking me as his head pops up.
"I felt like it. I didn't want yalls bickering to sour my meal." I look over to him as he walks closer. "Tell me Zoro, how long has everyone here been a crew?"
"That's hard to really answer as we do seprate at times to train and grow on our own. We all have different goals but we work towards our dreams together. I say it's been about 10 years now." Zoro shrugs with a slight chuckle, he truly seems content here even despite the bickering with Sanji.
"Such a short amount of time yet you all burn bright together." I smile, "Must have won and lost many battles as one."
"Indeed it hasn't always been easy, but when we are all together there isn't anything we can't get through." He smiles warmly, his eyes filled with pride.
"We shall see if this will be enough then." I roll my eyes at his words.
"So what was that paper Shanks gave you?" I don't have to be gazing at his expression to feel that eyebrow raise he does.
"Oh yeah!" I sit up hastily, reaching into my cloak to pull out my bounty handing it to Zoro.
He unfurls it and studies it carefully before laughing. "Well that's a pretty hefty bounty and that picture is so totally you."
"Let me see." I yank it from him hastily and to my shock it really is just a picture of a gaint black bird holding a sword. The caption is correct at least, "The Raven Samurai... wanted dead or alive... and what's that number there?"
"It's how many berries you're worth. What did you do to get 200 million berry bounty?" Zoro raises and eyebrow at me as I tuck the paper away.
"That night I flew out, I came across 8 Marine ships and sank 7 of them with my bare hands." I chuckle deeply, remembering their shock and dismay.
"What about the 8th one?" Zoro sounds a bit impressed I think.
"It had what I believe to be the leader of that platoon. He is related to the Captain that much I am sure." I shrug my shoulders, "He tried to fight me but I knocked him back.... but not enough to seriously injure him. After that I told them I wanted a bounty or I would bring chaos to their headquarters."
Zoro doesn't respond, just sits there quietly in his own world. I shrug once more before laying down, wings tucked back into myself.
"Does it hurt when you retract them like that?" Zoro points to where my wings once sat visible.
"Not at all, they are apart of me. I can bring them in and out freely without delay or discomfort." I laugh at his concern, "Must I keep reminding you of what I am?"
"You seem to be feeling better Sumari!" Luffy shouts from above, landing next to us swiftly.
"Did you eat today? How was fighting Shanks? You slept for along time you know, missed alot of meals. Where did you learn to fight like that?"
"Yo Captain, how was the visit in town?" Zoro asks, pulling Luffy's attention.
"It was nice. Thanks for looking after the ship Zoro, we got alot of supplies now too." Luffy says with a huge grin.
"Sanji should have food ready for you down in the kitchen by the way." Zoro states quickly.
"Foooooddddd! Sumari we will catch up later. I gotta go eat, I'm starving!" Luffy stands and stretches his arms to the deck below. Instantly landing and rushing off.
"Thanks for getting him off my back. I really don't like his line of questioning alot of the time.." I sigh feeling exhausted already after that quick exchange.
"He wants to get to know you." Zoro shrugs.
I raise an eyebrow, "I hear them laughing and bickering away all the time, but you not as much." I wave absently, referring to the others on the ship.
"I join in sometimes." Zoro looks away pointedly, a sense uncomfortabilty rising up from his demeanor.
"You are so strange." I tilt my head looking at him curiously.
"Yeah like you aren't? So you ever gonna open up to the Captain? You are fairly open with me at times." Zoro keeps his words light but it doesn't help lessen my annoyance at his question.
"For no one Zoro. What words you and I exchange are just simple conversations. I have zero interest in friends." I roll my eyes done with this talk, "When do we leave this place?" I glance over at the expanse of land.
"A day or two. You thinking about leaving?" Zoro lays down and looks up at the sky.
"I will not relinquish my title here so hastily but I do wish to see this land." I stretch my wings and take flight. "I will return by sun down."
Zoro waves his hand and I take off, following the coastline. So much green around me, it is insane. The land below is so well hidden beneath the abundance of foliage. After a couple of flights around the island, I land a few kms from the ship.
I walk along the forest edges, taking in the sight and smells. I can hear such life flourishing in the wind. Truly understanding why we waged war, desperate to bring such life back.
I sigh and let myself fall backwards, landing on the soft cool grass. It is all so new and exciting, a spark of curiosity I am not use to having flickers.
"*Truly such beauty in a simple place.*" Rozen chimes out, surprised by the land too.
"*It is much too warmth for me. There is beauty in coldness as well.*" Fang grumbles, disliking the feel of the grass against him.
I laugh and lift him from my hip, laying him to rest on my chest, "Better?" I laugh again at his angry silence.
I sit up quickly, feeling unwell suddenly. I start coughing alot more violently then last time. I get to my feet shakily and clutch my chest as pain spikes through out. I push myself to fly and take to the skies, awkwardly gaining ground as my body continues to work against me.
