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(Wolfy pov)
Aaron went to shower so I sat down on the floor and just started thinking i don't know about what just everything
(10 minutes later)
It's been like 10 minutes maybe 15 Aaron should be done soon hopefully I wanna shower to
Lucas walked through the door I did not want to see him after what happened

Lucas~ hey wolfy I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened and that this girl was making me do it because she had me blackmailed I just wanted to explain and say sorry

Aaron walked out of the bathroom without his eye cover and when I saw his eyes he was raging I have never seen him like that
But what i did not realize is that he didn't have shirt on he was just wearing sweat pants and his hair was all wet

Lucas~ I was just explaining what happened and saying sorry to wolfy i know you would not want me near her so I didn't leave the door way

Aaron~ good now anything else you wanna say or you can leave

Lucas~ one last thing Aaron

Aaron~ what?
Lucas~ you sister is here for a visit
Aaron~ I'll go see her later
Lucas~ ok and I know how you are for wolfy so I have all the men that wanted wolfy dead locked up so you can kill them later
Aaron~ you know me so well
Wolfy~ can I shower now please
Lucas~ awwww without your Boyfriend
Wolfy~ I will kill you
I started to walk towards him when Aaron stopped me
Aaron~ don't
How can one word make me stop what I was gonna do but it's not just a word it's a word from him...
Wolfy~ I'm gonna go shower now
I walked into the bathroom as a was about to get in the shower Aaron walked in covering his eyes and set down some clothes and I got in the shower just in case
Aaron~ I'm trying to find clothes that fit you at stores but clothing stocks are low right now but I found some old shorts again and I'm getting new armor for you and I thought maybe we could go see your old hang out with all your guns and shit

Wolfy~ yeah sounds fun!
Aaron left the room
Why can he be cute and hot at the same time and why do I have feelings for him
I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around me I sat there for a minute waiting to dry
I felt a arm around my waist I knew who it was
Wolfy~ Aaron why are you so clingy
I said laughing a little bit
Aaron just made a mhm noise he must be tired
Wolfy~ what do you want?
Aaron~ you
Wolfy~ excuse me?
Aaron~ you asked what I want and I want you
Wolfy~ you want me?
Aaron again made a mhm noise while resting his head on my shoulder
Wolfy~ ok get out so I can get dressed
Aaron sighed and let go and left
Why did he seem so upset while leaving
I got dressed and walked out
All the lights are off and it's pitch black outside I couldn't see a thing
I started to yell for Aaron then I heard a door open and then I was being pinned against a wall
Aaron~ what do you need
Wolfy~ you
Aaron~ so now you want me?
I started to laugh at his words
Wolfy~ Aaron I wanted to be more than friends once I realized that I had feelings for you I was trying to be like my father that never fell for anyone and was emotionless but he fell for my mom so now I realize that I am in love with you
Aaron~ I have been wanting to hear that for as long as I can remember
Wolfy~ can we go to bed now?
Aaron~ yeah you take the bed I'll take the floor
Wolfy~ nope same bed
Aaron~ I'm not fighting you over this
Wolfy~ good

(Aaron pov)
I woke up to wolfy maybe trying to get comfortable she kept moving around
She kept saying stuff in her sleep I couldn't understand what I sat up and looked at her and she was crying that's when I realized she was having a nightmare
I trained to wake her up nothing was working so I sat up all they way and put her on my lap with her head to my chest
she stopped moving around and stopped crying I fell back asleep after I knew she was ok

And she will always be safe in my arms

(Wolfy pov)
I woke up way to early but Aaron is not here so that's why I can't sleep I walked down the stairs to see everyone sitting on the 3 sofas with a table in the middle I walked over to Aaron
He just looked at me
Wolfy~ if you ever wake up this early again I'm gonna kill you
Aaron~ I woke up like 5 minutes ago do you just know if I leave
Wolfy~ I don't know but I'm hungry I'm gonna make something to eat
Aaron~ if your tired I'll make you something
Wolfy~ I'm good
I turned around to walk away when Aaron grabbed me by my waist and pulling me down onto his lap I just laughed
Wolfy~ you really should start wearing a shirt you might have girls lining up for you
I said that laughing
I have an idea I wanna make him blush
I turned my hole body and straddled him he was already blushing when I did that but I continued
I started to kiss him I know that I was just doing this to make him blush but he leaned into the kiss and I was ok with it
I got up I knew I was not gonna hurt him and he was trying to prank everyone so I was gonna fake hurt him
W e started punching each other then I make it look like I broke his arm and he screamed
We both started laughing so hard
I was laughing to hard to answer
Ava walked down the stairs from her room and walked up to Ethan who was laughing so loud
She kissed him
Wolfy~ y'all are so lucky y'all are not siblings
Ethan~ I'm glad to
Ethan pulled her over to him by her waist
Wolfy~ Aaron what the fuck did you teach him?
Aaron~ uhhhhhhh
Ethan started kissing her
Ethan stopped kissing her just to say
Ethan~ we will
He picked her up and they went up stairs
Wolfy~ aren't they like 13 and 12?
Diana~ yeah
Wolfy~ is that not fucked up?
Diana~ for them no
Aaron~ wait you let a 12 and 13 years old make out but not me and you?
Wolfy~ yeah and they are not gonna make out
Diana~ yes they are
Wolfy~ HUSH
(Keep in mind in older times age wasn't like I huge thing so then making out is normal)
Aaron~ that bullshit
Wolfy~ you act like you wanna make out so bad
Aaron~ I hope you know as soon as I get the chance to put my hands all over you I will
Wolfy~ ooooo so scary
Aaron~ was not meant to be scary
Wolfy~ anyway Diana you want to help me knock down there door?
Diana~ you read my mind
1313 words

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