• ‹Hate?› •

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» Jordi's POV «

I was supposed to record a video this afternoon with Jelly and Josh but unfortunately I left the call just as Josh joined because of Jelly. Looking back at that moment made me question how I'm suddenly like this..

I just looked at my screen for a moment as I was still in my office, I ran my hand through the curls of my hair and sighed out of frustration as I felt frustrated towards both Jelly and at myself.

"I can't believe myself.. Curse these feelings I've been feeling so suddenly for him.. I'm jeopardizing my friendship with Jelly for him... It's all for him right..?"

I questioned myself this each time, everytime I always felt a tinge of guilt for acting this way but I always tried to excuse it and push it aside. Telling myself that in the end it's gonna be worth it once I confess my love to Josh, this is all for Josh.

"He has to accept my confession once the time comes..If he declines.. Then everything I went through with the guys will be gone.."

I sighed once more looking at the home screen of my desktop as the wallpaper was a picture of me and the guys, I kept staring at it till my eyes decided to land on Jelly.

"I don't hate you Jelly.. I don't hate you.. I just can't stand the fact that you got his heart.. I can't let you have him.. But I don't hate you.."

I kept repeating this words, convincing myself that I don't have any ounce of hatred to my friend Jelly, but my jealousy towards him and how he managed to capture Josh's heart as I knew Josh had fallen for him says otherwise. The way I have been treating him lately will never be excused or justified.

» Narration «

While Jordi was alone in his office talking and convincing himself, meanwhile with Jelly and Josh they would spend about an hour playing and having their own recording session without Jordi since he just left out of the blue after that short conflict between him and Jelly.

» Josh's POV «

Me and Jelly have been playing for an hour right now, eventually we decided to wrap it up and end it right there as we stopped recording, though we were still on the call together as neither of us decided to hang up on one another just yet.

"You always suck in these Jelly" I teased and laughed at him like the usual as Jelly just let out a light groan.

"Haha, very funny Joshy" Jelly mocked as I can already he was rolling his eyes through the call from that tone of his in his voice right now as I just laughed once more.

"You know I'm just teasing you" I responded with a smirk on my face right now as Jelly playfully scoffed.

"I know, you always teased me and make fun of me like this for years now" Jelly replied while I chuckled in response.

"It never gets old honestly" I said, the tone in my voice went from teasing to now a bit softer as I said that.

"It never does, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like your teasing" Jelly spoke out, his statement suddenly made my cheeks flushed a bit as my heart skipped a beat.

I can believe that he had such an effect on me like this, I can't even tell if he's even aware of the fact he has me wrapped around his fingers right now. I was silent for a few moments taking in his words till I was snapped back onto reality by Jelly's voice.

"Josh, are you still there?" Jelly asked as I blinked a couple times, proceeding to shake my head as I responded to him after.

"Oh, yeah I'm still here.. Spaced out a bit there, my bad" Once I responded to him, Jelly let out a chuckle which made me smile but it didn't last that long as I heard his chuckle fade so suddenly as if the atmosphere changed.

"Hey uhm Josh.. Do you think Jordi might hate me....?" Jelly asked, the way I can tell that his voice was shaking upon asking that question to me.

» Jelly's POV «

I was still in the call with Josh right now just laughing and teasing one another, we were basically having a good time after that recording session earlier but.. All of a sudden for a moment it made me think back to what happened earlier with Jordi, I still can't grasp right now to why he's been like this lately towards me.. Was it something I did..? Could it be possible he..?

I currently asked a question to Josh relating to Jordi which made the once lively atmosphere drop so quick.

"Jordi hating you..? No that can't be.. He's been here with us for years now, I mean things have changed but we still stuck around together despite it..." Josh answered to my question as he tried to reassure me there.

"I just couldn't help think.. Did I do something wrong..? He wouldn't be like this for no reason... Maybe I was a bad friend to him..?" I replied, looking down at my desk right now as I sighed through the call for Josh to hear.

"Jelly.. You were never a bad friend.. You are an amazing person, I'm sure maybe there's something that's been happening to Jordi that's making him like this.. Something personal might have happened in his life...?" Josh replied once more, his voice was soft and tender as he was doing his best to comfortand reassure me right now.

The way he was speaking.. I couldn't help but smile softly and have a tint of blush on my cheeks, maybe I am feeling something for him.. I'm not sure anymore but all I know that these recent moments with him I've been feeling something inside that I just can't quite describe just yet.

"Thanks Josh.. I appreciate it, I just hope what you said it's true and it's actually not me who's the problem.. I still don't understand why he's like this to me specifically..." I responded softly as I looked down at my desk with a sigh.

"Let's just wait it out a little longer, maybe Jordi will eventually tell us I mean.. He did tell me in our call yesterday that he doesn't want to tell me yet.. Yet he means so he'll reveal it sooner or later why" Josh replied, I then looked back at my screen with a small smile curling onto my lips.

"Yeah you're right.. He's our friend, he'll eventually open up to us sooner or later.." I said as I can already tell Josh was smiling through the screen at me.

"That's the spirit, anyways I'll be going now. I need to have my editors edit my video now, see you soon Jelly" Josh responded one last time before finally hanging up on our call as I was now left alone once again here in my office.

After that I decided to get up from my chair and get myself dinner as I go out of my office to head to my kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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