3rd pov ~ Fish ~ 4

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     The door closes behind Chopper as he rushes in to tend to his new patient. Zoro makes his way to the crewmates, knowing it'll all wil be fine. In the kitchen, Luffy is stuffing his face with Sabo by his side.
     Zoro chuckles, it could never be more obvious that those two are brothers then when they are eating.
Soon chatter bubbles amongst the men once Chopper enters it gets even louder. Zoro sits silently, listening to Luffy, Sanji and Sabo discussing Sumari. Chopper came over, saying he did everything he could to replenish her drained energy. Yet he doesn't understand the physiology aspect of Sumari nor did a thorough examination.
       He didn't want to actually touch her at all, his fear of her is too great. Chopper can only guess that all she needs is sleep and a good meal when she wakes. After eating his fill, Zoro stands to head back to the room where Sumari is resting. Unable to get her off his mind, especially her swords. Sanji stops Zoro, holding out a tray filled with food and drinks.
     "At least bring food for when the lady wakes moss head." Sanji turns and walks away without another word.
     Zoro continues on, shoving past Sanji with attitude, walking down the corridor. He opens the medical bay door and stops in his tracks at the scene inside. Sumari is sitting up in the bed, her hair is swaying in a nonexistent breeze. An ominous aura bubbling off her, barely concealed within the room. Zoro looks around nervously before walking in and setting the food down.
      Sumari remains unresponsive as Zoro sits on the bed, waving his hand in front of her face. He notices that her eyes are closed but are moving rapidly beneath her lids. Believing that Sumari is having a nightmare, Zoro puts his hand on her shoulder. When she doesn't respond, he slowly moves her back to laydown.
    A random thought surfaced in his mind and Zoro stands swiftly, walking over to grab the black katana. Zoro goes to hold it out above a sleeping Sumari. He didn't even have a chance to finish the motion when Sumari snatches the sword. It is now held tightly across her chest, peace over coming her as her aura settles down.
      "This is the first time I seen her eyes close in over fourteen days." Sabo says lowly from the door way.
      "Seriously?" Zoro says with heavy shock, "Yet some how I am not all that surprised."
      "I don't know what she has been through or how she lived previously but one thing is for sure, that girl has scars that are probably deeper then many of ours... I leave her in your care, I gotta get back to my mission." Sabo smiles at Zoro before turning to leave.
      "Don't worry Brother, I'll help her. I could use another powerful warrior in my crew. Especially one that Zoro seems too fancy." Luffy smiles at Zoro, elbowing him in the side.
      "Shut up Luffy! You have no idea what your talking about!"
     Zoro shoves Luffy out and slams the door. Leaving him alone with the mysterious Sumari. He walks over and sits in a chair that is facing her resting self. After what seems like hours Sumari finally began to wake.
     "You are probably hungry. It's a bit stale now but here, eat this." Zoro gets up and brings the tray of food and set it on her legs.
     "Tha..nks.." Sumari grumbles lowly and takes a small loaf of bread.
     "So what do you plan on doing once you recover your strength?" Zoro raises an eye brow curiously.
     "You don't beat around the bush do you?"
    "What would be the point? Given what I know of you so far, you'd probably just slice the bush down." Zoro chuckles watching Sumari as she takes a bite of food.
    "That.. is true," Sumari laughs lightly, "I really don't know what I am gonna do. I don't have any destination at the moment, I just want to get my barring first." She shrugs, not showing any signs of distress at her situation.
     "Sounds rough." Zoro hands her a bottle of beer, "Do you have anything waiting for you back home? It might be worth having that as a destination."
     "With my failure I am already dead there anyway." Sumari takes another bite of food, unpahsed by the harshness of her own words.
     "Does that bother you?" Zoro rubs his chin, unable to get a solid read on her.
     "Not really." Sumari takes the beer and pops it open. "As long as I have my blades, I will be fine anywhere."
      "Speaking of which.." Zoro looks over at the corner where the curved blue katana still resting against the wall.
      "That is Blue Fang. It is made with the inner core of an ice dragon but forged with the flames of my energy." Sumari motions her hand and instantly the blade flies to her.
     "How did you do that?" Zoro asks, looking down at his own swords.
     "Perhaps I could teach you. Your swords are indeed very powerful, though I am unsure as to how you fight with three swords at once." Sumari lays her katanas down and picks up another loaf of bread.
      "Perhaps I could show you sometime, if you stick around." Zoro shrugs.
    "I honestly shouldn't. I have no right being here." Sumari swallows hastily, regret lacing her expression at her response.
