After years i cant stop think about him...

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6 years later
(Wolfy's pov)
I woke up this morning to the horses playing outside with a calf they found I ran out to them to look at the calf
I walked up to him and started to pet him when another cow rammed me to the ground I got up as fast as a could grabbed the calf and put him in a fence and what I believe is the mother ran in as well I left them alone to settle down there is no other cows around so I can't leave them out there by them selfs I went back inside to put on my mask and get ready to go to the nearby village

I packed up hero's saddle bags and started her journey to the nearby village

6 hours and 58 minutes later
It's late now so I might have to stay here for the night getting I was getting stuff from the town something caught my eye it was a poster
Saying something about her old village
Dropping stones village
The king has fallen and the prince will now take his place as king

Aaron? He is gonna be king I should go there
To make sure everyone is ok
No wait they will think I'm coming back for good
Wait no I need to go but I'm secret no one will know check in one everyone
I looked down on my wrist the bracelet
Ethan, Aaron, Diana, my siblings, mom
It's time I go back home
After almost 7 years I need to go back

Back then when we were all kids it has changed since then they don't need me anymore but I need to go back

(Aaron's pov)
It's been almost 7 years since I have seen her or heard her voice I wonder if she is still alive
Yeah she is she told me she will come back
She told Ethan the same thing Ethan is 12 now and doing great in training but he told be he wants to be king and a guard to he said someday but I don't want to be king at all
Ethan~ yes sir?
Aaron~ your gonna be king
Ethan~ wait what?!?!?!?
Aaron~ I want to be a a guard not king
Ethan~ so I'm taking your place?
Aaron~ yes
Ethan~ is this because of wolfy?
Aaron~ no it's not I just don't want to be king
Ethan~ I want her to come back she is like the only one that knows what you truly feel when i don't how you feel you know what when do I become king?
I started to cry with him bringing up wolfy
Ethan~ oh Aaron I'm so sorry I did not mean to bring her up I'm sorry
I wiped my tears off my face
Aaron~ I set up the ceremony for tomorrow
Ethan~ oh alright and again I'm sorry
Aaron~ it's alright Ethan grab Lucas for the ceremony and we can start
I thought to myself I wonder what happened to her if she is alive if she is ok last time I saw her she was 12 she puked be 19 now.

(Diana pov)
As we got ready for the ceremony I sat outside the gates of the castle one leg on a pillar and one on the ground laying my head back on the pillar behind me closing my eyes to rest
15 minutes later
I opened my eyes when a woman ran up to me hugging me tightly not letting me go I grabbed her along with my gun not to hurt her for safety
New girl~ please help me I came from another village guards are chasing me
She is bleeding from her eye
Diana~ which one of them fucking did this to you
New girl~ brown hair tall no scars
Diana~ stay here I'm gonna go deal with this
New girl~ oh ok I'll wait here
She let go of me and I had rage in my head I wanted to kill this man who would hurt someone like her from what she is wearing she must be a maid I found the man that she described
I shot him strait in the head along with the others I shot one in the leg to get information out of him
I picked up the man up off the ground that I had shot in the leg brought him to a tree and tied him up to it I grabbed my dagger ready to get information out of him I put the dagger to his throat
Diana~ why are you here chasing someone?
Random guard~ I was sent the catch her after she ran from are village and the king of are village wants her back at the castle because she is are maid and the king wants her back there please don't kill me
Diana~ I might if you don't tell me why he is so desperate for her to come back to your castle
Random guard~ I don't know but I can figure it out for you I'll go back there and figure it out
I promise I'm not a bad person I was not even gonna catch her I was trying to get her away from them and I know it's hard to trust people but please let me go and I'll find out why
Diana~ we keep her here
Random guard~ yes of course
Diana~ deal
I let them go and they ran off to there village I think, I don't believe they are gonna come back but I hope they do I wanna know why he is so desperate to have her back in the castle
I walked back to the castle to see the girl sitting behind the pillar I was resting on she was crying I don't blame her she reminds me of a mush room to she has a little charm in her hair of a mushroom
Brown hair blue eyes like me a bleeding scar near her eye
She is wearing a maid outfit
I walked up to her and picked her up
Diana~ so what's your name?
Girl~ my name is aurora
Diana~ cute name
Aurora chuckled a little
Aurora~ what's yours scary guard
Diana~ my name is Diana
Aurora~ that's a nice name!
Diana~ thank you!
I started walking into the castle with her in my arms she is cute adorable even
Aurora~ wait where are we going?
Diana~ to take care of your eye
Aurora~ that's sweet but I need to find a place
Diana~ your staying with me
Aurora~ you already have done enough I
Don't need anymore
Diana~ so much stuff just happened i don't want you around anyone else
Aurora~ but everyone here is super nice
Diana~ well I don't trust anyone except my best friend and I believe she is dead now
Aurora~ ok I'll stay with you
Diana~ thank you
Aurora~ my eye kinda hurts can we go get bandage now
Diana~ of course sorry
She laughed a little bit
We went to the guards room it's a room for guards to rest eat or put stuff down it has a ton of bandages for any cuts
I set Aurora down on a chair and looked for a good bandage to use
Something came to my mind when wolfy got her eye scar she used a certain bandage because she said it heals faster
Diana~ how fast do you want the scar to heal?
Aurora~ uhhh I don't know fast I guess
I started to search in a panic
Aurora~ calm down why are you panicking
I started to have a panic attack thinking about wolfy I don't even know if she is ok
Aurora~ oh my DIANA SNAP OUT OF IT
She started to cry
I grabbed her
She buried her face in my neck
Where is she
Where the fuck are you wolfy I need you

(Aaron pov)
I thought to myself
where are you wolfy
Why did you leave

(Wolfy pov)
It's to early to go back they are doing so much better without me anyway
After years I can't stop thinking about

1374 words bitches
I'm done with this 😭😭😭
I'm really not I'll make a ton more
Bye ✌️

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