- Interruption - 10

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"Why is Luffy so set on being my friend?" I question lowly, unable to find rest at all.
"He believes everyone should have freinds." Zoro responds evenly, like I should've already known.
"I do not believe such a thing." I keep my eyes close yet I can feel the shrug roll from my shoulders.
"How do you view friends then?"
"Pain." I blurt out, slapping a hand to my mouth.
"Why so dark?" His tone sounds light but there is something underlying it.
I roll over and spread a wing over my body. Ignoring Zoro now, I didn't even want to answer in the first place.
"*Zoro Boy is still staring intently.*" Fang's chilly attitude coveys a wicked smirk.
"*It does not matter. Lady Sukojo owes him nothing in the end.*"
"*Regardless, he will not leave Young Master alone /Brother/ Rozen.*"
"*Then how do suppose she handles this situation then Fang? These humans favor words clearly.*"
"*Could remove his tongue, he still be alive.*"
"*Fang you are starting to sound like a savage. Perhaps you have consumed too much garbage over the years.*"
"*I did suggest killing them but Young Master doesn't seem interested in the slightest.*"
"*These are the first humans that have been non aggressive. Do not question Lady Sukojo's decision in sparing them. Even their babes tend to be rabid, to see such young ones-*"
"*Then what of the red hair blade wielder Rozen? He was aggressive from start.*"
"*Kill the one who made us all excited? Such a cruel thing to rob from us.*"
"*Surely there will be more such as him to fight. No need to think he is an oddity.*" Fang clearly snorts out indignantly.
"*Fang, once again you stun me with your ignorance. The red head is most certainly an oddity, something worth keeping around.*"
"*Stupid Brother, he isn't apart-*"
"*You are the stupid one Fang. He has dedication towards Lady Sukojo's Captain. To strike him down would be to turn-*"
"I swear to the power within myself, that I will melt and remake the both of you!" I growl angerly interrupting them, "You two will cease this bickering at once!"
I didn't mean to shout outwardly but no point it staying my voice now, "As for Shanks, we will cross blades again but not for his life. And my pervious statement still holds in regards to the pirates. Now stop arguing in my head the lot of you and be silent."
"I was wondering when you were gonna snap. Those auras have been going wildly."
I groan and lift my wing. Turning I see Luffy and Zoro standing and staring at me.
"You have such strange power shifts. I need some understanding Sumari." Luffy looks at me with a smile despite his serious tone.
"What you probably felt just now was the power of Rozen and Blue Fang." I sigh standing up to face him. I pull Fang out first, "As I stated previously, I made this blade from an ice dragon core. Using my mana, I forged it as such. The power you feel from the black flames is his own source."
"I.. understand and what of the black katana?" Luffy raises an eyebrow staring to my other blade.
I hitch Fang back and pull Rozen out next. "Rozen is different from Fang in many ways not just the flames."
"What makes that blade different then the blue one?" Luffy asks wanting to know more.
"*Speak carefully Lady Sukojo.*"
"What did he say?" Zoro ask, breaking his silence.
I shoot Zoro a warning glance before looking back to Luffy, "Captain, Rozen is forged with many cores of different kin of my clan. Upon my awakening my first task was to remake the blade with those cores.. and a part... of my ownself.." I stumble a bit unsure of how to explain it and still keep somethings private.
"I don't understand Sumari." Luffy crosses his arms and sits down.
"Captain, Rozen is apart of me in many ways." I cross my arms, unsure of how else to say it.
"Which means?" The blank stare on his face doesn't help.
"Ughhh you really are an idiot Captain! Rozen has a piece of my soul and Fang is his own being, thus for they are different. What makes them brothers is that both were forged by my hands." I busted out hastily, spewing my words rapidly.
Zoro knows there is more but he doesn't try to ask me questions. He tends to have conversations when we are alone.
"Oh I get it now! Shanks said he felt like he was fighting multiple people when you two fought." Luffy pounds a fist against his open palm.
"I am not surprised he could read us that easily." I chuckle, remembering how his own blade felt.
"So what you were they arguing about?" Luffy points to my blades.
"*Go on tell the pirate king. I am sure his reaction will be exciting.*" Fang laughs chuckling.
I raise an eyebrow hoping Luffy isn't serious with that question.
"Sumari what were they arguing about?" Luffy stands up looking at me intently.
Of course he wants to know. I scolded the brothers outwardly so he heard the key topic points already. I groan giving up, breathing in deeply, answering in a hasten rush.
"By your request Captain. Fang is annoyed that I haven't killed you guys yet nor attempted to stop your information gathering. Rozen is unsure of what we should do as we haven't encountered non aggressive humans before and thus agrees with my choice to remain stationed as I am."
"And what about the Shanks bit?" I watch his eyebrow raise and Zoro remaining absentminded next to Luffy.
"Well that's more complex... Fang doesn't understand why we didn't fight to kill from the start as he was aggressive first..." I half truth it. "To be fair he had no idea who or what I was. As such, his response is reasonable."
"What does Rozen think of Shanks?" Captain questions more.
"Rozen wants to fight him again, and thinks his death would be robbing us of something valuable. And in the process cross you as well."
"What is the something valuable Rozen likes?"
"Fun Captain. I believe we experienced fun. It is not something I have felt and if I have, it has been too long to recall." I smile briefly, holding that emotion close.
"Well that's something to celebrate! You had fun! Shanks gave me this hat, he is the main reason why I wanted to become a pirate in the first place. He gave up his left arm for me when I was just a boy." Luffy speaks with such admiration.
"Just so you know I did stash a feather on his ship. I could go restore his arm on your behalf, if you wish." I hope I get too, I bet our fights be even better if he had both arms.
"You can do that?" Luffy's jaw drops.
"Oh yes, very easily!" I stand up excitedly, "Do give the order. I will repay that debt swiftly for you." I bow fully for the first time to this Captain.
"Why so eager Sumari?" Zoro asks curiously, finally breaking his silence once more.
I can't stop myself, a ripple of excitement ignites my energy. I feel it radiating outwards, Luffy and Zoro bracing against it.
"Imagine how much fun I could have then! How far could he push me! Would I finally taste true defeat? Could he push me to the tipping point of my strength? He shared so much yet so very little!" I laugh maniacally, the urge to face him now intense.
"SUMARI!" Zoro shouts loudly.
I quickly settle down hastily, "Sorry. I am just entranced by the mere thought of it."
"How strong are you?" Luffy holds his chest tightly, him and Zoro leaning on to each other.
"I do not know. I haven't been evaluated since birth, my skills were enough." I shrug forgetting that they are still just humans in the end.
"Well if Shanks allows it, then restore his arm but return back afterwards. Do not engage in a spar... If you can avoid it." Luffy rubs the back of his head smiling.
"By your orders then Captain. I will depart immediately." With that I create a ripple and step through instantly.

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