     "You said that once already. Explain?"
      Sumari looks at Zoro with an unfathomable expression, "Who are you to ask such request of me?"
      "I am Vice Captain and this is Thousand Sunny. The ship of the Straw Hat Pirates under King Captain Luffy." Zoro stands tall, his palm resting on the handle of Wado.
     "Pirates huh, I am not familiar with the term." She states without hesitation.
      "Seriously?" Zoro's mind goes blank, he never thought that she wouldn't even know what a pirate is.
     "Indeed. The seas I know were not made up of water, nor did humans try to traverse them." Sumari sighs heavy, realizing she may have said too much.
     "How about this, you answer my questions and I will answers yours?"
      "I will indulge you for alittle bit but do not ask questions you do not want to know the answers for." Sumari gives Zoro a sharp look before finishing her last loaf of bread.
     "What is your name really?"
Sumari raises an eyebrow at Zoro, "What makes you think Sumari isn't my name?"
       "I thought you said you would answer truthfully?" Zoro raises his own eyebrow looking at her expression of surprise.
      "Proper introduction then?" She questions back.
      "As a fellow swordsman I would like to know your proper title." Zoro insisted innocently.
     "I am 10th Teir War General, Akira Sumari Sukojo. Head of the Sukojo Raven Clan, Grand Sword Master in the Reinstien Empire." She is on her feet facing Zoro, the black blade drawn and held firmly in front of her.
      Sumari's current stance is not one Zoro recognizes but is definitely one he feels he should be wary of facing. The power rolling off the blade sends shivers down his spine. He trails his eyes over Sumari noting she isn't showing her full strength.
     Her gaze is powerful regardless, Zoro could feel the weight of what her previous title held. What stood out most to him though was how both her blades waivered between pride and fear.
     "Zoro, why the interest in me?" Sumari eyes him carefully.
     "I can tell you are a powerful and I want to spar with you, when you are at full strength anyway." He shrugs indifferently, for it is the truth.
      "Do you not fear the outcome?" Sumari raises and eyebrow brow.
     "It's my turn now, you will have to wait. Why do you think you have no right being here?" Zoro ask hastily.
     "That is tricky to answer..." She glances down at her blades, thinking carefully.
    "Go on, tell me something." Zoro encourages.
    "I have lived more then a few of your lifetimes and thus.... I have killed more humans then this world probably has."
      "People kill people all the time." Zoro shrugs, "Pirate's enemies is the World Government and their damn armies. We fight for freedom and for our dreams."
     "Interesting." Sumari takes another beer and drinks it in one breath.
      "You ever have a dream? Something you wanted for you alone?" Zoro barely got the question out.
     Sumari sits there at a loss for words now. The confusion and chaos going on in her mind proves too much as water began to roll down her cheeks. Sumari however doesn't portray any signs of distress to cause such a reaction.
      "Sorry... To answer your previous question. No I'm not worried about the outcome, I just want to test my full strength against a worthy opponent." Zoro rambles out quickly.
      "I see," she chuckles darkly. "That is a good answer. I wouldn't mind sparring with you one day."
      "What is with Blue Fang burning with black flames?" Zoro looks down at the blades by her side.
     "When I passed out?" Sumari looks up, surprise filling her eyes.
     "Yeah." Zoro shrugs, noticing her odd reaction.
    "Honestly that is new to me... To be fourth coming, this is the first time I have lost consciousness..."
     "Really? Not even in a battle?"
     "As I stated previously, I haven't had a chance to rest and recover. I tried to use a spell beyond my capabilities. By all rights I actually should be dead, losing consciousness is just as new as this all is." Sumari waves her hands about the air openly.
     "So basically you now have a chance to live a new life once you recover?" Zoro stands and walks over to the door opening it.
      Luffy stands on the other side smiling widely, "Why not join my crew and find yourself a dream?"
     "A dream huh? You pirates sure are strange. I suppose for now I'll stick around but I will not join your crew Luffy Boy."
      "Cheers to our new friend! Definitely gonna have Sanji cook us a feast!" Luffy shouts excitedly.
     "We can't have a feast without meat Luffy!" Sanji chimes up walking down the hallway behind Nami.
      "We ran out already!?" Zoro ask in disbelief.
     "You know our Captain! We never have enough." Nami responds coldly, staring daggers at her Captain.
     "I can get fish if that will work." Sumari offers up warily.
     "Really? How?" Luffy jumps up and down with enthusiasm, "Right now?"
     "It will be easier if we go to the top deck of your ship for this." Sumari walks past them following the faint scent trail of fresh salty air.
