°-《CHAPTER 24》-°

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~◇~◇~DREAMS POV~◇~◇~

When I woke up, I felt a cold atmosphere creep and wrap itself around my limbs. I slightly shivered and stretched out my arms and legs, feeling the fresh air graze the top layer of my skin.

I stood from my bed, rubbing my eyes and looked in my mirror, I still had my robes on. Wait why do I still have my uniform on?

Walking to my desk, I yawned as something caught my eye. A bright blue sticky note clung to the wooden table. I picked it up and read the neat but scribbled words:

When I woke up you were still asleep and I didn't want to disturb you, so I went downstairs with Drista to go eat breakfast.
-George. :)

I smiled at his thoughtfulness and placed the note on a blank page in my journal. I forgot to write in there last night...

Professor Nihachu talks to me after class sometimes to catch up with me about writing in my journal and how I've been feeling. Recently, I've been feeling good, sometimes a bit frustrated and tired, but mainly good, which is well- good.

I left the comfort of my room and walked down the corridor and down the stairs, feeling the cold floors through my thin socks.

Turning into the kitchen, I saw Drista and George sitting at the table, munching on toast, taking short intervals to laugh at the other.

"Hey," I said, my voice croaky and deep, "How long have you guys been up?" They both looked at me and laughed, "Why are you laughing so much? When I came down here, you guys were like, laughing your heads off for no reason." George spoke up through the two's shared hysterics, "Y-your hair is s-so messy..." He said, reclaiming his calmer act, "I'm just not used to seeing you like this." He said, smiling widely the whole time.

I glanced over to Drista who just let out a small breath of another laugh, causing me and George to giggle in return.

After around twenty minutes of us eating toast and talking, and Drista begging me to let her have seconds, which I agreed to, we finished breakfast.

Drista had to leave earlier as she had to get ready for work, leaving me and George in an awkward silence.

I hate silence. It's like an empty void just appears in between you and you try so hard to get rid of it, that you don't know what to say or do to stop it. Silence is horrible. But sometimes, can be the only thing we can rely on.

"Uhm... are you just going to stare into the distance or think of some stupid thing to say?" I snapped out of my thoughts and wipped my head around to see a confused, but smiling George. "Oh uh, I don't know. My thoughts are just- all over the place I suppose..." George nodded and frowned. "Well, what stuff are you thinking about? I could help you if you want me to." He gazed at me with his head balanced on his right hand. "Uh, thanks for the offer, but it's kind of private. Maybe... in the future when I'm more comfortable with talking about it?" He looked slightly taken aback, but nodded anyways, his brows still knitted together in thought.

After a few minutes of awkward silence and gazing mindlessly out of the large windows, George stood up from his seat, a worried expression on his face.

"George? Are you ok what's wrong?" I asked, worried laced into my words as my anxious gaze followed his every move, scanning for an answer. "C-can I leave?" He said, stood infront of me his face scrunched up and his face downcast. "Of course, but could you tell me why?" He looked at me, eyes wide before going back to his previous position, "U-uhm, I don't know, it's kind of a private thing, like you said earlier..." I suddenly felt guilty. This is why George had such a sorrowful expression awhile ago. He didn't trust me.

I know I shouldn't be surprised as we're meant to hate eachother, well... I'm supposed to anyway, but that's not the point! The point is that I need to earn his trust, even if that's against what they told me.

"G-george, do you want to go to my room? W-we could talk there if you want." He nodded silently as I lead him to my room, the comfortable atmosphere returning to our cold bodies.

I closed the door and sat down on my bed, gesturing for George to sit next to me.

Once he sat down, he let out a shaky sigh. I placed a hand on his shoulder, "You know, I might not show it all the time, but I do care for you. Even in school. It's just- it's complicated." I let put a light chuckle in attempt to lighten the mood. George looked up at me with large slightly watery eyes, "Could you tell me why you do this then? And why it's so complicated?" I looked over at him, his facial expression was a mix of sadness, desperation, and curiosity, a face I couldn't say no to.

"W-well, it's kind of a family thing... your family is notorious for being wise and smart and all of that, and uh, it's a bit weird to say, but my dad liked your mother and asked her out to go to prom, which she said no to a-and..." I let out a small, shaky breath and glanced back over at George, a comforting look on his face, urging me to carry on, "A-and I guess it all went down hill from there." I let out a chuckle and carried on my story, "He got jealous of her and your father being together, especially because of their grades and stuff, so he kind of, took any chance he had to ruin their reputation. And then when he had me, he forced me to be better then you in any shape or form possible, grades and what not..."

I looked back over at George, his eyes filled with sadness and guilt.

⚠️°-《mentions of abuse》-°⚠️

"I don't hate you George. I promise! It's hard though, h-he used to like... torture me if I did worse then you... so I tried to lie, but he would talk to the school about it and find out anyway..." I felt my whole world start to crumble away little by little, even talking about it was painful.

"I-" George tried to speak up as no words came out.

So instead, he hugged me.

A proper hug.

A warm hug.

And most importantly,
One that felt like home.


First ever Dream POV! Hope you enjoyed the wholesomness of this chapter.

Would like to thank you guys for all of the support again! I'll be saying this alot, but you guys are absolutely amazing. Every single one of you!

If you guys are stressed or going through tough times, hugs solve everything, and if you don't have anyone to hug, HUG ME. I absolutely love hugs. They make you feel so much better. VIRTUAL HUGSSS XXX

See you guys next time,
-Sleep deprived dinosaur.


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