Chapter 1

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In any record regarding Hobbits, there is barely any mention of them at all and no mention of female Hobbits at all. But, what is there to say? They aren't that much different after all. Round features, a curly mop on their head, enormous feet with a tuft of hair growing from the top. You couldn't even argue the difference in body as there were plenty of male Hobbits who had bigger bosoms than any female. 

But what Wizard Gandalf saw in one particular Hobbit was not defined by gender but by the difference in spirit. There was a particular twinkle in the eyes that he saw in the young Hobbit. The way her face lit up when he simply asked a question. The way she walked was even different from any Hobbit he encountered. 

And it all started on a crisp spring morning, the morning dew was still wafting through the air and you could smell the flowers blooming. The sun was warm on a certain man's face as he walked along the narrow road. It was a good morning, a morning that breathed and smelt like a new beginning. 

The man continued down the path humming a little tune to himself along his way. He knew exactly where he was going and who he was meeting and without any sign of urgency to accomplish his task, he leisurely strolled the road. As he grew closer to his destination he watched as smoke rings flew above his head. His eyes followed where they were coming from and they landed on a young gentleman lounging in a chair in front of his home

Except this gentleman was no man but a Hobbit. His eyes were closed and his face was turned to the sun, it was clear he was soaking in the little warmth the day would probably bring. When the Hobbit's eyes opened they quickly landed on the stranger in front of him. 

"Good morning." He said awkwardly but only to be polite. Hobbits were polite beings. 

Gandalf smiled at the Hobbit.


A sweet smell was coming from a small Hobbit hole. Cinnamon and nutmeg greeted the man when the small round door was opened after he knocked. The smell made the man chuckle as he looked down at the second young hobbit he now encountered. 

The hobbit before him was a pretty thing, she had olive eyes and rich chocolate hair that spun in ringlets around her head. She looked up at the man at her doorstep with an arched brow. "Good morning, sir, can I help you?"

The man smiled, "Yes, if you could allow me to sit and enjoy a nice cup of tea I would be most grateful. I have had a long journey, you see."

A curious look formed on the young hobbit and she opened the door wider for her guest. "Please, come in."

Her home was smaller than most homes of the Shire but it was beautifully decorated like every hobbit hole. The host led her guest into a small sitting room that had plump cushions and a thick rug on the floor. Complete with a fireplace in the center. The man sat down and he was quickly brought some tea and an assortment of cakes, scones, sandwiches, and fruits. 

"Thank you," The guest said accepting the tea. He took a long sip and set the glass down on the small table in the middle of the seating arrangement. "Do you know who I am?"

The hobbit studied the man before her. He did not appear familiar but his character did, it was as if she knew him all her life. But she did not know any man who wore grey robes and walked with a long wooden staff.  

"I do not, sir." She answered.

"Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Gandalf the Grey. I knew your mother, your namesake." Gandalf said.

The hobbit looked at the Wizard in surprise. "How did you know my mother?"

"I met Belladonna when traveling west. Like you, she let me in and provided me with food and shelter for a little while. I see your brother now owns her house."

"He does. It is for the best, I do not need a home that big."

"I also heard congratulations are in order."

The hobbit blushed and turned away. She still could not get used to the fact that she was soon to be married. It was an arrangement, made on her family's part. If she could have just been a little more like her mother and said no she wouldn't be in this situation. But alas, she was too afraid to voice her worries to her family. And it was now far too late. 

"I see," The Wizard said softly. "Perhaps, I could be of assistance."

The hobbit looked back up at the man before her. Her eyes flashed with hope.

"Belladonna, I am looking for someone who wishes for an adventure."

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