• ‹Josh's Feelings› •

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» Josh's POV «

"The names Joshua Robert Temple or Josh for short, also known as Slogo by people online. Currently recording myself in my room to just get something off my chest right now.. So here it goes.."

I took a deep breath looking down at the ground as I held my hands tight together feeling nervous for some reason.

"Why am I nervous..? I'm literally alone all by myself.. But anyways, recently I think.. I might have caught feelings for my good friend Jelly.. I don't know why but it just happened.. I just started feeling something inside me whenever Jelly is around.."

I then sighed deeply as I was really questioning myself on how it got to this point to where I'm falling for my best friend.

"Fortunately for me he doesn't know yet.. I don't think I'll ever tell him though.. It would ruin our friendship and I don't want that to happen.. Not even my own fans knows about these feelings I'm having since.. Some might tell him.. I don't think Jordi knows either.."

And once I mentioned Jordi's name, it made me realise that I need to mention something that involved him.

"Speaking of Jordi.. Something is.. Off when it comes to him.. Well he barely records with me and Jelly but when he does he's acting differently than his usual self now.. Mostly to Jelly though which made both me and Jelly concerned about him.. He's now acting a bit rough towards Jelly for some reason but not to me.. At first me and Jelly assumed he was having a bad day but since this keeps happening whenever we record we knew that there's something wrong..."

I then grabbed the camera pointing it at me as I was about to end my private recording.

"I think that's all I'm gonna say.. I feel better now that I got what I need to say off my chest.. I'll probably make another one soon.."

I proceeded to end the recording as I turn off the camera putting it down on my desk, I then stood up from my chair and went out my recording room only to see my sister Amelia infront of the room as if she was waiting for me.

"Done talking to yourself Josh?" Amelia spoke to me, looking at me with her arms crossed with her hips to the side.

"I wasn't talking--- Okay, maybe I was but you know I do this on a daily basis sometimes Amelia" I responded to her while also looking at her as I closed the door of my recording room behind me.

"Come Josh, you don't need to talk to yourself whenever you vent out your feelings.. There's a reason I'm your sister!" Amelia replied as she proceeded to sigh putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I know, I know.. I'll try to vent to you next time whenever I need to.." I spoke to Amelia as she proceeded to let out a smile smiling at me.

"That's my brother, now come on I made dinner" Amelia said as she then walked downstairs to the dining area.

"I'll be right there, I just need to call a friend real quick" I said pulling out my phone real quick.

"I need to know why you're acting this way Jordi.. You can't just be like this without a reason.."

I sighed going through my contacts as I then contracted Jordi and called him, I would then wait for him to answer the phone as I leaned back against the door of my recording room.

[Hello! I'm back alive, and I decided to rewrite my first ever wattpad story which is "More than Just 'Friends'" since I wanted to see how much I have improved since 2019. That's all and enjoy reading!]

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