The Man In Macaroni Shoes

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I met a man with an invisible body and macaroni shoes who wanted to talk to me. He said I was his friend and talked with no words. He showed my world and what had become of it, showing me

the past and present together, making a twisted kind of nostalgia. At the end of our talk, he sent me on my way with no final words, only thoughts and feelings. Later that day, when I went back to the

spot where I met the Macaroni Man. Even though he was gone, I could feel his presence lingering in the corner as he had been in my dream. As I went deeper into the place , he showed me

everything became clear to me. As I walked through my childhood remembering the good and the bad, I realized that this is what he wanted me to find since sort of twisted inner peace.

I felt the twisted nostalgia I had one felt before with him and took it in embracing the old memories and feelings while watching it all fade away before me. I spent my whole life in that

scary green roomnot ready to explore the world before me until I finally did. But as always, they were unfinished business, and the macaroni man couldn't let me leave without putting

him to rest along with the rest of my past. I thank the Macaroni Man for making me see everything through his eyes because without him, I would be nothing.

The Dark Ages Vol.3 The End Is Near? [Formerly "Blaring Thoughts"]Where stories live. Discover now