𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴..? - Chapter 3

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(𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 :𝘗)

He woke up, unsure of where he was. He sits up, and looks at his surroundings. He sees tall, dark, obsidian pillars. He sees a yellow-ish stone on the ground, that seems to be the ground of this place. He notes it's very cold. He hates the cold.

Once he gets up, he sees a dragon flying about. Oh. Right, he came here to kill it. He looks around for anyone else, but is met with silence. Who is he looking for? He doesn't seem to remember. He gets up, his legs hurt. Why do they hurt? He has many questions, but he is just going to focus on killing the dragon. That's why he's here.

One. He pillars up, places some dirt blocks down to protect himself, then he hits the crystal with his sword.

Two. He builds over to the second tower, then does the same.




Six. He almost gets knocked off by the dragon, but he manages to catch himself with his wings. He has wings?

Seven. He flies up to this pillar.




He then camps in the middle of the island, where the dragon will go and rest every once in a while. Once the dragon perches, he swings his sword. After a few rounds of this, the dragon floats up, and disintegrates into nothingness.

He walks around the island, collecting all the exp, then he sees a figure. The figure has a purple-ish robe, white hair, and it is wearing a mask. The figure then speaks, their voice so quiet but deafeningly loud at the same time.

"Hello, we have been waiting for you. You have been defying us ever since we found this server, why is that?" Then he hears himself speak, he doesn't hear what he's saying though, as the figure speaks again. "Ah, that's no fun is it? You know, you should join us." Then he speaks again. He can't make out what he's saying, it's weird.

The figure then speaks again, their eyes, even though they're hidden by the mask they have on, are piercing through him. "Then we would have to force you, plus it's more fun that way. Maybe, if you cooperate, we won't destroy your precious server." Then, he feels immediate pain all over, it feels like he's being burned alive.

Then he can hear himself saying goodbye to his fellow server members. He doesn't want to leave, maybe if he screams loud enough, they'll hear him. He tries to scream, but he can still hear his voice speaking, still saying goodbye.

Then it all fades to black. He's in a void, no one near. "Hello?" he says to the void, and says to nobody. He looks around, and is met with darkness. He looks at his hands, and sees purple robes on his arms, he looks at what he's wearing.

Purple robes. Just like them.

He looks at his wings, they are purple. He can feel something on his ears, so he reaches his hand to feel what it is. Then he feels feathers. And a second pair of wings appear on his ears, or where they used to be. He feels his face, and finds a mask. He takes the mask off, and lets it fall onto the floor.

He is still met with void, but sees some code in front of him. He continues working on it, making sure it's safe enough. Then he sighs, and teleports everyone to spawn. Everyone gathers in a circle, not remembering the games before.

The only ones who remember are the sun, which is himself. The star, who is Scott. The moon, which is Pearl. And the canary, who is Jimmy, and who the watchers despise. And whoever else wins this game....

Then everyone shoots awake, and gets ready for another game. Another round. Another twist for them to enjoy.

Scott, Pearl, and Martyn are all talking, Scar is looking around the map. BigB and Bdubs are chatting, then Cleo decides to step in and punch Bdubs. Joel is sitting on the ground, with Timmy close by. And Etho, Skizz, Impulse and Tango are all chatting and joking around.

With that, he decides it's time to start. "Everyone! Gather in a circle." Everyone settles down at his words, and they are all in a circle.

Scott, the star, speaks up "Do we have a twist this time Grian?"

Grian smirks at stars words, "You have 24 hours to live, good luck!" Then Grian runs off, ready to defy the Watchers again. Ready to mess with their stupid heads.

Grian falls and dies. He was pushed, he didn't mean to fall off. He sighs and gets up. He looks around and sees everyone who died, He can see Joel, Skizz, Tango and Jimmy. Wait, he looks over to Tim, and sees that Tim is freaking out, and Tango is comforting him.

Grian walks over to the two ranchers, soulbound in another life. Tango looks over to Grian, and says something to Timmy. Then Timmy shoots his head up, and stares at Grian, then he runs over to Grian, with tears in his eyes. Tim then grabs Grain's shoulders, looking him dead in the eyes, and says

"I didn't trip. They pushed me."

Grian freezes, and then he gets angry. "They, what!?" He yells, but Timmy just keeps looking at Grian's eyes.

Watchers are god-like beings, they are very powerful, and have destroyed many worlds, lives, and whole servers. Grian was born a player, an admin. Admins are special players that have the power to create all new servers, and are pretty powerful.

When Grian left highschool in Japan, he went to make a server. He called it Evolution, the twist that made this server special, was that the server started in an old version of Minecraft. That got the attention of the Watchers, and so the Watchers would go and find Evo, and they tried to take it over.

Grian defyed the Watchers, not playing their games, taking more than he was meant to. And so the Watchers kept an eye on him, and soon enough they wanted Grian to be one of them. One day, the Evolutionists went to fight the dragon, thinking they'd all be together.

Little did they know, the Watchers gave all of the server members their own dragon to fight. When Grian defeated his dragon, the Watchers forced him to become one of them, and the process hurt Grian.

Grian was forced to say goodbye to his server mates, his friends. The Watchers said that if Grian defied them again, they would destroy his home, his server, and kill all his friends.

And so, Grian was no more. In his place, was Xelqua, a shell of Grian. Xelqua stayed in the Watcher ranks for exactly 3 years, before he ran away, and joined Hermitcraft. Grian stayed on Hermitcraft for a while, before the Watchers started to mess around with players again.

The Watchers started to make the players play games, a game where you have 3 lives, green, yellow, then red, where you become hostile. If you lost all your lives, then you're dead. Grian pulled some strings and got himself into the games, and he won the first. The Watchers were furious that he had won, a runaway Watcher, one who defied them.

And so, another game had started. This game had a twist, you were now able to have six lives, but there was a curse. The Boogeyman, if you had the curse, you would have to kill someone, if you didn't, you'd go down to red. The star, Scott, won that game, making him the second winner.

Then there was another game, where you were soulbound to another, and you were back to having three lives. Your soulmate felt all the pain you felt, so if you died, then they would also die. Pearl, the moon, won that game. Her being the third.

Nobody remembered the games, except for the sun, star, moon, and the canary. The canary, who is Jimmy, was cursed in the first game. He has what is called the Canary Curse, where he dies first every single game.

You can consider the Watchers evil beings, only doing things for their own enjoyment. But that reminds me of someone....


𝘞𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴.

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