love birds

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(Wolfy pov)
Me and Diana ran up the stairs to Ethan's room I kicked open the door to Ethan looking at us and Ava in laying down asleep right next to Ethan
Ethan~ leave
Wolfy~ Diana you wanna go get drunk?
Diana~ YES
wolfy~ let's go
Me and Diana walked down the stairs I don't know what Aaron is gonna say to this he gets worried when I do crazy shit 
We made it down the stairs I grabbed my gun and put it in the holder on my belt
Aaron is sitting with Aurora not good they are gonna hate us doing this by the look and Diana's face she new that we might not be able to go
Aurora~ Diana? Where are you going?
She said that in the sweetest voice
Diana~ I'll be back soon
Wolfy~ we are going to go get some drinks ok at the bar we will be back later tonight
Aurora~ I don't know that doesn't seem safe
Wolfy~ Diana is the most trusted gaurd and I am to I promise nothing will happen
Aaron walked up to me a pulled me away from them not far just to where they can't hear us
Aaron~ I really don't want you going
Wolfy~ stop worrying
Aaron~ you know I can't stop worrying about you
Wolfy~ how about this is it gets really late and I'm not back or you get really worried you can come check on me but please don't bring Aurora that's way to dangerous
Aaron~ ok I won't bring her but please be careful
Wolfy~ I'm never careful
Aaron~ but you can be careful for me right?
Wolfy~ maybe
Aaron hugged me
Aaron~ I love you
Wolfy~ I love you to
We let go of each other
Aurora~ Diana please don't go
Diana~ I'll be fine
Aurora started to cry she really does not want her going at all
Diana~ Aurora look at me
She looked at her
Diana~ I will be fine and when I get back we can cuddle or something whatever you want to
Aurora~ ok just please don't get hurt
Diana walked up to me and told me she would wait outside for me
I looked at Aurora
Wolfy~ she won't get hurt I can promise you that
Aurora~ thank you so much wolfy!
I smiled and went to another room and put on armor just slightly scare others I grabbed my gun again I had to take it out to put on armor
I walked out the castle to meet Diana
She was waiting like aways she had armor on to we had the same idea probably we got the horses and started a slow trot I was on hero with no saddle Diana is riding champion

10 minutes later
We finally got to the bar and tied the horses when we walked him everything was loud with people talking but that fine I'm glad Aaron is not here he would be begging to go home because of how loud it is I sat down at a bar stool and my and Diana where taking shots like no other with no hesitation either about 7 shots in we were both so fucking intoxicated 7 shots and a ton of beers
It's about maybe 11:30 at night
Some guy walked up to me
Guy~ hey you look really hot just wondering if we could go somewhere else
Wolfy~ no
Guy~ don be like that your so hot show it off
He put his hand on my waist
I didn't like it the only person the can touch my waist is Aaron he is soft and gentle I want this man away from me
He lowered his hand near my thigh
I want Aaron
I can't stop thinking about if I go with this man he would hate me for life
Diana left a while ago since she wanted to go see Aurora there little girlfriend she is super sweet to
I felt a arms around my waist again but soft and gentle it was Aaron thank god
Guy~ what the hell man I had her
Aaron~ you are making her uncomfortable be a man and love a woman for who she is not for her body it's fucked up
Guy~ whatever
He rolled his eyes and walked away
Wolfy~ I'm so sorry
Aaron~ when Diana came home without you I got worried but after like 45 minutes without you coming back I decided to come here and while you were gone I took a shower cause you said it helps you relax
Wolfy~ I wanna go home I feel like shit
Aaron~ ok hero has been waiting outside he seems worried maybe you should stop coming here for a while atleast
Wolfy~ your right I'll just pick up beers from time to time instead of staying
I turned around and Aaron picked me up in the air and I wrapped my legs around him with the hole bar staring at us
Wolfy~ I'm glad you put a shirt on for this
Aaron~ would you rather me take it off?
Wolfy~ I was not saying that I was just saying-
I was cut off when Aaron kissed me
He set me down still kissing me
I pulled away from the kiss and got on hero
Aaron~ I don't think hero likes it when you drink
Hero made the biggest sigh ever like he was telling me not to drink anymore
Wolfy~ I don't drink that often I'll just drink maybe once a month or not at all
I looked around and i saw the moon it was full
Aaron~ why didn't you punch that guy when he walked up to you? It's just not like you to let that happen and not kill them?
Wolfy~ I don't know I just froze
(Aaron pov)
I really want to go back in that bar and kill that man wait no man that boy he's a fucking child for acting like that to a woman
Aaron~ do you want me to kill him?
Wolfy~ what?
Aaron~ I will go back in there and kill that man if you want me to
Wolfy~ no let's just go home I feel almost sick and I'm so tired
Aaron~ ok let's go

(Wolfy pov)
I was on hero and Aaron was on his horse a chestnut quarter horse big horse for its breed

(At the castle)
Aaron got off his horse and I got off of hero
As we started to walk away hero followed us
Wolfy~ hero go the pen
He shook his head no
Aaron~ it's fine he can come inside
Wolfy~ sorry about him when he gets worried about me to much he follows me everywhere
Aaron~ it's fine let's go
Hero followed us in side
I saw Diana laying on the couch passed out
Aurora laying on top of her
Wolfy~ that's honestly really cute
Aaron~ at-least that demon found someone and will hopefully stop chasing me everyday
Wolfy~ she will stop chasing you I won't though
Aaron~ it's fine if you chase me
Wolfy~ you won't be able to stop me though ima chase you everywhere to make you embarrassed
Aaron~ I think I have a way to make you stop
He said that then laughed a little
Wolfy~ like what
Aaron~ something like kissing you
Wolfy~ I'm never chasing you ever like never
Aaron~ you don't want me to kiss you?
Wolfy~ I did not say that I just thought you would kiss me any time you wanted to
Aaron~ I would
Wolfy~ I would have known
I laughed
But I felt really sick all of a sudden yeah I was sick before but this was worse I was in so much pain I fell to the floor I wrapped my arms around my stomach in pain
Aaron~ wolfy! Are you ok!
I could. It say anything I was in to much pain
Aaron picked me up
I wrapped my arms around his neck
He brought me up stairs but after that I blacked out....

The next day
I woke up and it's was still dark out so I knew it was late but I felt a arm around my waist it was Aaron I'm sure he never left my side for however long I was passed out he had his heading laying on my chest I started playing with his hair and layed my head back on my pillow and fell asleep
I knew he woke up when I started playing with his hair,I just smiled
I wanted to stay like this forver
But what happened??
What made me black out?

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