I just barely make it over the Thousand Sunny before I drop like a stone unable to control a body spasm. I hit the deck hard, the sound echoing out around me. I move myself to prop against the side of the railing, leaning over as I vomit the all to becoming familiar taste. The tightness in my chest slowly easing, as my breathing stabilizes.
Glancing around not seeing anyone, I heave myself up off the deck and fly to the crows nest. I can here Zoro inside working out, so I opt for laying on the roof. I remain still, listening to Zoro's heart beat, he is training hard in there.
Soon the sounds of his sword swings drift upwards. His nerves calm and steady. I listen to his breathing as he shifts between stances. His foot work is light and firm, truly his skills are exceptional. I even recognize some the the styles he is practicing, just by hearing the movements stirred about in the air.
"*Wonder who is better, him or the red head?*" Fang asking for my opinion.
"*Until we cross blades there is no way to accurately guess Zoro's strength. True masters never give away their abilities till the last moment.*" Rozen answers Fang, taking the words right out of my mouth.
Just then a familiar scent on the breeze catches my attention instantly. I sit up and look south, the scent trailing from that direction. I jump up quickly, ignoring the displeasure my body feels and circle the ship, knowing this could go bad if an all out fight starts.
"Håňïđàťą." Soon a shimmering dust flows out from my wings, drifting down and coating the entire ship.
I see Zoro standing below me on the deck with both Sanji and Luffy on either side. They are eyeing me curiously, they could probably feel something from my casting. Most spells can be felt as the wielder uses mana. I giggle at their confused expressions before finishing the concealment spell.
Once satisfied I land in front of them, their looks all holding the same intrigue. Before my Captain could bombard me with questions I speak hastily.
"We need to leave unless you want me to kill the old Commander. His ship is less then 80km south east of here and is coming this way." I groan internally as I feel my chest starting to tighten again.
"The Marines are coming?" Zoro states looking towards the direction I mentioned.
"Indeed, I did cast a spell to make us invisible to anyone with hostility. Though I am still not sure how well it will work here." I shrug my shoulders, forcing myself to hold face alittle longer.
"We should leave immediately Captain." Sanji states heading to the anchor port.
"That would be good," Luffy looks at me seriously. "Don't kill my grandfather Sumari. Marine or not that is still my family." Luffy closes his fist tightly, clearly him and his kin are not on good terms.
"By your order Captain. I will be up there if you need me then."
I waste not a moment and return to the top of the crow's nest. I immediately hit my knees and clutch my chest. It was foolish to cast when I am still suffering the effects of my attack.
I collapse to my side and start coughing hard. I try my best to keep it muffled, hoping no one comes and kicks up a fess. I roll on to my back growling at the toll this world is having on my body.
A sudden eruption of sounds and bussle explode below me, the crew all doing what they need in order to set sail. Their minds racing even more, some of them are panicking wildly.
Just then amongst the chaos, I hear a slap and Nami shouting at Zoro for not having any sense of direction. I struggle trying to block out the increased noisiness along with the aching pain in my chest. I cup my hands to my ears as my insides begin to turn even more.
Their chaotic thoughts so vivid, I can't completely block them out. It feels like they are trying to force their way in to test the boundaries of my tolerance. I curl up, everything is just hurting now, my head, my chest. Everything.
I hear the hatch open but pay little mind, a headache beginning to take root. I wish I trained in how to block such loud minds but then again I never encountered such things.
"*Green hair is coming closer. His hand is reached out.*" Fang laughs darkly amongst the noise, "*You gonna let him touch us again? In this state?*"
I feel his hands on mine no sooner then Fang finishes warning me, as he slowly lowers my hands from my ears Zoro speaks.
"It does tend to get noisy in moments like this. You'll learn how to sleep through it eventually."
I look up at him with a scowl before turning to stare at his hands still on mine. He hastily pulls away before rubbing the back of his neck. He glances sideways before pointing to the open hatch.
"It'll probably be quieter in there ya know."
I struggle to pull myself together, but somehow make my way inside. It takes a while before I trust myself to speak, not wanting to start coughing. Zoro follows me quietly and watches as I go to the middle of the circular room.
Laying down before asking him my question, "Why do you linger around me so often?"
"Well simple really. My Captain wants you here and it's my responsibility to make sure my Captain has what he wants." Zoro shrugs as he answers.
"*He hides something.*" Fang growls annoyed by Zoro's audacity.
"I see."
"What?" Zoro states curiously, looking at Fang.
I turn and just glare at him. I am not surprised by humans evading and eluding but for some reason it slightly bothers me that Zoro just did it.
"Are you being honest?" I cross my arms and stare harshly at him.
"Mostly." Zoro goes to lean up against the side wall near the door, "How honest have you been?" He closes his eye but I can sense his eye roll.
"Mostly I suppose." I turn my back to him, "We all have our secrets in the end." I shrug before laying down.

Lost Wings: A Pirate AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now