• ‹Jordi's Jealousy› •

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» Josh's POV «

I kept waiting and waiting for Jordi to answer my call, at first no one answered the phone but when I decided to call him again he finally answered my call.

"Hello?" Jordi spoke through the phone.

"Hey Jordi, you decided to answer my call finally" I replied as there was a slight sarcasm to my tone aswell a bit of a teasing one too.

"Oh it's you Josh, and yeah I was doing something so I couldn't answer your call the first time" Jordi responded to my comment.

"Atleast you answered" I responded back to him while putting my hand on my hip.

"Anyways, what's your reason for calling me? Do you plan to make another video with me again cause I wouldn't hesitate accepting the request" Jordi spoke with sincerity as he was straight forward with what he said.

"Well, I was gonna ask you a question but that's definitely not it" I replied to Jordi while I scratched the back of my neck.

"Oh, well.. Uhm, what is it that you wanna ask then Josh?" Jordi responded as he seemed to be a bit disappointed with my answer to his question but he didn't mind it much and just brushed it off.

"Well.. I hope it's not that personal to you but I want to know why you're acting so different lately" I spoke to Jordi through the phone.

"Huh? What do you mean by that? I don't think I changed, did I?" Jordi asked as he was confused with my comment not understanding what I meant.

"I mean like, recently you have been acting different than usual especially the way you're acting towards Jelly" I then answered Jordi's question which caused Jordi to go silent for a moment.

"Jordi, earth to Jordi are you there? You became silent all of a sudden" I spoke to Jordi through the phone to make him snap out from his silence.

"Oh! Sorry about that Josh.... But.. Uhh..." Jordi finally napped out of his silence and now sounded nervous and hesitant, as if he was having trouble answering me.

"Jordi? Are you alright?" I tried to to ask to see if he's okay, but I was a bit concerned and curious to why he suddenly went from being straightforward to being hesitant.

» Jordi's POV «

I was just taking care of something in my house till I decided to check my phone to see that Josh was calling me, apparently I didn't check the first time he called me so I then decided to answer it. Now in the middle of the call he decided to ask me something, I thought he was gonna request me to make a video with him which I would've loved to do.

But apparently that's not the reason he decided to call me, he eventually asked his question which made me silent.. I wasn't sure how to answer him honestly..

"Jordi? Are you alright?" Josh asked me as I can tell he was concerned about me from how nervous and hesitant I was.

"Yeah... I'm alright... I just don't know how to answer that question of yours.." I decided to answer Josh but I was still hesitant to tell him why I've been acting different lately especially towards Jelly.

I don't want him to know the jealousy I've been feeling after I found out that he had developed feelings for Jelly.

"Was my question a bit personal there..?" Josh asked me another question with a concerned and worried tone.

"Kinda.. But don't worry about it.." I replied as I was trying to avoid answering Josh's earlier question right now.

"I still want to know why though..? Why are you being rough towards Jelly..? Did he do something wrong..?" Josh asked as he was still curious about the reason of my recent behaviour especially towards Jelly.

I then went silent again after that question which made Josh even more concerned and worried, I decided to break the silence on my own by answering him..

"I'm sorry Josh.. But I can't tell you.. Not yet..." I answered Josh before I proceeded to hang up the call. I would put my phone down to the side of my couch as I sighed.

I wish he knew, how much I've been hiding these feelings right now for him... I'm just waiting for the right time.. I'll tell him how I feel soon..

» Josh's POV «

I tried to ask Jordi on why he's been acting different only to get cut off when he decided to hang up the call. I didn't expect him to hang up without telling me goodbye as I just sighed and put my phone in my pocket. I proceeded to head downstairs to the dining area where my sister Amelia was.

I would see her eating already not bothering on waiting for me but I didn't mind since she was probably hungry. I went ahead and sat down to eat dinner.

I still wonder.. What's going on with Jordi..? Why is he acting so strange..? I didn't even get an answer from him to why.. It's probably something personal so I guess I won't bother him much about it from the way he acted when I mentioned why he's like this recently.. I'm still curious about it though..

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