Chapter 5

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Belle woke up before the others woke. She desperately needed to wash up. Never in her life had she ever gone a day without cleaning herself. So decided to venture into the woods by herself to find a source of water. She made sure to bring the soap she packed and a change of undergarments. She did not have to walk too far to find a stream of water. She saw herself in the reflection of the water and winced at her appearance. Belle looked haggard. Her hair was a frizzy mess from the rain and humidity so she started there and washed her hair with soap.

After she felt satisfied that she got all the soap out she washed her face and her body. Stripping off her clothes. She did not like the idea of putting the clothes back on after bathing but she had no choice. She only had one change of clothes that she could fit in her bag and she wanted to wait to change when her clothes were spent. At least she had clean underwear.

When she at last was clean and clothed she turned and froze. There behind her was Thorin. He was still, standing a few yards away and his eyes were pinned on the hobbit. He did not look away and Belle about fainted at the thought that he had watched her change and bathe.

Belle's body became hot and again butterflies swarmed her stomach and she also was terrified. She did not like these intense feelings that engrossed her and she really wished she could run home and cry. She wished to scream but her jaw remained shut.

As they both stood there in silence the feeling of fear turned to anger. And Belle quickly grabbed her stuff and then grabbed a rock. She didn't even process what she was doing before it was too late. She threw the rock at the dwarf. It didn't even hit him and she became even more angry.

So she stomped over to him and screamed at him instead. But it came out as sobbing. "H-how d-dare y-you!" She shoved a finger at his chest which hurt her. "I-I..." She let out a sob and ran away from the dwarf.

Belle ran back to the camp crying. She felt humiliated and angry at the dwarf and at herself. She was confused about what these feelings were but she did not like them and wished not to feel them again. She would stay as far away from the dwarf as possible. She didn't even want to look at him.

Thorin was stuck in the spot where he stood. He did not intend to sneak up on the hobbit. He had woken to find the hobbit missing from the camp and went to seek her out making sure she was okay. He did not know that he would find her naked looking like a water nymph with her wet hair clinging to her skin.

(Author's note: Screaming and vomiting while writing this)

Seeing the sight he knew he should have turned away but he could not bring his gaze away. Her figure had captivated him and he did not move. If only he did, then the hobbit would not have looked at him with such sad beautiful eyes. And even while he was being scolded by the pretty creature he could not help but be mesmerized by her. When Belle left, it dawned on him how stupid and incredibly shameful he behaved.

He should have looked away, he should have turned and snuck back into camp and pretended the whole event had not occurred. He should have apologized after being caught, he should have explained why he went out looking for her. But he did not, and could not.

Thorin grew angry with himself and vowed he would stay away from the hobbit.

Thorin came back to the camp a few moments after Belle. It did not go unnoticed to all the dwarves that Belle came back with red and swollen eyes. Balin and Dwalin had seen how their hobbit had come back from the woods disheveled and teary-eyed and then their king coming from the same direction a few moments later. Both stomped their way over to Thorin ready to scold their king.

Balin started first, "Why is our hobbit crying?"

"What did you do to her?" Dwalin asked, getting straight to the point.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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