Mental Paralysis

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My body is frozen, and my throat is closed up. I watch in fear as I start to see a shadow in the corner slowly morphing into a tall, dark demon. I try to move and scream, but it's no use. Instead, I am

forced to suffer in silence until I can be rescued by an angel shrouded in the brightest of light. As the demon inches closer to me, its true intentions start to show with its tentacles now slowly

slithering up the side of my bed, latching onto me, and wrapping around my body so tightly I can barely breathe. Once again, I squirm, trying to move and scream, but its grip on me tightens

as my mouth hangs open, trying to make a sound, my room door swings open, and I see the others, but they can't see me because they are not ready to see me. Just then, everything starts to get

dark, and i spot a bright angelic light shining in the distance far away and unable to reach me. I stare at it with hope, still desperately trying to escape the demon's grasp when I am suddenly

able to break free. Quickly, I jump up and run towards the light at the end of the dark hallway when I start to realize that no matter how fast i ran, the light seemed to be farther in distance, but i

have no choice but to keep running, hoping to eventually catch up to it because if I stop to think, I won't like what I see, and the demon will catch up to me, forcing me back into its dark

clutches never to see the light of day again. So, for now, I'll try my best not to give up and run.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now