Im fine

10 0 4

Wolfy woke up and looked for her parents she did not expect to see them they work a lot a little to much her family is poor but they have a house so it's not terrible she has a bed and food and a roof over her head that's all she can ask for plus she has hero her horse 18 hands black draft horse he's only 4 wolfy is 12 her and hero are besties never apart they love the forest it's their happy place Wolfy walked outside and saw hero waiting near a tree not to far from the house he's huge easy to see him bu t in the dark it's impossible he's all black
Wolfy~ well I guess it's time to head to work hero you ready
Hero put his ears back like he was mad
Wolfy~ hey boy I get it I hate the job to but as long as we protect the king we should be fine and might be able to get a better house for are family so let's get it over with
Hero let loose and let Wolfy jump on him she does not put on his saddle for today why bother they give a saddle to wear for work anyway and armor so no point to grab it they galloped away to the castle and you might be wondering why is a 12 year old working as a guard and the answer is money and talent to work there she had to kill 6 grown ass men she did her parents taught her everything she needs to know plus she protects the prince not the king and she is glad the prince is her friend the king on the other hand is ok Wolfy does not know him well the princes name is Aaron and he has two guards they are both 12 and Aaron the prince is 13 Diana is the other guard Wolfy's other bestie
Wolfy put hero in the stall for some workers to tack him up the workers love hero he is the most silly horse they know
And his story was amazing in their eyes
His story is well different he saved Wolfy from a crazy man getting stabbed himself almost died to he is ok now as you can tell but that's how he got his name the workers love his fluffy feet to well anyway Wolfy got ready to Guard the prince her and diana just stand at Aaron's doorway her and Aaron are like best friends but they don't know each other well she just met him to besties at first sight I guess Wolfy covers her eyes he has a scar on her lip it's small but she got cut with a knife as a kid it's fine now Wolfy went to work standing at a door way waiting for Aaron to do something
Aaron came out of his room and was just talking to Diana he asked her to come help him with something
Aaron~ hey Diana can you come here really quick
Diana~ keep guard Wolfy I'll be back
Wolfy~ ok
Wolfy stood guard for 5 minutes when she heard something down stairs screaming
Wolfy ran down the stairs it her dad
The king~ you have been caught doing WITCHCRAFT ON MY LAND YOU WILL BE EXILED i would get your daughter but seem she has already arrived
Diana and Aaron watch from a far
The king~ cut off his head
They cut his head off before she could finish
Wolfy went back upstairs and stood guard Aaron went back in his room
Aaron~ hey Wolfy can you come here
He said while in his room
Wolfy~ Diana please watch the door
Diana~ ok I will
Wolfy~ thank you
She opened the door to Aaron sitting on his bed almost crying
Wolfy~ are you ok sir do you want a glass of water
Aaron~ how are u not bothered YOU JUST WATCHED YOUR FATHER DIE
Wolfy~ I have a job to do sir and tears don't fix anything so I don't cry
Aaron walked up to her and hugged her she did not hug back
Aaron~ you don't deserve this
Wolfy~ I don't care what I deserve or don't deserve but I have a job
Aaron~ Wolfy
Wolfy~ yes??
Aaron~ can you come sit With me
Wolfy~ Umm sure I guess
Aaron~ thank you Wolfy
Wolfy~ your welcome??
They both sat down on Aaron's bed Wolfy asked to lay down and Aaron said it was ok she decided to take a nap Aaron did the same he seemed to sleep well with Wolfy around
They cuddled each other while sleeping and Diana opened the door to make sure they were ok and they are 100% ok
Diana left the room and stood guard all day and night they stand guard day and night but at night take breaks and sleep the both get 5 hours every night that's all they needed really
Aaron woke up still with Wolfy in his arms
(They are 12 stop thinking like that 😎📸)
Diana walked into the room
Diana~ well look who is finally up after cuddling with Wolfy
She laughed Aaron blushed
Wolfy started to move around since Aaron let go of her he laid back down with her and she stopped moving he fell back asleep
Wolfy woke up first this time she got up fixed her mask it's covering her eyes so it's not covering her hole face easy to handle no one has seen her eyes I wonder why she walked out of the room
Diana~ have a fun cuddling sesh
She said laughing
Wolfy~ haha very funny your turn to sleep
Diana sat down on the floor and slept
Wolfy was thinking of Aaron
Did she like him or something???

They are 12 young love ❤️
1008 words for this chapter currently 1:33AM goodnight bitches 💕✌️

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