°-《CHAPTER 37》-°

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"Uh, OK, thanks! I'll be there in a second. Bye!"

OK, alot has happened so let me just give you a quick summary: I left Sapnaps house out of total embarrassment- which I immediately regretted- and had no where to really stay, so I called Karl and asked if I could stay at his place for... an unknown amount of time while the school grounds are safe. But I'm sure it won't be that long... hopefully. Anyways, I called Karl and begged him to let me stay, which he obviously agreed to, who wouldn't? He said that we were going to meet in that pink cozy cafe that we used to go to before going to the new modern one. Now I just need to wait for Karl to pick me up... however long that'll take, I'm already freezing.

I walked down the streets of shops and slanted houses, trying to navigate my way through this part of town. I hadn't been on this side before, and I don't know how long it'll take me to get to the cafe, especially when I have no idea of my whereabouts. This could go very wrong...

I started to walk at a very face pace, almost jogging. I usually do this when I get anxious, or sometimes I'll just completely break down. Sometimes I just can't keep it in any longer. I know it isn't good for me, but it can be really hard to express how you feel.


I told Karl I would be there at 10:45, so I have just over ten minutes to get there.


Yeah, I'm definitely not going to get there in time, all of my anxieties are creeping up behind me and I'm starting to get really worried for literally no reason and-


"O-oh, I'm so sorry let me help you with your stuff. I'm so sorry I wasn't looking at where I was going-" A boy placed his hand on my shoulder and looked down at me with a sincere look on his face, "It's honestly alright man, hey, aren't you George? I swear I've seen you before..." I looked back over to the other boy as I handed him the last bag off of the floor. He looked up at me and smiled, light brown hair slightly covering his glasses. "W-wait, aren't you Bad? One of Dreams friends? And... your Skeppy right? I remember seeing you... at the cafe!" I said, thinking out loud as Skeppy and Bad stared awkwardly at me, "Uh, yeah, anyway, we're kind of busy at the moment so, uh, bye!" Skeply said, grabbing Bad's arm and tugging down the cracked pavement.

"Wait! Do you guys know how to get to the cafe?" Bad hit Skeppy on the arm as Skeppy released him from his iron grip. "Uhm, it depends, what's the name? I'd love to help you." Bad smiled sweetly as Skeppy stared looking slightly embarrassed of his actions as he squeezed the loose fabric of his dark blue hoodie a few times. "I think it's something like the Frogsbreath cafe? It's just this small place on the corner of a road. You've been there before I've seen you, not that that sounds creepy ot anything..." I said as I mumbled that last bit, fiddling with my fingers. Bad laughed and started pointing in a direction just behind me, "You just go down that road there, make a left, cross the road, and go straight down that path and pass the Nature Reserve where the pond is until you go to the cafe! Ta-da!" Bad said happily, doing small jazz hands in the air, beaming happily to himself. "O-oh, thank you!" I said, smiling back at Bad. "Of course, see you soon George!" Bad said before placing his hands in Skeppys and wandering away down the street.

I quickly turned around and went walking off in the direction he told me, repeating his words in my head over and over again, slightly mumbling it under my breath as others went pass, brushing shoulders and weaving in and out of small groups.

Checking my watch, I quickly glanced at the time:


I grinned to myself, knowing that I wouldn't be late to see Karl and that the worrying was all for nothing.

I pushed through the doors of the cafe, hearing the familiar ding if the bell sound through the small pink and white tiled room.

Karl wasn't even there yet so I decided to sit at the first booth to my left. I wiggled over to the window and lent my head on it, gazing as people went by before I started examining people in the cafe. My gaze immediately gazed up towards the celling where there was vine's and small wispy branches traling around the outskirts of the walls with small light pink peonies dotted around. The table that I was sat at had a small geometric pot with a small white flower with a small stick peeking out from the soil that read: Tuberose, which I assumed was the name of the flower.

A minute or so later of some silent people watching, Karl opened the small cafe door, looking around the room to try and spot me, smiling at me when he did so. He walked over and sat down on the opposite side if the booth, exhaling. "Hey, you look like a mess." Karl said, giggling to himself. "Is that all? Or are you going to insult my greatness some more, huh?" I said leaning back in my chair, crossing my arms smugly. "Hey! Don't get angry at me! I didn't do anything! I literally offered you a place to stay. You know what? I might not even let you stay now because of that rude getting of yours." Karl said, mimicking my movements and leaning back against his chair.

"So, you want to go back to my place and talk about it? I could go make some hot chocolate?" Karl said, grinning slightly, "And before we leave, I could buy some cookies?" Karl said digging around his pocket for money.

I nodded and stood sleepily up from my seat, no matter how much I could've just sat there and slept for hours. All of that time staying up and watching that movie with Sapnap and Dream really tired me out. I should've just fallen asleep like Dream did when I was given the chance.

Karl came back with two cookies wrapped up in some small plastic bags that had the cafe logo on it with a small pink ribbon tied around. I smiled and took one from his hands and held it close to me, protecting it from any potential threats... like Karl stealing it like he did last time. I'm still scarred from that.

Karl and I walked happily through the streets, gazing at the shop displays, most of them already decorated for Christmas even though it was still November.

When Karl and I got home, we slipped our shoes off and stole some blankets from a stash Karl kept in his bedroom, running downstairs to the living room and getting comfy with heaps of pillows stacked all around us.

Karl gave me my hot chocolate as I melted into the soft warm aura that emitted from the small mug.

"So, tell me about it."


Sorry for the late upload, I've been ridiculously busy with Halloween and going out places with friends and just- it's alot.

I hope you guys are all comfy right now, or atleast feel happy whilst reading these chapters. I really hope you guys are feeling OK, and if not I'm always free to message!

I would also like to say a very Happy Halloween to everyone! Whats your gyes' costume going to be? Honestly, i havent really thought of anything but im probably just goijg to make something up on the spot last minute lol. Personally, Halloweens my favourite holiday and I hope you guys have tons of fun and eat lots of sweets and chocolates :D

Thank you so much everyone for the support, I appreciate you guys so much, every single read means alot and I hope you do enjoy these chapters <3

See you guys next time,


Willow Tree //DNF Hogwarts//Where stories live. Discover now