      Once out on the deck, Sumari walks over to the largest open section of deck. It is just below the ship's wheel. Taking her black katana, Sumari slashes swiftly at at an invisible target. To everyone's astonishment, gaint ocean fish fall from the wavering ripple with a gush of sea water. Sumari shrugs, waving the tear away, cutting off the onslaught of fish and water.
     "Thanks for the fish." Luffy waves her off rushing to help Sanji carry the future meal to the kitchen.
    "Yeah, I never said my Captain was normal." Zoro responds to the questionable look from Sumari.
      She rolls her eyes and follows behind Zoro, "Misfits to tend to intrigue me even in the worst of times."
     "I take it there were misfits in your crew?" Zoro asks cautiously.
     "I suppose you could call them that. My crew, as you say, was full of oddities. I had to limit myself when issuing orders as to not have their quirks effect me."
     Zorro turns his head to look at her even more intently, silently asking her to explain more. As they walk into the kitchen Luffy rushes over to them, also wanting to listen to Sumari.
    "I issued commands telepathically, straight in to minds Zoro." She sighs heavily, not wanting to continue conversing anymore.
      Sumari sits near the entrance, making sure to have scope of the room too. The crew quite, waiting for her to start talking again. Hoping to uncover the mysteries she holds close without needing to be pestered. When she doesn't show any intent of talking more, Luffy speaks up. He wants to learn about Sumari and have her join his crew as soon as possible.
     "What kind of food do you like?" Luffy asks with heavy curiosity.
     "I eat whatever there is to eat when I feel the need to do so." Sumrai speaks lowly, trepidation thick on her words.
      "Sooo what kind of food have you eaten then?" Luffy asks once more.
      "It was.....a limited selection." Again she doesn't answer him directly but instead glances around the room.
      Her eyes land on Sanji who is busy cooking up a storm. Luffy notices her gaze settling on Sanji and speaks up once more. Wanting to become friends with her.
      "Sanji is the best cook there is, he will make lots of tasty food for you to try." Luffy says excitedly.
      "I see." Sumari says with uncertainty.
       "Hey Sumari, you don't have alot of experience with people." Zoro states bluntly.
      She looks back at him with a slight smirk, "I have plenty of experience with people at the end of my blade. As do you."
      "Sumari.." Zoro raises an eyebrow casting a side ways glance at her.
     "You are lucky Rozen and Fang fancy you... I do not have much experience in conversation with humans outside of killing them." Sumari crosses her arms, leaning back in the chair. Her swords clanking together as she crosses her legs next.
      "So you are only talking openly with Zoro because your swords like him?" Luffy ask dumbfounded, looking at their swords.
     "There were hardly any human blade wielders where I am from. It was unheard of, I find Zoro interesting for that reason." Sumari looks at Zoro with a smile as she answered Luffy completely this time.
       "What about friends?" Luffy asks looking over to his best friend and first mate, Zoro.
      "Fri..ends?" Sumari coughs out as she takes a drink.
     "Someone special Perhaps?" Luffy grins silly, "You know people you laugh with and fight for to keep them safe." Luffy ushers excitedly, picturing monstrous creatures all drinking and laughing together.
        "I think you still haven't realized to whom you are asking these nonsensical questions too." Sumari stares at Luffy with uncertainty and frustration.
      "Luffy..." Zoro places a hand on his Captain's shoulder.
      "I tire of this." Sumari stands and makes her way past Zoro and Luffy, leaving before Sanji finishes his final touches on lunch.
     "Why did you interrupt me Zoro?" The Captain of this crew questions annoyed.
       "You dummy! You were making her uncomfortable!" Zoro shouts at him.
      "I was?" Luffy looks to the door curiously.
       "Listen Captain, I can assure you that friends will be a foreign concept." Zoro sighs deeply, some sort of unknown understanding resonants in him.
      "I see but she is incredibly strong. I want her in our crew Zoro. Sabo left her in my care as well." Luffy smiles warmly.
     "I understand Luffy but for now let me handle this as much as you can." Zoro smiles back and goes to stand up.
       Luffy grins happily and slaps Zoro on the back, "This is gonna be great!"
      Zorro makes his way out to the main deck, to rest on the grass beneath a citrus tree. He spots Sumari sitting on the largest pole above the ship's wheel.
      The wind blowing her hair out behind her back. Zoro's gaze flickers downward and he catches sight of her swords, a swirl of blue and black shimmer in the sun.
       Smiling to himself, he lays down on his back and folds his hands under his head. It doesn't take long for his light snores to start.

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