i am flying home

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"pedri, aleyna, hi!" i said this, opening the door.

pedri and aleyna came in and i hugged them both tightly. i missed hanging out together with them so much. everything is slowly getting to be like it used to be, but something is missing. i mean, someone is missing.

while three of us were talking in the corridor, valencia looked out from the living room. even though aleyna stood closer to valencia, she just ignored her and came to pedri first.

"hi, i am valencia" she opened her arms for pedri, but he didn't hug her and just smiled awkwardly.

seeing this, i immediately looked at aleyna to see her reaction. but as soon as i turned around, she was already trying to catch my gaze. our eyes met and i saw misunderstanding in her eyes. we both understood each other's emotions even without words. pedri also didn't even bother to listen to valencia, taking a couple of steps back and taking aleyna's hand, making everything clear.

even though i wasn't very pleased with her behavior, i did the same with valencia and took her hand in mine, feeling judging looks of my best friend and aleyna on me.


all of us sat on the couch and played fifa, while eating pizza and chatting. despite the fact, that guys decided to give valencia a second chance, there was a real tension between them.

"should we watch a film now?" aleyna asked.

"why not" i answered, giving her a tv remote.

"which one?" aleyna was already scrolling through the library of films to choose the right one for this evening.

"choose, we all trust your taste" pedri looked straight into her eyes, smiling. they are so cute!

but this cute moment was suddenly ruined by my girlfriend.

"no! why is she the only one who chooses?" i was full of shame for her and showed this with my whole look, but didn't answer anything.

"i don't care at all, choose if you want" aleyna answered angrily, throwing tv remote at valencia's feet.

valencia chose a horror movie herself and we started watching it. it was already halfway through and the film was so boring, that i wanted to sleep all the time, but somehow i managed not to do it. pedri and aleyna were cuddling, when she suddenly stood up.

"one second, i will drink something and come back, okay?" she smiled at pedri, noticing his approving nod, and walked out of the room.

pedri wanted to talk with me a little, but i heard a call on my phone and stood up to answer, leaving the room too.


"vale vale, adiós" that was my last phrase before i finished talking with my friend and hung up the call.

before joining my friends again, i wanted to drink a glass of water and eat something sweet. my mood was already not so good as it was few hours ago, first of all because of my new girlfriend. i am sorry to tell this, but today she was even more than just annoying.

when i came in to the kitchen, thinking about everything, i also saw aleyna there. she was holding a glass of water and trying to text someone with her one free hand. she turned out and noticed me.

"so this girl is your new girlfriend?" aleyna emphasized the word "this" with her voice, making clear, that she is more than surprised with my choice.

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