A warning

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Before you decide "Yes, I am going to read this book!" PLEASE heed my warning. 

I do not know what I am going to write. I will be making it up as I go along because I am not trying to take this too seriously. In fact, the only reason I'm writing it at all is because no one wrote a good one so far so now I have to do the honors and actually write it myself. UGH! 

With that in mind, this could end up being a work I do not finish and will forget all about but we will see. I always tend to surprise myself. If you have any suggestions on what I should write next please let me know I will gladly take in the recommendations. 

This may become a book with a mature rating ;) ANOTHER thing I haven't seen yet is smut. A little disappointing fellow fans if I am being honest. But, I may not include any at all. I mean it was the tension that started the ship in the first place. 

So, without further ado, let us begin...

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