Chapter 17

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"I will kill Nevertheless no matter of you stop me."She  yelled at Frostbite, "we'll see." He said and dug his claws into the ground tiny rocks flew out as his claws dig deeper ice was sitting in his throat waiting for the right moment Frostbite jumped spread his wings grabbed Flare's head opened her beak wide, and forced a small but powerful layer of ice down her throat. Flare's fiery roar turned into a choked gasp as the coldness overpowered her flames. Shocked and disoriented, Flare stumbled backward, desperately trying to break free from Frostbite's icy grip. Her wings flailed, sending sparks and embers into the air, but they could do little against the strength of the ice. Frostbite, his icy blue eyes flickering with determination, narrowed his gaze at Flare. "You underestimate the power of the cold," he growled, tightening his grip on her. "Your flames may be fierce, but they are nothing compared to the relentless chill of ice." He continued, As the freezing sensation coursed through her, Flare's once-fiery spirit began to waver. She had always been proud of her ability to command fire, but now she found herself at the mercy of Frostbite's wintry dominion. The heat within her slowly diminished, as if her very essence was being consumed by the encroaching ice. But deep within Flare's being, a small ember of determination still flickered. She refused to let Frostbite defeat her so easily. With a surge of inner strength, she channeled the remaining heat within herself, fighting against the numbness that threatened to consume her. Suddenly, a blazing flame erupted from Flare's chest, surprising Frostbite and breaking his hold. The intense heat scorched the ground beneath her, creating a barrier between them. Flare glared defiantly at Frostbite through the shimmering waves of heat. "I may be vulnerable to your ice, but you underestimate the power of my fire," she snarled. With renewed resolve, Flare spread her wings and took flight, circling above Frostbite. Flames danced along her feathers, casting a brilliant glow against the night sky. She had no intention of retreating or surrendering. She was determined to show Frostbite the true strength of a fire griffin. Frostbite, undeterred by the display of strength, launched himself into the air, his wings fluttering with an icy gust. Like a furious storm, he sent shards of ice hurtling towards Flare, aiming to quench her flames once and for all. But Flare, fueled by her unwavering determination, dodged and weaved through the icy projectiles. She twisted and turned, leaving trails of smoke and fire in her wake. She refused to let Frostbite extinguish her spirit. Closing in on Frostbite, Flare unleashed her full power. Fire burst from her mouth in a massive inferno, engulfing Frostbite in its scorching embrace. The ice griffin howled in agony as his feathers sizzled and melted under the intense heat. With one final burst of energy, Flare extinguished her flames, leaving Frostbite weakened and defeated. She landed gracefully beside him, her wings folding against her body, and fixed him with a steely gaze. "Never underestimate the power of the flames," Flare said, her voice fierce and triumphant. "Fire may be vulnerable, but it is also relentless. It burns brighter in the face of adversity, and it always finds a way to prevail." She growled. Flare turned away from Frostbite, her fiery aura illuminating the darkness around her. She knew the battle between them was just one of many, but she was ready to face any opponent who dared to.

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